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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

WTB Advanced Class respec.


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I don't understand. Can't the elite gamers just form a guild and group with each other?


No need to get on the forum and try to insult people when the solution to your problem is in your own hands. Form an elite gamer guild or reroll your own tank and take care of things that way.

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I certanly am glad that I picked the DPS role... Wouldn't want one of these elitist people getting their panties in a bunch if I do something they consider "terribad". I just have to keep my finger of the AOE skill button and no one will notice me I guess. :/
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Are you sure you are not one of those players who expect the tank to have instant aggro on every mob he looks at? Becouse I had a very good run yesterday, didn't lose aggro even once and the secret? Well... they gave me a whopping 2 seconds before they charged in after me and all hit the same mob. (I know, it's a crazy concept.)


Anyway: there are a lot of people who are very new to MMORPG's. Have some patience with them. Especially when they pick healers or tanks. It's a lot harder to screw up as a dps then as a tank or healer.


I guess you didnt read the post ;);)

Edited by Kodokai
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I can say for myself: I think to redo the AC at least once is NEEDET.


I feel false advertised with my AC, I'm playing a smuggler. I'm a fan of the cover system.

Now I picked ghe wrong AC and guess what: I picked the scoundrel, and he is almost a close combat class. He doesnt really use or need the cover system, and that was NOT in the discription.

And I'm not doing a big "Reserarch" session when playing a game.

I'm lvl 21 now, and while many of you might reach that in a matter of hours or 1/2 days, I took me weeks.

I do not have that much free time since I'm working and have other obligations. I simply do not want to start over again to play the same storyline again for WEEKS instead of going on. I do not want to spend the little free time I have into something that feels more like work then like entertainment.


So it is a certainty already that I will quit the suscription until that function comes.

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i totally agree, i would even pay real money to change my AC...

I think that by making a AC respecc just ONCE for free would make more players happier, if they picked wrong or regret later on.

But i dont think the system needs to be abused.


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WTB Advanced Class respec, having to deal with pug tanks has shaked my will to live. Feels like "WOW" all over again. So yeh give me the ability to pay a large sum of credits to change, heck i'll even part with my 100k to stop these painful experiences.


Inb4 level to 38 again.


Level 38 is bit high...

How about 1 million credits?


Oh wait... Level 38 is not high...



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Pug tanks are terrible, that being said, advanced classes are the real classes of this game. They only share an overall set of mechanics and story to cut down on development time required. It was a creative way to make sure they didn't have to do 16 stories instead of just 8, but a lot of people don't really understand that they choose their class at level 10, not level 1.


I wouldn't expect it anytime soon.

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Copied me post because bioware locked me thread:(


Theres a lot of talk about respeccing advanced classes or not and peoples personal beliefs is kinda irrelevant to a certain extent...but something to think about.


When people pick there advanced class, there level 10, they have access to hardly any abilities, they cannot see there future abilities only the Skills specs for each advanced class which dont make that much sense considering they talk about abilities you cant even review.


When u click the advanced class button theres not even an "Are you sure?" popup box, for such an important decision surely there should be.


Are we not all here to have fun? Why would someone changing there advanced class ruin your fun, it wouldnt, but it would make them a lot happier.


Remaking an entire new charecter is not a realistic option when u have a story driven campaign, you cant expect people to play the entire same campaign again(and the identical grind).


Classes in this game play incredibly differently to other mmos that people are used to, tanks for example feel incredibly weak in this game compared to classes with healing abilities and shields.


We will be seeing PVP changes that can and most probably will fundamentally change how people feel about the charecters and how they want to play them that is beyond there control.


If people level there charecter to 40 or 50 after the first month, find there not really enjoying the advanced class they had chosen, they will reroll or quit, if they quit thats less money in the game, which means LESS content being created for everyone to enjoy, simple economics the more popular a game is the more content you get added.


Now im not going to suggest you should be able to respec Advanced classes every 5 minutes, perhaps every month? or every 2 months? Buy allowing people to be happy with there charecter is in the interest of every single person who plays SWTOR. More players means more content for all.


A 30day countdown respec would hurt no one, but would make some people really happy.

Edited by Falcs
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Yes thats going to help, theres some people who've played since vanilla wow & still awful.


Next defensive statement? Being bad due to it being a new game is an invalid excuse. I'd rather they add in AC respec & allow those people who are decent at tanking tank instead of leveling up 39 levels again.



why didn't you roll a tank to begin with if you are a good tank? Here's a thought... find a tank.. make friends with said tank.. don't insult said tank... and maybe said tank will improve if they aren't already up to your opinion of what makes a good tank.

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This is just ludicrous. I play a Jedi counselor with the shadow AC. How is it fair of me to be able to go from a rogue type class to a healer / Mage? It takes away from the replay value which keeps subscriptions, which equals money. Why would bioware want this?!
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No it isn't.


thats exactly what it is.


what 2 ac's play even close the the same?




you carebears need to roll a tank right away if you wanted to tank, not think hmmmm ill do dps cuz i dont want to tank.


awww man all the tanks suck im being forced to, i did 50 levels IM ENTITLED to change. anything short


the ONLY type of AC respec a majority would be okay with is 1time before 20 hell id want it 15.


if you cant read the class description and look at the skill trees, and then make a decision based on that, the game is too hard for you.


besides beating a Dead horse this will not happen, at least not until EA gives control of this game to the BF:H and BF:F2P team.



also, if we are changing acs, just change class then


i cant wait for the warzones with all assasines/shadows and agents/scoundrels. and then we can wait to see next months flavor to change to. any thing short of 1trillion credits to respec is absurd. since i could get a million in one day if i tryed. dailies, flashpoints and pvp.

