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Destination choices on the Orbital station vessel's.


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Okey this is going to sound like another "whining-thread" but not the case, im just confused about this.


So I have once again managed to click the wrong button at the Orbital station vessel and ported right back to my own ship. One face palm later I was walking back the same way I just came from two minutes ago and then it hit me, why is this option even in the game?


I mean, I see why it excist down on the planet itself, it makes it alot easier to make it of the planet (love the feature) but why on the way down? I mean, how many people is chillaxin in a Orbital station? And if I for some reason changes my mind and want to go back to my ship, (how often does that happen) can't I just run back the way i came from? Even if you happen to be closer to the vessel when u change your mind it's still not a long way back :p


I am not bashin on the game or anything, just thought to myself why it's even in the game, is anyone using it? I can bet many creds on that its more people who missclicks in the panel than people acctually want to go back to the ship where they came from 20 sec ago.

Edited by Snoizer
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So don't click on your own ship. Problem solved.


When going back up, however, the option is useful. I really don't want a pit stop at the orbital station, so if I can click on "Your ship" I can save a few minutes. Now you want a completely separate incidence just to save you from being "confused"--again. Bioware has to call yet another separate subroutine just because you can't read.


Yet another example of people blaming Bioware for their own stupid mistakes. There's nothing broken here. You just were not paying attention.

Edited by MSchuyler
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So don't click on your own ship. Problem solved.


When going back up, however, the option is useful. I really don't want a pit stop at the orbital station, so if I can click on "Your ship" I can save a few minutes. Now you want a completely separate incidence just to save you from being "confused"--again. Bioware has to call yet another separate subroutine just because you can't read.


Yet another example of people blaming Bioware for their own stupid mistakes. There's nothing broken here. You just were not paying attention.


You should probably get over yourself.


The OP already implied he wasn't paying attention. I agree he brings up a good point. I don't see the point of an orbital station in the first place. Just another loading screen.

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So don't click on your own ship. Problem solved.


When going back up, however, the option is useful. I really don't want a pit stop at the orbital station, so if I can click on "Your ship" I can save a few minutes. Now you want a completely separate incidence just to save you from being "confused"--again. Bioware has to call yet another separate subroutine just because you can't read.


Yet another example of people blaming Bioware for their own stupid mistakes. There's nothing broken here. You just were not paying attention.


There's certainly no need to write such a jerky response. The OP wrote a well though out post that posed a question about an option that confused him. As a community we have FAR too few people who are able to write anything but a complaint thread and you just jump on them while offering nothing productive. Sheesh.


OP: I have often wondered the same thing myself. I guess there could be players out there who suddenly decide they need to grab something from their ship locker, but I think it is more likely that it was just easier to use the same code and not write something different.

Edited by Blankstare
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If players had their way with the game design... everyone would have a 7/24 insta-port to ship, on a 30 second timer.


Bioware has tried to make ship access more readily available over time.. and this is one result of that.

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Personally, I like it.

There have been many occasions where I've been closer to the terminal and can just quickly pop into my ship than making the long run all the way back down the airlock.


As for the "why" part... I would imagine it's because all of the terminals are part of the same system and it's essentially 3 buttons on an elevator.

It's easier to put the onus on you to make sure you press the right button than it is to go in and reprogram each specific control panel to behave differently.

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So don't click on your own ship. Problem solved.


When going back up, however, the option is useful. I really don't want a pit stop at the orbital station, so if I can click on "Your ship" I can save a few minutes. Now you want a completely separate incidence just to save you from being "confused"--again. Bioware has to call yet another separate subroutine just because you can't read.


Yet another example of people blaming Bioware for their own stupid mistakes. There's nothing broken here. You just were not paying attention.


Wow did you even read my post?


I guess what you other guys say, that its probably easier in coding. Would be possible to remove tho, but apperently some people like it :)

Edited by Snoizer
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Wow did you even read my post?


I guess what you other guys say, that its probably easier in coding. Would be possible to remove tho, but apperently some people like it :)

Most likely, nearly all (if not all) shuttles use the same function for transfers between the planets and stations. Its much easier to do it that way than to create a separate transfer function for each and every shuttle in the game. Also, would take up less space in the program code which results in the program, as a whole, taking up less space on your hard drive.


Don't let people like that first responder get to you. Some folk type before they think. A few of them fail to think all together.


Fortunately, most people tend to think before they type.

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