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Custom Armour


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Hello everyone, I was just playing a little and in one of the groups that I found one person pointed out that I was really undergeared for my level. "being 35 and having 27 level things?" I didn't realize this but he was right and he suggested that I use only custom gear. Thing is How do I know which gear to customize to get the best results, and maybe some advice on good mods too. Thanks
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i'm guessing that this is because of double xp weekends and you are out-levelling your content too fast... (i.e. you gained so much XP that you are level 35 while still on a questline/planet thats level 27). That being the case, fastest way to fix this without compromising your storyline is to play flashpoints as they become available and pick up gear-pieces that are level appropriate from there.
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You should have gathered up a nice amount of Planetary Commendations by now. You get those by doing quests, especially Heroics. But they can also drop from mobs.


These commendations allow you to buy modifications (upgrades for your weapons and armor) at a specific vendor at a planet. But they can also be found at the fleet, where they have their own shops in the Supplies area.


If you have gear with an orange nametag, and from about level 25 or so purple ones as well. You can upgrade those with the mods. That way you can keep your gear up to date by replacings older mods with new ones.


Another source of obtaining mods is the Cybertech crewskill. If you have it, you can make your own :)


The right mods for you depends on your class :) For example, if you are a Bounty Hunter (Powertech or Mercenary) you want to have mods which boosts your 2 primary stats. In this case Aim and Endurance. Next to that mods also grant additional bonusses. Depending on your spec, looks for specific ones. Power for example is excellent to have as a healer or dps. While defense etc. is lovely for tanks.



The modification vendors I've mentioned above are level related. They sell upgrades related to the planet they come from. So if a planet is listed as let's say 24-28 (Tatooine), the vendor will also sell mods of that level. Since you' re 35 I'd say try either Alderaan or Hoth (last one is probably best). Since the planet in between, Quesh, is as far as I know of the only planet who doesn't have a mod vendor.


Good luck :)

Edited by SandsOfArrakis
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@ OP


Try going to a GTN and doing search for custom gear.


Category: armor and weapons

Subcategory: adaptive (or set it to the specific armor type or weapon you use or your companions use)

Slot: self explanatory, use it to search for gear in specific slots

Rarity: custom

Useable By: dont touch this one, it is buggy


leave everything else as default, hit search and sort by price. A lot of the inexpensive items arent pretty but if you are a new player or you dont have a lot of credits yet, then you could just buy a cheap piece. As you level you will get mission rewards for custom gear, custom gear drops from mobs, and also some of the commendation vendors sell custom gear.

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With Adaptive shell gear the cost of the item will be down the looks or rarity of it since it is shell gear with no rating essentially until you set your armouring mod into it to give the armour rating (The better the armouring mod the better the armour rating, same applies with barrels for guns and hilts for sabers/swords/staffs, they give the base min to max damage rating before you add the power and tech/force power stat boosts, and buffs etc.. for your bonus damage rating)


So if your not too bothered with looks for now you can buy a ugly but functional piece of adaptive shell gear quite cheap on the GTN. Use your comms as much as possible to buy the armourings and mods to go in them before using credits, even better get a alt with cybertech to produce your own mods and armourings to save comms for barrells/hilts and enhancments then.


Not sure if your are a subscriber, but also if your have a few cartel coins burning a hole in your pocket it is also worthwhile checking out the cartel market on a regular basis. They will often have some adaptive armour set that is 80% off normal price and these are not usually class restricted either. Although purists don't like wearing gear that is really designed in looks for one class rather than another even though looks make no difference to combat effectivness at the end of the day, so if looks don't bother you too much at lest while leveling this can also be a good option.

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There is also the cartel market lvl 31 epic custom armor, for about 1,200 cartel coins. I bought it when my first character hit 31 and it was nice for a few levels and then replaced it with blue mods bought with planetary commendations or from the GTN. I still enjoy the armor at 55, but I recently put together a hodge-podge of cheap custom armor for a new character at about 2k-15k per piece, and it doesn't look too bad with a dye module and unify colors.
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There is also the cartel market lvl 31 epic custom armor, for about 1,200 cartel coins. I bought it when my first character hit 31 and it was nice for a few levels and then replaced it with blue mods bought with planetary commendations or from the GTN. I still enjoy the armor at 55, but I recently put together a hodge-podge of cheap custom armor for a new character at about 2k-15k per piece, and it doesn't look too bad with a dye module and unify colors.


The problem with those level 31 armor sets is you cannot add it to your collection and claim multiple copies. Adding items to collections will save you costs in the future if you plan on playing a lot of alts and if you want to gear up non droid companions. If you really really dont care about looks, the Turncoat set is on sale for 75% off, meaning you can get a 6 piece set for 150 CC. Huttsbane is also another one that has 6 pieces and its normal price is 600 CC. Most people agree that those two sets look ugly, but there is are a few people who probably think they look OK. Pretty much anything on the CM (which you can also buy on the GTN with creds) that are just shells with no mods can be added to your collection.


By equipping all the pieces in that set, it will get added to your collection. On that character you can then claim it unlimited times through the collections menu. If you log onto another toon and you want to claim that same set, you pay a small CC fee and now you can claim it unlimited times on that character and any other character on your account...it can even be claimed by your characters on another server. If you want to be able to claim unlimited copies through the collections menu, just ask if item X that you are about to buy can be added to collections.

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