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Next SWTOR Expansion! | What do you want to see?

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Expanded class story is by far the best thing that could be in an expansion.


Updated Companion Stories. Specifically, I would like to see more content with the Padawans and Apprentices that does NOT revolve around romance. The Nadia story was highly disappointing with my Sage who did not romance her.


Guild Flagships!


Updated Taris / Balmorra that allow both factions to access at the same time (but are locked for characters of max level or new leveling range)


Pazaak or Sabacc tables that are found on Nar Shaddaa, Guild Flag ships, and the Fleet. A system that allows players to wager credits or items. The system is similar to trade, place their item in a window and hit accept. The winner receives both items. If a player dcs before a winner can be calculated, items are retured. If a player is losing and dcs or quits the game, it is counted as a forfeit. By far my favorite aspect of KOTR was Pazaak (since I played Old Republic first and heard about all of the twists before playing).


3D Space Combat would be nice but not necessary.

Edited by Truami
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One of the big things I'd like to see added is increased customization with specs. Right now, there's pretty much only 1-2 spec options per advanced class that really work. For instance, if you play a marauder, you're probably either Annihilation or Carnage spec. And chances are you have the exact same build as everyone else inside those specs. There's Really no option for Hybrid or even re-allocating some points, because you will lose a ton of DPS. Maybe they could add a second trio of skill trees you can spec in to, like Neverwinter?


Another, smaller thing is the addition of a Voss Mystic/Voss Commando class. Maybe the Voss healer could actually have more than 1 healing tree.:p

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I'd like to see a full-blown expansion, rather than another mini one like RotHC.


Don't get me wrong, I think RotHC was a pretty good value for the money. I mean, $10 for 5 new levels, new gear, a new planet,a new operation, the seeker droid/macrobinocular chains, and a whole crapload of dailies is a pretty good deal to me. The issue I have with RotHC is that it reduced the variety at endgame. We went from 4 relevant Operations to only 2, and went from I don't even know how many HM Flashpoints to just 4. I'd rather pay $30 - $40 and have it actually increase the amount of endgame content rather than reduce it.


Some things I'd like off the top of my head:


- Level cap to 65 (larger increase than RotHC to reflect greater content)

- Expansion of the class stories (one thing that made swtor unique among MMOs)

- Several new planets, preferably ones that already exist in Old Republic-era lore

- Multiple new Ops and FPs (would like to see greater selection than in RotHC to prevent content from getting stale)

- Revamp current lvl 50 Ops and some lvl 50 HM FPs to new level cap (don't make them part of the gear progression, but have them drop relevant endgame comms and make them challenging again)

- Turn old endgame gear (Tionese/Columi/Rakata and Campaign/Dread Guard) into adaptive shells usable by anyone and have them drop from the revamped Ops.

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  • 1 month later...

I love this game and I play every morning and every evening. In the next expansion I would very much appreciate

1: 5 more levels

2: A new companion for each class

3: A new planet

4: More Flaspoints and Operations

5: Extended class missions

6: Only two toons being needed to start a guild

7: The holodancer that comes with the digital expansion to continue dancing until actively cancelled by the player

8: Gamorrean and Wookie as playable races

9: A middle finger emote

-As an after thought:

10: Some kind of rentable/purchasable abode, mainly for vanity purposes but also to give more personal worth to the BoP items and matching fullsets of equipment.

11: Inclusion of optional food and drink usage similar to that of Fallout: New Vegas. This adds another, deeper layer of realism, but should definitely be optional. (I just obtained some succulent meat and my character really wants to eat it).

P.S. the middle finger emote would be very handy for counteracting the effects of arrogant and selfish gamers who reduce the overall excellent experience of this game.

Edited by mdglytt
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First i wana say my english spelling is no good so be nice.


I want to see a expantion focusing on the class story and companions.

I want us to be able to to create our own companion and lvl it up.

I wana see us doing quests while lvl where we must use more than 1 companion.

And finaly get a bigger ship.

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I love this game and I play every morning and every evening. In the next expansion I would very much appreciate

1: 5 more levels

2: A new companion for each class

3: A new planet

4: More Flaspoints and Operations

5: Extended class missions

6: Only two toons being needed to start a guild

7: The holodancer that comes with the digital expansion to continue dancing until actively cancelled by the player

8: Gamorrean and Wookie as playable races

9: A middle finger emote


Looking at your suggestions I think it would a be a fair guess to say the following:

1. Will happen, (plus a new gear grind and current BiS gear being rendered useless)

2. Possible but unlikely (especially since they like selling things in the CM)

3. Defiantly

4. Well at the very least you may get new difficulty settings for the current ones

5. We'd all like this but I;d say the chances are 50/50

6. Nope won't happen, they want you to be social, besides I suspect 4 ppl was chosen because it is the number required to do most FPs, the idea being even a small new guild can do some mini-raids

7. Small change but would be welcome, more likely to come in a minor patch

8. Sorry isn't going to happen. It's pretty clear that the only playable races are ones that speak basic (English to you and me) and can pursue a romance with the current romance-able companions

9. Now your just being rude :p


Personally I'd like to see a continuation of the story i.e chapters 5 & 6. What I;d especially like is if these new chapters were based on the events of KOTOR 1 & 2. Chapter 5 could be called The Legacy of Revan, where both the Republic and Empire discover someone is trying to rebuild the


and send their best people to destroy or capture it, this would involve visiting the planets featured in KOTOR and learning more about the events behind Revan's adventure. Chapter 6 would be based on KOTOR 2 and called The Death of the Force. A rouge Jedi/Sith Lord is attempting to gain the power to consume the force not realizing that they could wipe out the galaxy in the process. This threat to the force is so great that the Republic and Empire end up collaborating in order to stop it. Obviously they both plan on betraying each other at the end.

