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BC PVP 2.2 and Beyond Records


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I knew that would end up here. That match sucked :(


I'm pretty sure I had some record for damage taken but I didn't check because I couldn't get out of there fast enough lol


Yeah that match was really hard on me spent like more than half of it with no force kept having to run back and consume, you prolly did I had 900k damage taken and I wasn't even their true focus target. Worst part is at the end of the match I noticed I didn't use the stim I had just bought so I'm gonna keep beating myself up for that. It was a good match though.


This is one small step for sorc one giant force speed for sorckind.

Sorc on the leaderboard who would of thought that would happen. Srsly I'm happy that sorcs can get on it without having to get lucky at a novare.

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Name: Ludö - <Grim Determination>

Screenshot Link: http://i.imgur.com/YxTgvjL.jpg


Value: 1,781,516

Type of Match: 4v4 Unranked

Date of SS taken: 1.31.2014


Name: Dannii - <The Dread Masters>

Screenshot Link: http://i.imgur.com/YxTgvjL.jpg


Value: 1,504,603

Type of Match: 4v4 Unranked

Date of SS Taken: 1.31.2014


Name: Playfull - <Epidemic>

Screenshot Link: http://i.imgur.com/YxTgvjL.jpg


Value: 719,754

Type of Match: 4v4 Unranked

Date of SS Taken: 1.31.2014


Please NOTE: I do NOT live in the USA, this is not according to US time. I am currently 12 hours ahead of U.S Pacific Standard Time (Server Time).

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Name: Caveh

Screenshot Link: http://i.imgur.com/7ESHSGW.jpg

Record Broken: Highest Heal in a Single Hit #3 (This is assuming you're counting Sick's 12.1k Heal)

Value: 11,589

Type of Match: Unranked 8v8

Date of SS taken: 2/3/2014


NOTE: I live 12 hours ahead of the server, I do not live in USA.

Omg noob coordinate when you are on so I can actually pvp with you on pot5. P.S. Might transfer Droidbait to pot5 he is almost level 45.

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Ok! Records are updated! Sorry its been about 3 weeks since the last update as 1. Was waiting for more records :) 2. Had a lot of college work to due for different classes and that kept me rather busy.


Everything has been updated with the start of 2.6! The new phrase for 2.6 is BC GSF and the acceptable items have also been updated! A note though, all acceptable items are from the 11th onward as they are all from the new pack. The old acceptable items will be.. well acceptable until the 11th and then it will switch over.


Also one other note. We had our first Per Round submission by Evo for Drizzt! Keep those coming!

Edited by AntonMercer
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Name: --> Drizzt (Deadly Obsession)

Screenshot Link: http://i.imgur.com/pebiT7P.jpg?1

Record Broken (Ex. DPS #2): Highest Healing #5 (after urshinabi)

Value(Ex: 1532.52 DPS): 2,287,824

Type of Match (Ranked, Unranked, Challenge): 8v8 unranked

Date of SS taken: 2/8/14


Name: --> Urshinabi (Doomed Lemmings)

Screenshot Link: http://i.imgur.com/ChjcZ6d.jpg?1

Record Broken (Ex. DPS #2): Highest HPS #1 / Highest Healing #1

Value(Ex: 1532.52 DPS): 2569.74 / 2,551,750

Type of Match (Ranked, Unranked, Challenge): 8v8 unranked

Date of SS taken: 2/8/14

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Name: --> Drizzt (Deadly Obsession)

Screenshot Link: http://imgur.com/50j58vL

Record Broken (Ex. DPS #2): Most Solo Kills #1

Value(Ex: 1532.52 DPS): 11

Type of Match (Ranked, Unranked, Challenge): 8v8 unranked

Date of SS taken: 2/10/14


Drizzt is currently Preferred Status and Preferred Status people can ONLY VIEW forums and their postings but they can't post anything themsleves.

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Drizzt is currently Preferred Status and Preferred Status people can ONLY VIEW forums and their postings but they can't post anything themsleves.


That's completely fine. Will update wednesday so get some more posts in before then!! I'm waiting to see more

screens from all that ranked that was done last friday

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Name: --> Drizzt (Deadly Obsession)

Screenshot Link: http://i.imgur.com/pebiT7P.jpg?1

Record Broken (Ex. DPS #2): Highest Healing #5 (after urshinabi)

Value(Ex: 1532.52 DPS): 2,287,824

Type of Match (Ranked, Unranked, Challenge): 8v8 unranked

Date of SS taken: 2/8/14


Name: --> Urshinabi (Doomed Lemmings)

Screenshot Link: http://i.imgur.com/ChjcZ6d.jpg?1

Record Broken (Ex. DPS #2): Highest HPS #1 / Highest Healing #1

Value(Ex: 1532.52 DPS): 2569.74 / 2,551,750

Type of Match (Ranked, Unranked, Challenge): 8v8 unranked

Date of SS taken: 2/8/14

Well damnit might have to get on ryshaz now.