Edited by Mrshush
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This is a terrible idea. For people saying they

Made a mistake when choosing AC, that's like saying you accidentally chose a Mage instead of warlock and now you want your char to magically tune into a warlock because you couldnt take 2 sec to read the class descriptions or look at their talent tree. This is the same group of people who are whining for dual spec. God forbid game and char choices have actual consequences.

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Ive yet to see one person state ONE negative effect of allowing a respec as i described.


All people can do is go no NO NO i dont want that wah!


Come on, stop makign stupid statements and backup what you are saying.


Ive clearly shown allowing AC respecs is good for the economy of game, good for every gamer because that leads to more content. And its good for the indevidual. Ive also clearly stated it should be on at LEAST a monthly timer so you cant flip all the time.


Give me clear objections and intelligent argument instead of just saying no.

Edited by Falcs
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I think a one time chance or quest to switch advance class isn't asking too much. By the time someone reaches say, level thirty, they have a good grasp at how the class plays and the style might not be to their liking. They might have also poured insane amount of money into level crew skills and spent time gaining affection with companions, or social/pvp points, that they do not want to lose by re-rolling.


In EQ2 they added a quest to revert a character back to a prior level of selection. In that game at launch, if one picked a fighter, then went warrior, at that point there were two options available, guardian and berserker. Both could tank but one was strictly sword and board, and one could deal damage using two handed weapons. The quest I spoke of allowed players to revert back to the point of warrior, and then choose again between guardian and berserker, it didn't allow people to go all the way back to fighter and then pick brawler(which went on to be monk/bruiser).


Seeing as how classes share a number of skills, for example, jedi shadow and sage have many common skills, is it such a travesty to allow people to switch from one to another, given the reasons above for not wanting to abandon a character?

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This is just ludicrous. I play a Jedi counselor with the shadow AC. How is it fair of me to be able to go from a rogue type class to a healer / Mage? It takes away from the replay value which keeps subscriptions, which equals money. Why would bioware want this?!


Because people aren't going to want to reroll the same exact class (hint, if it has the same exact story it is the same exact class) and instead will just quit.

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You should be able to tell whether or not you enjoy your class by level 35 AT MOST. After level 35, generally, the dynamics to class don't change by new abilitys which are added, unless they are the 2-3 abilites you might get through talent trees.


If you don't like your class by that point then my advice to you is to reroll. Getting back to level 35 would take -at most- 3 days of play time. And by that time you'll have a brand new level 35 character, AND your old level 35 character which you can go back to at anytime.


I think that most people want to respec their AC because they get into situations in either PvE or PvP where their class just isnt cutting it, so they want something else which can handle it. Well, what's gonna happen after you finally beat that point? You can't go back to your old class which you obviously liked enough to level it up that point which you were, my best advice would be to learn to play. No offense indended at all, but through all of these threads that I see about wanting AC respecs that seems to be the main issue. Either people can't seem to play their class, or they're playing with other terribad players who are making their experience with their class bad. To which all I have to say is find better people to play with if it's that big of an issue.


To the OP - you don't even put forth an actual argument.

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WTB Advanced Class respec, having to deal with pug tanks has shaked my will to live. Feels like "WOW" all over again. So yeh give me the ability to pay a large sum of credits to change, heck i'll even part with my 100k to stop these painful experiences.


Inb4 level to 38 again.


WTS "start a new character"

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You should be able to tell whether or not you enjoy your class by level 35 AT MOST. After level 35, generally, the dynamics to class don't change by new abilitys which are added, unless they are the 2-3 abilites you might get through talent trees.


If you don't like your class by that point then my advice to you is to reroll. Getting back to level 35 would take -at most- 3 days of play time. And by that time you'll have a brand new level 35 character, AND your old level 35 character which you can go back to at anytime.


I think that most people want to respec their AC because they get into situations in either PvE or PvP where their class just isnt cutting it, so they want something else which can handle it. Well, what's gonna happen after you finally beat that point? You can't go back to your old class which you obviously liked enough to level it up that point which you were, my best advice would be to learn to play. No offense indended at all, but through all of these threads that I see about wanting AC respecs that seems to be the main issue. Either people can't seem to play their class, or they're playing with other terribad players who are making their experience with their class bad. To which all I have to say is find better people to play with if it's that big of an issue.


To the OP - you don't even put forth an actual argument.


Allowing respecs in no way effects your game play, or your enjoyment , you have no reason to appose it, there is no reason in your post that stats why it would be BAD for the game as a whole. Only simply that you dont like the idea. You not liking an idea is not enough to condemn it especially when it has no effect on you.


The game is far from clear at level 35 especially if you never go into pvp before 50 which a lot of people choose to do because they are enjoying the story. Also why do u have the right to say it only takes 3 days, people work have familiies, why is it ok for them to spend there time redoing content they have already done and should have no reason to redo.


Give me reasons why AC respec is bad for the GAME, not just that you dont like it. Still yet to see any.

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why didn't you roll a tank to begin with if you are a good tank? Here's a thought... find a tank.. make friends with said tank.. don't insult said tank... and maybe said tank will improve if they aren't already up to your opinion of what makes a good tank.


This basicly... Or reroll a tank yourself and blame the healer instead.

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