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Spreadsheet DPS Powertech 2.0+ for gear optimazition


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I worked out a spreadsheet for vanguard/powertech to optimize DPS here:


Updated 2.4






Pre 2.4




This involves seven independent sheets for seven builds: three Assault/Pyro, three Hybrids and Tactics/Adv Prototype. In each sheet, all you need to do is input your stats and your parse data like number of hits from each abilities. After that you can check the calculated ability´s tooltip dmg and ofc estimate DPS with pinpoint accuracy (match over 95%).


As I know the difference between Vangaurd and Powertech is max/min basic weapon damage (Cell B8 and B9), but average is the same. Further vanguard hits 7 times with each hammer shot and powertech 5 times with each rapid shot. So these are the differences between vanguard and powertech spreadsheeet.



The keyword is: "What average DPS you should have done with another gear/build."



The objective is definitely NOT to create a MB large file with all kinds of stuff from swtor universe (sry, don't feel like it), but a clear and simple file of a few KB which is readily accessible. I´ve already done a similar spreadsheet for all of sniper´s builds. For a detailed description of formulae I used, check that thread at my sig. Assumed you know how to work with excel/openoffice/googledoc(basicly no difference), then you can sequentially achieve following things:



  1. Calculate DPS with the help of parse, find out the max-output build/rotation
  2. Find out the best gearing and scale stats out of DPS(power, aim, crit, surge, barrel dmg)
  3. Decide which skill points for which build are optimal



There are many advantages of using parse. First of all, unlike a preset formula for rotation, you dont have to consider any kind of proc chaining like Ionic Accelerator or ability´s CD or your own reaction time, but basically only number of hits from each ability in any real combat. All this information can be indirectly read from parse. Say an ability has a good DPS but very long CD. Then it wont be on top of dmg. This makes calculation much easier but principally more realistic. Since parse reflects movement and dynamic during a fight. Ammo/Heat management is not considered in this sheet. However you should have a solid rotation before starting parse analyse at all. Othwerwise you can imporve it afterwards.






How to use it?




  1. First of all, free for download in all kinds of spreadsheet format! I´ll inform you about each update
  2. Choose the right sheet (build in hyperlink) and input your gear stats from cell B1 to B11. All this infomation can be read from your ingame character sheet. Simply mouseover your Bonus Damage, Accuracy, Critical Chance, Critical Multiplier and Main-/Offhand. Otherwise try web-builder askmrrobot Preset in spreadsheet is optimized for max-output. For gear modification, you can use "change crit/power mod 31, surge/accuracy enhancement 31 and pri-stat/accuracy augment 28" from cell G11 to G13. For any other stats than preset simply edit cell B1 to B11.
  3. Input your total damage done, average DPS, total hit number and % miss chance from your parse at cell B22 to B25. First two inputs are for calc of combat length, last two for calc of relic´s DPS. Underworld power proc and click are preset. Try Relic DPS calculator for any other relics.
  4. Input how many times Battle Focus/Explosive Fuel activated(cell F18) and how many times any kind of power adrenal used (cell F21&F22)
  5. Input target´s defense and if 20% armor debuff was present. Preset is for a boss target without 20% armor debuff
  6. Input number of hits from each ability (row 45 and row 60) from your log at torparse! Abilities are sorted in descending order of damage ranking, according to row 42 or 57 "Average inflicted DPS or DMG per GCD"(left to right, top to bottom)
  7. Done! Now check outputs like estimated DPS and its deviation, Power to DPS conversion and Effective GCD between ability use.





Important Results:


