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You know what I'd love to see?


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So I'm not a founder of SWTOR, nor do I claim to be an expert. My friend who told me about this game, though, was a founder. From what he tells me, PvP players have been neglected from day 1, and the biggest kick in the cobblers they ever administered was when they yanked ranked warzones from patch 1.2 30 minutes before it went live.


Since I'm fairly new to the game still, I don't have much reason to whine about any class mechanic or anything because I don't know what they used to be like. I would have never guessed that watchman sentinels were the thing to be in 1.2, but from all of the posts I've been seeing this afternoon concerning 2.4, I would LOVE... LOVE to see what the PvE players would do if BioWare yanked those two operations from 2.4 30 minutes before it went live, and instead added in 2 new full size warzones, ranked season 1, and make the new arena gear look not like a recolor of current conq gear, but a whole new skin. If all the PvE players got for 2.4 was the new story line, and PvP got 85-90% of the attention, 30 minutes before the patch goes live, THAT would be something I would pay to see.

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Ah, totes did not know that. It does seem though that not a lot gets done as far as the developers go. I actually believe that the team is lacking in staff numbers. Hopefully they can make enough guap from Cartel purchases to hire more staff members.
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