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Too much Cartel Market


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Hello everyone, i would like to stress that this is not a flame post i love swtor and very much enjoy it, that said i will get to less pleasant topic.

Im sure its already been said but Cartel Market is dangerously taking over the game, at the start i took it as an innocent way to get some unique items, which i suppose is fine, it works well everywhere else. As time flew tho, it became a bit more than that and my frustration grew over the top when the customization "patch" hit.

Before i get more into it, let me say, adding Cartel Market stuff is NOT A CONTENT! It is not, i do understand you have to make money off of it, but adding milion packs and armours and stuff like that, that is otherwise impossible to get anywhere else is just wierd, and considering adding things to cartel market as content is even more so.

Now, what really upset me, is that, as a subscriber, i am supposed to be able to use and enjoy everything the game has to offer for free, aside for my subscription. Than explain to me, why the entire "Patch" and i use the word very loosely, of customization is only available through the Cartel Market, it doesnt make sense. You add several new hair styles, some dyes but eveything (except a few dyes) are only available through the Cartel Market... thats like saying, thanks for paying our game, here is new patch but you have to pay for it again, anyways, thank you, come again. The same goes for Cathar race, and this really ticks me off, i thought this race will be playable with 2.0 but no, it wasnt untill now and YOU STILL HAVE TO BUY IT! Even as a subscriber you cant use it without buying, what good is content, new things if you have to spend money on getting it, even tho ur already spending money on paying the game, what the hell. And again, same goes for the appearance designer, WHY tell me why would you pay cartel coins to change ingame looks... makes absolutely no sense. That is supposed to be payed by credits. I cant stress enough how upsetting this all is without use curses and swear words, but it is stupid, it is big F..U to your players and if this is the way cartel market will keep going than i do not want to be part of this game anymore.

You added achievements to this game, but they are just points, you are not actually achieveing anything, there is no reward whatsoever for doing achievements. Why is that? Because everything unique you create is going to Cartel Market so you have to pay for it. Give us some sort of feeling that we are achieving something when we are doing achievements, put new mounts or at least pets, unique hats or something into fps, or to world bosses, hidden places or for achievement unlocks, it doesnt have to be anything substantial, for example if you finish lvling all characters from your family tree to 55 (on rep side or imp side) give us a ring for for the married couples, or a picture of the family to our ships, stuff like that. If you finish getting companions rep to max give them special expression or a hug or a thumbs up or a kiss emote they can do, little things.

So to summ up, it is ok to use Cartel Market, as a sort off place to sell special things that will be unique and not available anywhere else in the game, yes, but not everything. You can use it, but do not over use it please. It is not ok to put everything there, every single unique thing you create is going to market instead of for example achievements that would not only sorely need it, but it would fit there better. And lastly do not put things that are supposed to be content, part of Patch on the cartel market. Those things are supposed to be available, you should not have to unlock them.

Please Bioware i beg you, i am devoted fan and it pains me that i had to really restrain myself from using cursing and swear words to write this article. I understand you need money and Cartel Market is ok way to do it, but this is pushing it too far, content is content and funny things on market are just that, you should separate those two and never cross the line.

EDIT: Also, please dont even try to do the Cartel Market thing again with the new companion. I have read that you will have to pay 1mil to acces him, which is still stupid but at least acceptable, having to buy it on Cartel Market would not be. Since when you need to pay money for companions to join you, they used to have a story and wanted or not wanted to join you out of their volition, this is abusing the system and taking the joy out of the new companion. Please if you want us to pay Credits for the companion, make it at least beliavable, like we need to buy her out of slavery or something. No Cartel Market i beg you. At least not for subscribers.

Edited by Sorens
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adding Cartel Market stuff is NOT A CONTENT!

Since when you need to pay money for companions to join you,



I just wanted to make a few points to you , This game has gone F2p " and that's how cartel market is content for f2pers. When a game goes f2p , it just makes since to have paid items and paid to use skills in game. But as a suber you never have to use cartel coins "EVER" but they do you give you free coins as a paid player every month


. 2nd thing is , you don't have to pay to get the ewok companion . They have said it will have a few ways of getting her . Just the cartel op will let you get her right away , but your always free to quest to get her .