  1. Assumed your rotation loop remains unchanged. According to Spreadsheet, 8-22-16 should be better than 2-22-22 (round 47 DPS higher). For 2-22-22 builds, 2/2 Assault Fire/Firebug should be better than 2/3 Rain of Fire (round 50 DPS difference).
  2. Damage ranking in Hybrid: Retr. Blade > Inc Missile > Flame Thrower > Rail Shot > Rocket Punch > Flame Burst > Shoulder Cannon > Rapid Shot
    Damage ranking in Adv.Prototype: Retr. Blade > Flame Thrower > Immolate > Rail Shot> Rocket Punch > Flame Burst > Shoulder Cannon > Rapid Shot
  3. Conq Eli PvP 4 set boni is better than PvE, but not good enough to balance out the loss of pri stat (10-20 DPS difference)
  4. In all builds 395 accuracy rating should be optimal in end gear, so 109.51% tech accuracy with skillpoints & comp effection.
  5. In all builds aim has prio in gear, so never use power or accuracy augments
  6. In 2-22-22 with 2/2 Assault Fire/Firebug, 2x crit mods 31 with 114 crit rating instead of power mod will increase DPS slightly (about +3DPS). In any other builds included Tactics/Adv. Prototype, 0 crit-rating is optimal.
  7. With 72 end gear, each power converts into 0.34 to 0.38 DPS using real effective GCD which is about 0.2 to 0.3 sec longer than 1.5sec. Otherwise 1 power would be 0.42-0.43 DPS
  8. Each activation of Battle Focus/Explosive Fuel inreases DPS by 23-30, each nano-infused adrenal round 15
  9. Just for theorycrafters: Rain of fire and Triump/BloodTracker from skill tree stack multiplicatively (say 1.3*1.03), all others included high energy cell/cylinder stack additively (say 1/1.3*(1+0.3+0.03) instead of 1.3*1.03). I assumed set boni for +9% HiB/RS stack additively too. But not sure about that, since I dont go PvE.



I´ve alrdy input log data taken from DPS Leaderboard 2.0+ into spreadsheet.


First three sheets are Hybrid 2-22-22: 2/2 Assault Fire/Firebug in first, 2/3 Rain of Fire in second and 8-22-16 in third. They all based on log data from Thoric here. So you can check the DPS difference between these builds. Tactics/Adv.Prototype is based on powertech data from Ka'sumi here. All builds are hyperlinked in sheet. As mentioned all gears are preset for max-output (input at cell B1-B11) on the basis of these logs, so same data in vanguard and powertech sheet. The only modification is at HammerShot/RapidShot (7 or 5 shots each time). So as powertech pls dont be mad about 3x hybrid gear/data from a vanguard friend. Basically we are the same :hope_03: This only makes a small difference in DPS and combat length estimation. This sheet is basicly designed for individual. So I´ll leave to you to input your own stuff. Small remark: The crit chance in most parse I saw is somehow much higher than given in tooltip. Thats why I didnt take log from Mruniverse, its nothing personal.



You are welcome for further questions and suggestions :rak_03:

Edited by X-Boson
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Very interesting. I have to ask if you have your priority wrong though on hybrid. I thought it was RB > FT > IM, since IM is supposed to be situational depending on if you have the heat to spare it. I know you don't take heat into account on the calculations so I wonder if this makes a minor difference.


Also, I was under the impression that through testing the 2/22/22 spec was better than the 8/22/16. I find it interesting that your parse suggests otherwise. I might switch between the two now and see how I can do on the dummy with the two specs.


My only other request at the moment would be if we can get a Pyro sheet just for kicks. I imagine it to be around where full AP is at, but would be interested to see the "theoretical" numbers if everything goes perfect. This *should* be the spec for the "standard" pyro build:



Finally you say that the adrenal only makes a 15dps difference. In practice I find it to be much MUCH more than that, on the order of 200dps. Either I am REALLY messing up my rotation on the times when I don't use the adrenal or something is really off on that calculation. Also, I assume you are taking into account the stims as well? or are you just putting that into the stats on the sheet?


Thanks for taking the time to do this, as it does help to answer/confirm a few things. Namely crit and how much of it we should get. I will be dropping mine down a bit more now :). I am currently at like 160 crit or something, so dropping one enhancement should put me down to around what you were suggesting!

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hi there,


thy for feedback. so..


Very interesting. I have to ask if you have your priority wrong though on hybrid. I thought it was RB > FT > IM, since IM is supposed to be situational depending on if you have the heat to spare it. I know you don't take heat into account on the calculations so I wonder if this makes a minor difference.


The list I shown is only damage ranking, not in terms of rotation prio. IM > FT only means that IM has (slightly) more DPS than 3 stacks of FT. This does not depend on any parse statistics, but only on gear and your target´s defense. Strictly speaking, in 8-22-16 FT should be slightly better than IM. But I´ll leave that, coz it makes easy to copy/paste number of hits between these hybrid sheets.


Also, I was under the impression that through testing the 2/22/22 spec was better than the 8/22/16. I find it interesting that your parse suggests otherwise. I might switch between the two now and see how I can do on the dummy with the two specs.


