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Just hit 55 with my op DPS


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Got maxed out Ranked and Normal Comms, whats the first things I get to ensure I don't get trashed in PvP? This is not my first 55, but I recently returned to the game after a 6 month leave. I have 8 55s, so I know how to PvP, any tips for a Concealment op would be great, I know its not heals or Lethality, but I love the spec and can put serious pressure on key players when I chose, and routinely hit 300-400k
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Serendipitous relic for sure to start as most leveling relics are crap. If you plan on sticking around a bit might as well get the Conq version. The Partisan one isn't bad compared to the Conq but it is a lot cheaper. If you don't plan on using the matrix cube relic as the secondary, go with the internal tech damage proc one. Ear/implants are probably the best slots to upgrade next as they will give a fairly large boost depending on if you've been doing any L50 flashpoints. Once again, the stat difference isn't that large from Partisan and Conq and there are some PvE ones that have better stats than both and still give near/full expertise in WZ's.


I haven't had a chance to look at the armor set bonuses but I'd probably get these after the above. If you've done any FP's or farmed dailys before 55 you could easily pick up a set of 61 rating gear. If you've farmed basic comms you could also use the basic gear (66rating) but will lose expertise in WZ's. These sets can easily tide you over until you can get enough comms to start your armor sets.


As far as weapons are concerned, PvE versions were still looking good up until a few weeks ago (haven't tested them since the last patch). You can buy 162 rated hilts, mods, and enhancements for fairly cheap on the GTN (35-60k per). Use +power crystals and you're set. On that note try not to mix PvE and PvP mods in any one item. IE PvP hilt, PvE mod, PvE enhancement, PvP crystal, etc as you can lose a lot of expertise that way.

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