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Yea i know it makes sense for f2p people or prefered status, but its not true you dont have to buy anything as subber, as i pointed out, the customizations need to be bought even as a subber, Cathar race needs to be bought as well and the appearance designer is payed in Cartel Coins also.

Also, no it is not a content, those are things that are for making ur character look unique, it has nothing whatsoever to do with actual gameplay, the fact that they add things on cartel market, is not a content on its own, since you wont gain anything new for playing, you can just buy new stuff. Its like if they made a dlc for single player where you can buy new clothes for your character for real money, that is not content. Its eyecandy, thats all.

Cartel Market is for everyone, doesnst matter if ur subscriber or a f2p player, my point is that some stuff should not be on Cartel Market, namely the stuff that is part of game patches. Like the Cathar, why they should be bought even if ur a subscriber.

The points of being a subscriber is, that all ingame content should be available to you as it is released, thats why you pay for it :)

Yea i have read that, thats why i wrote that i hope they wont do it only thru cartel market :) at this point it wouldnt surprise me, but at least for subscribers she should be found thru quests :)

Edited by Sorens
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erhm you do know that you can buy EVERY SINGLE ITEM IN OF THE CARTEL STORE on the GTN, right?


Just need to play the game and gather credits for the stuff you want. Even the additional hairstyles and all that can be bought that way.


the only thing I do have an issue with is character customisation in game. That can only be done with cartell coins as it is, and I do feel they should add the option to use credits for this.

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erhm you do know that you can buy EVERY SINGLE ITEM IN OF THE CARTEL STORE on the GTN, right?


Just need to play the game and gather credits for the stuff you want. Even the additional hairstyles and all that can be bought that way.


the only thing I do have an issue with is character customisation in game. That can only be done with cartell coins as it is, and I do feel they should add the option to use credits for this.


So you're telling me that no one has to spend real cash in order for them to spawn in the game? Pls. It's getting harder to find someone to buy you stuff from cm and many times, once they do, they want some over the top amount of credits.

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Do I really need to point out that they have separate teams for the Cartel Market and to create new content? :rolleyes:

I have skimmed your post and I saw you mentioning the Cathar, and how you have to pay for it - probably along with the point that they were originally going to be free.

Sadly that original plan got scrapped when they went F2P, but also keep in mind that in the original plan you weren't given "free" Cartel Coins every month, so why exactly are you feeling ripped off?

In the original plan you would've gotten the Cathar for "free" as part of your original subscription; now you can still get them for "free" by using the points you get every month - and on top of that you get to spend those points any way you like on all the months that don't have a new race added to the game.

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You maybe interested in a brand new Cartel Market Item. It's the amazing Carriage Return, Line Feed item. Once you've purchased it, it automatically gets added to your collection and you can retrieve a new copy whenever you want. Buy now and make your posts look good.
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Yea i know it makes sense for f2p people or prefered status, but its not true you dont have to buy anything as subber, as i pointed out, the customizations need to be bought even as a subber, Cathar race needs to be bought as well and the appearance designer is payed in Cartel Coins also.


All stuff you can get with your monthly points.

If you CHOOSE, pay careful attention to that word; "choose", to spend those points on Cartel packs or other stuff to sell in game for credits, that is your choice to make - but you could've just as easily picked up the Cathar.

Edited by Callaron
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Honestly i would rather not get any Cartel Market points than having to use them to buy stuff that should be in the game anyways :) As it was pointed out, if i really wanted to buy something badly, i would find it on GTN.


But to your point, i get what you mean, but still, if im not mistaken you are getting 400 cartel market points a month, maybe 300, not sure, Cathar costs 600 if i remember correctly, customization costs about 150 i think, if you want unique dies, thats a few more cartel coins again. Thats a wait of about 2-3 monts, maybe more if you want to buy everything. So after about 3 months from the patch that added this to game you can actually have those items :) Not very appealing.

Also, i dont want to sound like i am ungrateful, but i always thought the cartel pointst were as a thanks that you are staying a subscriber, even tho you can be a f2p player, not that its a sorry from Bioware, for putting things to Cartel Market.