Logs with gear data (like in spreadsheet or askmrrobot) would be great! Meanwhile I´ll double check the spreadsheet. Frankly speaking, It should be hard to see their DPS difference in statistical fluctuation. However praxis > theory!


My only other request at the moment would be if we can get a Pyro sheet just for kicks. I imagine it to be around where full AP is at, but would be interested to see the "theoretical" numbers if everything goes perfect. This *should* be the spec for the "standard" pyro build:



Sure I can do it, basicly only some copy/paste. A solid parse logs would be nice! Btw I used that build in PvP. :cool: Atm trying 1/1 TD coz heat management from Rapid Venting.


Finally you say that the adrenal only makes a 15dps difference. In practice I find it to be much MUCH more than that, on the order of 200dps. Either I am REALLY messing up my rotation on the times when I don't use the adrenal or something is really off on that calculation. Also, I assume you are taking into account the stims as well? or are you just putting that into the stats on the sheet?


Nano-inf stim was alrdy putting into stats input, forgot to mention it. +200DPS is rlly a lot! In average underworld power proc relic should give you +75 DPS. Take a look at Relic DPS calculator . But Its might be possible that ppl get more DPS from an adrenal. Since crit hits too high any way.


Thanks for taking the time to do this, as it does help to answer/confirm a few things. Namely crit and how much of it we should get. I will be dropping mine down a bit more now :). I am currently at like 160 crit or something, so dropping one enhancement should put me down to around what you were suggesting!


Yeah, but its only +0.23DPS in 2-22-22 with 2/2 firebug referring to log from Thoric. However it would be +4 DPS in any other specs.

Edited by X-Boson
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Update 17.07.13:



  1. Two Assault/Pyro specs added: 4-6-36 and 8-7-31. Theoretically 4-6-36 should be the best full Assault/Pyro spec with AP/TD. Lets say 3/3 Focused Impact/Puncture is presuming. First of all, 2/2 Domolition/PBE should be better than 2/3 OCC/Hyper Fuel. After that 1/1 3% tech crit should be better than either 2/2 +6% HiB/RS or 3/3 +9% Aim. At last +3% Aim is better than +3% HiB/RS. Use 2x crit mod 31 (+114 crit rating) should increase DPS slightly in these builds ( round +1 DPS). 3/3 burnout effect is not considered. I guess this should give u less than 100 extra DPS.
  2. Corrected 2/2 Domolition/PBE into calc (forgot to add that before): This (OCC/Hyper Fuel as well) concerns DoTs of AP/TD, IR/IM, Plasma Cell/CGC and also Pulse Cannon/FT, IP/FB, Fire pulse/Immolate and Exp. Surge/Flame Sweep. Now calculated DPS deviation from real DPS has become much smaller (match over 99%!).


Remark: the parse data I used for Assault/Pyro based on my own PvP logs. I´ve corrected fight length to achieve a "Effective GCD between ability use" of 1.7 sec, just like in other specs. Any other log data than used "Hit numbers from parse" is wrong. But this does not mean the outcoming result is wrong (thats why DPS deviation is so high there), but rather realistic for a dynamic PvP combat. In that case, better consider total damage divided by expected combat length as DPS (simply do "=B21/B26" in any empty cell). Otherwise you will waste too many DPS due to time out of combat. As expected, Assault/Pyro has round 600 lower DPS than Hybrid. It would be nice if someone has a (solid) dummy log to link here. Anyway as mentioned, this spreadsheet is designed to improve individual play style in real combat.

Edited by X-Boson
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Updated Blackbox´s vanguard dummy log here for 8-7-31. Looks very promising with 3% deviation. Estimated 1.47sec effective GCD simply results in difference between Hammer Shot and Rapid Shot. Further I updated 8-8-30 and put the same log in it (check "Pyro_3"). According to calc, this build is slightly better, so 2DPS more. In both builds 3x CRIT mods instead of 2x will increase DPS by 0.6. Edited by X-Boson
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  • 2 months later...

Updated for 2.4


Recalculated for all class ability changes in patch notes, as well as changes which are NOT listed. Damage of Pulse Cannon/Flamethrower and Gut/Retr. Blade has been slightly reduced, while Firepulse/Immolate

does slightly more dmg. You can check ability´s coefficients in spreadsheets before and after 2.4.