While these aren't continuations of the class story you could make it so different classes have different story missions while pursuing the same over all objective, for example in Chapter 6 the Jedi Knight missions involve finding and stopping dangerous force users working for the enemy while the Consular has to uncover the ancient knowledge needed to stop the destruction of the force

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  • 7 months later...

I have several ideas:

1. A Kashyyyk expansion with a wookie class/story would be cool!

2. Pod racing would be a cool pvp thing.

3. Some cliche pvp objective games such as CTF and regular team deathmatch

4.Lastly, making a Nautolan race would be aweosme! You see them in the game as CPUs but you can't make a character as one.

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I sure would like the level cap increased simply because I don't want to worry about Ilum and Makeb being too hard. And, of course I want more plants for PvE! Nautolan or Torguta Player species is probably too late for me, I already have 11 our of 12 characters created, with 6 of them played enough to stick. But I can be persuaded.


But, above all, I want the QoL improvements for a Female Player, namely:


1. More Flirts added. A LOT more flirts!


2. A faction-specific male companion (with a set of alien customizations) of a rogue class that will have a romantic story-line independent of the class that would consist of a mini-adventure every second planet (so it is not too too much and you have time to play with other comps) that will mix flirts with swashbuckling, with dialogues in the open world, not on the ship. Say, a Smuggler for Pub and a BH for Imps (with a heal/DPS stances), or vice versa for the fun of it. If I could get a guy like that, and on the Fleet... YES!


3. I keep running into three issues with MMO style companions: cloning, hard to get in time customizations, and a complete lack of handsome male non-human companions (female romance interests even including 1-night stands consist of 8 (pretty much) humans and the only ugly Cathar in the Galaxy)

a. Legacy unlock through CM a station on the Fleet that allows a player to completely customize any human(-ish) companion for about 10% of the price of the Player character (I am thinking 100,000 credits/or CC it translates into) into all species, Body types and cosmetic choices available to the player character.

b. Place all BioWARE character customization vendor with all non-CM customizations available on the fleet at a premium cost (say 18,000 credits/equivalent CCs)

c. Provide a couple more sets of customizations for Aric that have a different face, not just a recolor. If that's possible for Ashara too... great!

d. Offer a CM pack with Alien customizations for all human (and cyborg) companions or make them available separately with the same pricing as premium companion customizations available through CM now.

e. A Nautolan for Guss Tuno as a premium companion customizations available through CM.

f. CM species change for Ashara to a human --> to open her to customization afterwards (I love her as Torguta but with so few customization options available to her & at least one person I know wanting her to be a human, well, I figured I'd add it!)


4. More Heroic 2+ missions on the existing planets

Edited by DomiSotto
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I'd love to see some Out Of Game functionality.


- Companion Management (Crafting/Gathering Missions)


- Mail

- Guild Roster Management

- Chat (Guild and Private Channel)


Both in and out of game;

- Guild Calendar (Ability To Add Scheduled Events)

- Ability to set rank/role requirements for an event would be nice as well (i.e. 2 Heals, 2 Tanks, 4 DPS)

- Better Guild Communication Tools - Guild Wide Mails please

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I'd love to see some Out Of Game functionality.


- Companion Management (Crafting/Gathering Missions)


- Mail

- Guild Roster Management

- Chat (Guild and Private Channel)


Both in and out of game;

- Guild Calendar (Ability To Add Scheduled Events)

- Ability to set rank/role requirements for an event would be nice as well (i.e. 2 Heals, 2 Tanks, 4 DPS)

- Better Guild Communication Tools - Guild Wide Mails please


This would be truly great in my book.

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Speaking of mail... nobody but me cares, I am certain, but I want an unlock for longer letters! I would love to be able to send actual letters between characters for RP reasons. I have them written out and stuff, and they do not fit in the game's tiny word/symbol allocation.
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Hello! Just curious as to what everyone wants to see in the next Expansion of the SWTOR Universe.


My personal hopes for the next expansion are;

- Heightened Level Cap to at least 70 (though they will probably only go in increments of 5 each expansion.)

- Expanded Story (Class) quests to level cap, and expanded possibilities.

- Specifically for Sith Warrior story

[ I would love to see the character become the new Emperor / Empress and unify the Empire. ]


- Cross faction defections: Once a character has completed the initial story, they have the option to defect and play through the mirror class quests at Cap Level difficulty.


Let me know what you want to see, and tell me what you think about my ideas.


- Disagree with what you refer to as mirror class


The rep/imp versions of a class are simular but they are not mirror classes

With how easy it is to level in this game there is no reason to dumb it down even more and give it away for free, as you request. Just roll up the class on other side and play through its content.


- Disagree on your spoiler. Story wise for everyone makes more sense to not have it as a player character and stay as a npc.


- Level cap to 70 would be fine but only if there is difficulty getting those end game levels.

The boost to 55 required me to play my 50 for 2 complete sets of dailies (one weekly run + 1 daily run next day) to hit level 55.


Thats to easy and to fast and really minimizes the level increase effect.


- lastly of your ideas, id love to see expanded storylines for classes but doubt we ever will


What Id like to see is

Expanded level cap

new zones (with developed storylines) on existing planets (55 to level cap content only)

New planets (with developed storylines and content for 55 to cap only)


Swoop racing (ala KotOR 1)

Some more 2 man Flashpoints along with some solo flashpoints for 55 to cap players

New companions with full story arcs to achieve like the HK unit (rather then just buying it like Treek)

and new classes (1 each side.....lol never happen I know)


Plus expanded RVR conquest planets for new better PVP


Oh yeah and PS:


Please allow my Bounty Hunter to put Treek in the energy cage on my ship!

Preferably with a shock collar around her neck! :D

Edited by Kalfear
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