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Name: Demavend

Screenshot Link: http://i57.tinypic.com/30az3ba.jpg

Record Broken Highest DMG In Single Hit #1

Value(Ex: 1532.52 DPS): 12,427

Type of Match (Ranked, Unranked, Challenge): Unranked 8v8.

Date of SS taken: 2/14/2014


Jundland Dewback in the right most quickbar from the newest pack, as well as that black Irakie speeder at the very bottom from the last. Denetrin/Jballa can also confirm this took place tonight.

Edited by PoliteAssasin
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Name: Myrmedon

Screenshot Link: http://i62.tinypic.com/igeplf.jpg

Record Broken: Highest Protection in Single Life #4

Value: 480,178

Type of Match (Ranked, Unranked, Challenge): Unranked 8v8

Date of SS taken: 2/14/14


Name: Myrmedon

Screenshot Link: http://i62.tinypic.com/igeplf.jpg

Record Broken: Highest Overall Protection #3

Value: 480,178

Type of Match (Ranked, Unranked, Challenge): Unranked 8v8

Date of SS taken: 2/14/14


Name: Myrmedon

Screenshot Link: http://i61.tinypic.com/sw2qlk.jpg

Record Broken: Highest Protection in Single Life #5

Value: 454,498

Type of Match (Ranked, Unranked, Challenge): Unranked 8v8

Date of SS taken: 2/14/14


Name: Myrmedon

Screenshot Link: http://i58.tinypic.com/24nkv9e.jpg

Record Broken: Most Medals in Warzone #3

Value: 21

Type of Match (Ranked, Unranked, Challenge): Unranked 8v8

Date of SS taken: 2/14/14


Name: Demavend

Screenshot Link: http://i58.tinypic.com/24nkv9e.jpg

Record Broken: Most Medals in Warzone #4

Value: 21

Type of Match (Ranked, Unranked, Challenge): Unranked 8v8

Date of SS taken: 2/14/14



In each of these screens you can see the starfighter camera regen and the stardrive mount on the lower right bars.


Also is this thread still being updated? I was looking over the records and noticed some inconsistencies. Feken's guardian should hold the top spot in highest protection overall. Also in highest dps Burberry should bump orazio to 3 and take his spot as 2...

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Yes. And I was actually trying to update and was on your brother's post, this morning, but then the website went down and I had to go out. I'm in the process of fixing and update and will change what you pointed out. Thx for lookin out!

Also, even though they are not a part of the acceptable items, I will allow your screens to count this time. I may add those items when I update again, but right now they do not count. It is not hard to put in the date in the chatbox or even the current phrase. Please do any acceptable verification next time. Thx! :D

Edited by AntonMercer
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Ok! Everything is updated! The inconsistencies that Myrm pointed out have been fixed! If you can spare more of your precious time can you scan some of the other records for mistakes as well? Two sets are better then one! Much appreciated! :D


Also! http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=24nkv9e&s=8#.Uv7EufldWa8


I honestly thought this was gonna have to go to a sudden death! You both tied for medals... then you tied for kills... at this point I was like come on.... but it went to damage and Dem actually did more damage then you so he gets #3 and you get #4.


Incidentally, I want to know our PVP community's take on the smash nerf. Was the nerf bat too hard on it? Should they change it a bit? Or is it completely justified?

Edited by AntonMercer
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Incidentally, I want to know our PVP community's take on the smash nerf. Was the nerf bat too hard on it? Should they change it a bit? Or is it completely justified?


I always felt smash was OP just because of the AOE aspect, and not just the AOE itself... but when you had 2-3 smashers in one warzone. They didn't even have to focus fire, they just had to a find a group and smash.


The saddest part is it has taken bioware this long to change the dynamics of smash, which in my opinion makes them incompetent, lazy, idiots :D

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Incidentally, I want to know our PVP community's take on the smash nerf. Was the nerf bat too hard on it? Should they change it a bit? Or is it completely justified?


Perfectly justifiable, and definitely a game changer. It's been too long, where Rage was just a spec anyone could run, no matter the skill level.


Now that it's actually going to take some real competence to run effectively, the game is going to be changing for the better by forcing a good amount of people to diversify. Even if the main problem is the overwhelming amount of people playing DPS classes that actually require skill in certain areas (IE, most bads run Sorc DPS on BC, and don't kite/run from melee).


Either way, glad to see they have finally taken out the easy mode spec. With buffs to Sorc healing and the Operative roll nerf as well as the killing of "lolprobe" from the Operative healer whenever a friendly is below 30%, it'll be interesting to see how the WZs are going to change.

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