Notice I only updated formulas, NOT ability´s hit numbers from parse data which reproduce your DPS rotation during a combat. The first spec Assault_1/Pyro_1 used data from my own wz log, not to compare with other specs which were done on dummy (just didnt had a full Assault/Pyro dummy spec). In fact, you can optimize your DPS on each boss, not only on a dummy.



Based on the old rotations which were read out from pre-2.4 combat logs, 8-22-16 still remains the best spec (open spreadsheet for further details). Now this result could be wrong with new 2.4 rotations. Since ammo cost of Inc Round/Inc Missile is reduced considerably. For that reason you are also welcome to share your solid combat parse here(spec and only on single target dmg!).

Edited by X-Boson
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Thanks :) are your stats calculated with full Underworld?


yep, full optimized UW gear which results in highest DPS. I can upgrade it in DF gear, but cant optimize it correctly without parse data.

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yep, full optimized UW gear which results in highest DPS. I can upgrade it in DF gear, but cant optimize it correctly without parse data.


I see I'm currently full UW with a mix of KD/DF. Would be cool to get some numbers crunched for full DF.

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copy post from vanguard 3rd


thy for that very nice parse,


I now updated for DF stats.


in your full UW gear, using 3x crit (171 crit rating) instead of 2x crit mod (pre-2.4) will achieve best DPS result. Calculated DPS was 2712.04, compare to parse 2790.39 only 2.81% deviation.


Optimized 72 UW gear from spreadsheet



Aim 3167

Power 1182

Cunning 155

Accuracy Rating 395

Surge Rating 395

Crit rating 171

Alacrity rating 0




As for skill points, 1/2 for HiB, 3/3 for +9% aim and 1/1 for +3% tech crit remains the best points distribution for 4-6-36, as used in spreadsheet.



Now all want to see 78 DF gear, first of all best full 78 would look like this (no stim):


Aim 3577 (max, +316)

Power 1605 (max, +252)

Accuracy or Surge Rating 940(max, +150)


Hope no mistake at this point, now with "blue stim" optimized DF stats would be


------------Full Asault/Pyro-------------

Aim 3770

Power 1399

Cunning 155

Accuracy Rating 470

Surge Rating 470

Crit rating 276

Alacrity rating 0

max main-hand basic weapon dmg 863

min main-hand basic weapon dmg 575

main-hand tech power 1151

off-hand tech power 1151


------------Hybrid 2-22-2-------------


Aim 3671

Power 1468

Cunning 155

Accuracy Rating 470

Surge Rating 470

Crit rating 276

Alacrity rating 0

max main-hand basic weapon dmg 863

min main-hand basic weapon dmg 575

main-hand tech power 1151

off-hand tech power 1151




------------Hybrid 8-22-16-------------



Aim 3770

Power 1606

Cunning 155

Accuracy Rating 470

Surge Rating 470

Crit rating 69

Alacrity rating 0

max main-hand basic weapon dmg 863

min main-hand basic weapon dmg 575

main-hand tech power 1151

off-hand tech power 1151



------------Tactic/AP 8-36-2-------------


Aim 3770

Power 1537

Cunning 155

Accuracy Rating 470

Surge Rating 470

Crit rating 138

Alacrity rating 0

max main-hand basic weapon dmg 863

min main-hand basic weapon dmg 575

main-hand tech power 1151

off-hand tech power 1151




In all specs 470 acc to 470 surge rating should be optimal ratio due to their DR, in all kinds of (Full) Assualt/Pyro 276 crit rating should be used. Compare to old UW gear there we have a over 10% dmg increase in full DF gear. Btw, spreadsheet free to download then u can input your own stats.


Im still missing parse from other specs. Anyway as told before hybrid 8-22-16 remains the best spec, (even) using pre-2.4 parses (100-200DPS higher than other specs). Full Assualt/Pyro can now reach the DPS of Tactic/AP.

Edited by X-Boson
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copy post from vanguard 3rd


3.3K DPS 8/22/16...not bad. I haven't played as hybrid for so long, I used to play as 2/22/22. Didn't know the other was better. Interesting considering you lose out on the 30% Surge talent on majority of your rotation!


If I recall the rotation is:


Retrac Blade - Incendiary Missile - Railshot - Flame burst x1/x2 - Railshot (With proc) - Rocket Punch (With Flame Barrage proc) - Rapid Shots (If you will exceed 40 heat) - Flamethrower (With 3 stacks of PFT).


Unless someone can correct me there. Nice work though I appreciate it!

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