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Server question.


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I'm sorry if this question has an obvious answer, but I need to know. I made my character on a west coast server by mistake, I live on the east coast, so will that really affect me to much? I mean, I know the lag and such are most likely as a result of the people flooding in due to the release of the game and such, but I just want to know if I should re-create on an east coast server before I get to far in with my character. Thanks in advanced for any answers.
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Long time ago, I played on a European server from the East Coast (USA) for SWG. There were occasional hickups but since I was not PvPing at the time, what lag there was, was acceptable.


Play the game and if the lag/frame rate is acceptable there is no reason to leave.


On the other hand, it is still early enough that rerolling on a closer server with smaller queues may be a viable option.

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I have the habit of ending up on a cross country server quite often in MMOs and it doesn't typically bother me personally. It depends on how much of a stickler you are. I bought a DOCSIS 3.0 cable modem and considered buying a Killer NIC and I live with myself just fine being in TX and on an east cost server. I think the west cost servers are just 100 miles away from me too... oh well. :)
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Long time ago, I played on a European server from the East Coast (USA) for SWG. There were occasional hickups but since I was not PvPing at the time, what lag there was, was acceptable.


Play the game and if the lag/frame rate is acceptable there is no reason to leave.


On the other hand, it is still early enough that rerolling on a closer server with smaller queues may be a viable option.


Alright, thank you for the help. I only have about an hour or two on my char. might as well make a new one on a closer server, and if it turns out better, get rid of the first.

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I'm sorry if this question has an obvious answer, but I need to know. I made my character on a west coast server by mistake, I live on the east coast, so will that really affect me to much? I mean, I know the lag and such are most likely as a result of the people flooding in due to the release of the game and such, but I just want to know if I should re-create on an east coast server before I get to far in with my character. Thanks in advanced for any answers.


The main effect that will have is a bit of latency and depending on your playtime and in-game goals it could effect things there as well.


What I mean by that is because it's a west coast server the "prime time" for that server is going to be later because most of the guilds and players are all going to be in the mountain and pacific time zones. What I refer to as "prime time" is the 7-10pm local window, which for you would be more like 10PM-1AM window would be when the server is populated the heaviest and the most events and raids are going to occur, because most of that stuff is scheduled during that server prime time. So if you have a job that has you working evenings, or you tend to stay up late or you don't mind playing when the server population is down some, then you shoudl be fine. Otherwise I'd consider moving.

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