Again id like to point out, i actually like the game, and i do enjoy it very much, thats why i pay subscription, and again that i try to understand and see it from EA and Bioware point of view. But these things are over the top imo. I will say it again and you dont have to agree with me, i only wrote it in hopes that someone from Bioware will read it any think on it. You should not have to buy content that is supposed to be already in game, from cartel market.

Edited by Sorens
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I get 550 cartell coins every month, just need to have saved 50 from previous months to get the cathar that month they came out.


And you can unlock them with credits, people offer the unlock for sale on the GTN.


Yes, some things can get expensive on GTN but thats why you should wait at times, or keep gathering funds. Unless you want a black/black dye, anytthing is pretty much in reach.

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Yup! That's right! You know that new outfit that you've been asking for, for like, forever? It's available on the CM!


Don't worry though, subber! You still get it free! You know how before we'd come out with a new outfit, and boom, you could have it? Now you just have to save your free CC we give you for THREE months, to afford it!


Or, yeah, we know, used to make it available in game and then you could start trying to get it THAT DAY! But don't worry, now you can keep on trying for it with those FREE CC we give you. Yeah, it's only enough to try for it THREE TIMES EVERY TWO MONTHS! Don't worry though, WE MADE IT RARE! This way you'll likely have to keep trying for months and months, maybe even YEARS before you get it!


Or, you know, another player could, if they so desire, buy it for you and sell it to you in game for unreasonable amounts of credits, if they even decide to sell it. Hell, people may not even get enough from the CM to keep up with demand!


Yeah, sure, before you ran content to get the item you wanted, sometimes even running it multiple times in hopes for the drop, but this is much MUCH better, because we're AWESOME like that and know you think it's best to get all that loot FREE, because it's totally free, because we give you free CC that doesn't amount to what it used to take to get in game, but is now much harder to obtain without paying extra...it's like a new mini game! YAY!

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The dyes I agree with, they are a horrible implementation IMO, as for your monthly points - I think it's 500 CC for a base subscription and up to 600 for like a six monthly or so? Add in another 100 CC from your authenticator and it really isn't that hard to get something like the Cathar, especially since they announced the price long before they went live.

Also, not every new outfit and such goes to the Cartel Market - a lot of them also go to the rep vendors, such as the Section X armor and the upcoming Czerka and Bounty Hunters armors and weapons, and no doubt the new operations that are coming with 2.4 will also bring in new armor sets.

No worries. :)

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But to your point, i get what you mean, but still, if im not mistaken you are getting 400 cartel market points a month, maybe 300, not sure, Cathar costs 600 if i remember correctly, customization costs about 150 i think, if you want unique dies, thats a few more cartel coins again. Thats a wait of about 2-3 monts, maybe more if you want to buy everything. So after about 3 months from the patch that added this to game you can actually have those items :) Not very appealing.


500 (or more depending on your sub) a month, also another +100/month if you have a security key (iphone app works too) installed. So technically you can have the Cathar unlocked in one month if you choose.



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But to your point, i get what you mean, but still, if im not mistaken you are getting 400 cartel market points a month, maybe 300, not sure, Cathar costs 600 if i remember correctly, customization costs about 150 i think, if you want unique dies, thats a few more cartel coins again. Thats a wait of about 2-3 monts, maybe more if you want to buy everything. So after about 3 months from the patch that added this to game you can actually have those items :) Not very appealing.


I get 700 a month. 600 from my 6 month sub and 100 for the security key.


Also, i dont want to sound like i am ungrateful, but i always thought the cartel pointst were as a thanks that you are staying a subscriber, even tho you can be a f2p player, not that its a sorry from Bioware, for putting things to Cartel Market.


It's an inducement to stay a subscriber yes, but it's also a means for subscribers to participate in the Cartel Market without spending money out of the game.


Again id like to point out, i actually like the game, and i do enjoy it very much, thats why i pay subscription, and again that i try to understand and see it from EA and Bioware point of view. But these things are over the top imo. I will say it again and you dont have to agree with me, i only wrote it in hopes that someone from Bioware will read it any think on it. You should not have to buy content that is supposed to be already in game, from cartel market.


They are making a lot of money on this. I wouldn't expect many changes.

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