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Server PVP Records Revamped


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You don't have to rely on SWTOR's fail screenshot system. If you press "control + print screen" while in game, windows copies a screenshot of whatever is on your screen. Just tab out and open paint and paste it in there, then save it.
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Hey pay attention guys http://i.imgur.com/9ikzdx1.jpg has a healer with 4 million heals named Chompin He needs to be at top.


There hasn't been a precedent so far for adding records that weren't submitted by the player or at least on their behalf by someone that was in the warzone with them. I'm not expressing an opinion on it particularly. It's just not something anyone has been doing.


Take that screenshot for instance. If you added all the players involved there, 4/5 of the server's highest damage, 4/5 of the server's highest heals and 2/5 of the server's highest protection records would all come from that one game with 5 records on one team and 5 on the other.


Not that it should have any bearing on adding them or not, but this is the result of current op heals and having just the right two teams playing each other so that they are in stalemate so long they actually hit the really long time limit in Novare Coast. I've been in some fairly lengthy NC matches, but eventually someone hit 0% well before the 30 minute time limit ever ran out. I imagine few players have experienced a full 30 minute NC.


Edit: Antiskeptic beat me to pointing out the other people in that match.

Edited by Puja
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There hasn't been a precedent so far for adding records that weren't submitted by the player or at least on their behalf by someone that was in the warzone with them. I'm not expressing an opinion on it particularly. It's just not something anyone has been doing.


Take that screenshot for instance. If you added all the players involved there, 4/5 of the server's highest damage, 4/5 of the server's highest heals and 2/5 of the server's highest protection records would all come from that one game with 5 records on one team and 5 on the other.


Not that it should have any bearing on adding them or not, but this is the result of current op heals and having just the right two teams playing each other so that they are in stalemate so long they actually hit the really long time limit in Novare Coast. I've been in some fairly lengthy NC matches, but eventually someone hit 0% well before the 30 minute time limit ever ran out. I imagine few players have experienced a full 30 minute NC.


Edit: Antiskeptic beat me to pointing out the other people in that match.


Not to mention the people that are now on The Bastion have no place on this servers records

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