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Companions need to be more


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So I got a few companions that love me, are well equipped, and can fill up roles in most flashpoints.

And the question is, what next?


Why can I not pull out my companion in any flashpoint/operation, even when the group is full?

It is cool to have them go off and do your crafting for you, but one of them is always free, and there should not be any reason not to bring it with you.

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So I got a few companions that love me, are well equipped, and can fill up roles in most flashpoints.

And the question is, what next?


Why can I not pull out my companion in any flashpoint/operation, even when the group is full?

It is cool to have them go off and do your crafting for you, but one of them is always free, and there should not be any reason not to bring it with you.


Because the content was designed around a team of 4/8/16 Player characters with player level intellegence and tactics. Companion AI is not on par to run a comparable operation or flashpoint (overleveled and overgeared is different) and adding them in addition to a full group imbalances the challenge level by increasing the dps/healing abilities of the party.

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Why can I not pull out my companion in any flashpoint/operation, even when the group is full?

It is cool to have them go off and do your crafting for you, but one of them is always free, and there should not be any reason not to bring it with you.

By the very same reasoning, you would be able to walz through a FP with a raidgroup of 24 people.... cause there are that many people.


Companions are meant to help you in solo play, not to do group play for you. They can substitute a (bad) player in a FP, but aside from that, they are just tools and there is nothing wrong with tools standing ready doing nothing for a while. (also with HK-51 and future Treek, you will always have at least 3 companions doing nothing, while you are in an OP and there still is no reason to bring in companions to OPs or FPs when the group is full.)

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This is more a responce to the title of this thread than to the one who started it.

I would like my companions to do a little more than to just stand with a weirdly bent body starring at you when u are standing still. And when you move thrue narrow areas they comes after u like if they were attached to you like balloon on a string. This game is rather much built around the idea of having companions. But to me they are Walking dead balloons. My suggestion is that they could occupy themselves with something when u are standing still. Some companions could just sit down, or lean on their weapon. Some could adjust their gear or whatever. I Think u got the idea. And please do something about their mobillity when you move. They move too unnaturally and laggy to give the player a sence of that he has a live companion with him.

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if companions had 'programable' kill order, we would not need dps players in most flashpoints :rolleyes:


joking, but yeah, really, 'do not use aoe next to mezzed target' and 'kill weak>strong>elite' would be very nice..


back in stun bubble fest, my companion would stop attacking target he was attacking when bubble went off.

but if I mezz one at the pull, that muppet will advance into target next to him and use aoe attack... :(

solution for now (for last 14 major patches) is to turn aoe off, I know, but it cuts their dps in half....


atleast tank comps taunt same second they lose threat (and they fixed bug when they were wasting taunts on mezzed targets)

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characters with player level intellegence and tactics. Companion AI is not on par to run a comparable operation or flashpoint


False. Although my companion's parse is 900 and mine is 1300, it is quite evident that my companion is better than most players. It is also redundantly easy to manage companions when you assign attack and passive mode to mouse button number 4 and 5, and, before a pull, turn AOE's on or off depending on whether you have to CC any mobs.


What they can do, is let us macro our companions better, like in Dragon Age: Origins. There's nothing I hate more than a companion that throws a damned Kolto Bomb on the ground just because I changed a mod in my armor. I should be able to tell my healer not to heal me unless I'm at 90%, to decide which ability to use at what time, and to prioritize macros execution. Oh, and in Dragon Age: Origins, recognizing and prioritizing mobs strength was one of the functions.

Edited by Nilatis
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