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Seeking Advice, PVE Sorc Heals


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hi. first time posting.


long time solo player finally getting serious about endgame, and i would love it if i could have 5 minutes to chat with a veteran sorc healer. i have specific questions, and i have read extensively, so my hope is that we will both get something out of it. teaching is a form of learning after all :)


i have successfully healed all of the 55 HM fp's and have also had some raid experience, but not much.


if you are such a kind soul, please contact me in game on my main Urziel, or post your toon's name here so i might seek you out.


thanks in advance, and i apologize if this was the wrong place for this post.

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You can always contact me in game I run as a sorc main on our raids and can give up some advice.


Basic rule of thumb is similar to the flashpoints, positioning is key, and for long boss fights always keep an eye on your resources.


Most of the fights can get hectic when you first do them but persevere and you will get used to keeping track of everything and playing whack-a-mole with the operations bars. After tanks, healers need to have the most raid awareness and know the fights inside out due to having to be able to anticipate big hits, know the bosses mechanics and when to bubble, hot, aoe heal etc...


An old post I put on our guild forums for my basic rotation is: "My usual rotation on a tank is, SB->HOT->Innervate->filler->rinse and repeat. Filler is: AOE Heal, if force is high, 3xresurgence if force is low, or Dark Infusion if Tank is low on health (<50%)."


Have fun, Sorcs can be very good healers at endgame and remember to shout at the DPS for not getting in your cuddle puddle :)

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I will see if I can find you guys over the next couple of nights.


I suspected that much of what makes a good healer a great healer is awareness and knowing the fights, and beyond that, triage and resource management. I am slowly getting better at these things (force bending is your friend ^_^).


Hopefully I can catch one or both of you on fleet so I might get you to glance at my gear to see if I have made any really lousy choices :)


Thanks again! Talk soon!



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