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Should I even bother? Shadow...


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I dare Devs to look at those links provided by OP.

I really want to hear some acknowledgement from the Devs like " Yeah, we'll gather meeting soon and discuss shadow spikeness problem to find some solutions".

Even if we get an answer like "working as intended" i'd like to hear some reply according to the math provided by ninja and other comrades. They've spent a lot of their time explaining the source of the problem and I find this silence (ingorance?) extremely rude.



We tried to get their attention but they never bothered to reply. My shadow is pretty much BIS 72 with high mitigation based on KBN's math and also dipstik's. If I don't have resilience, do i survive Sunder's The End? I did it a few times but the most hilarious attempt was when he prepares the end, I pop battle readiness, healers send the heals and he leaves me with under 1k hp. His next attack killed me :D. Shadows cannot take two The End hits in a row and have a high chance of surviving. Guardians can ... If you do not have resilience for titan 6 and your healer does not run with you in paralel to heal you fully, the grenade will kill you. Lets not talk about NiM Titan 6 where shadows have nothing to defend themselves with as the attack was redesigned.



Truth of the matter is, Jessy and the Gang only know Guardians and they change content to suit this class. They even admit they do not test with Shadows so why should they even bother fixing this class? Austin Pecken ... says shadows DPS are fine and only trail behind because spinning strike can't be used on the dummy. :rolleyes:. Tell that to my sentinel who does 2.8k on the dummy without dispatch and has yet to be BIS 72. We ran TFB HM yesterday, we pushed TWH so hard, we were at 2.95k dps (my sentinel another, commando dps was at 3k and slinger dps was at 3.3k) that the boss bugged and got into the burn phase :D.



PS: at kephess, i did 4.4k DPS :D. So don't tell me shadows are fine mr. Austin pecken ...

Edited by Leafy_Bug
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Truth of the matter is, Jessy and the Gang only know Guardians and they change content to suit this class. They even admit they do not test with Shadows so why should they even bother fixing this class? Austin Pecken ... says shadows DPS are fine and only trail behind because spinning strike can't be used on the dummy. :rolleyes:. Tell that to my sentinel who does 2.8k on the dummy without dispatch and has yet to be BIS 72. We ran TFB HM yesterday, we pushed TWH so hard, we were at 2.95k dps (my sentinel another, commando dps was at 3k and slinger dps was at 3.3k) that the boss bugged and got into the burn phase :D.

PS: at kephess, i did 4.4k DPS :D. So don't tell me shadows are fine mr. Austin pecken ...

Even though I'm quite new to shadow tanking and haven't done NiM ops yet, I feel you) Not sure what that Pecken-guy

is thinking, but I though I could add this quote here lol:

I don't know what Peckenpaugh did, but he did very odd things with balance and 2.0. Not only some specs went very far below others specs performance-wise, but look at Power Chargers/Loaders from Tactics and Advanced Prototype : the talent can be trained at lvl 40, but yet it will not have any effect until lvl 51 because the talents affect Shoulder Cannon only. That's unseen, even if some talents bloom lately with end game abilities, they have always made them have at least a slight effect before. There was "no point waste" unwritten principle, and I think that in a game with talents trees like this, not applying this principle is one of the most stupid things.
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Truth of the matter is, Jessy and the Gang only know Guardians and they change content to suit this class.

This is why your cause doesn't get a lot of sympathy. Stop pointing fingers at other classes. It is, at the very least, impolite.


I played multiple MMOs (WoW and EQs - to name the PvE-heavy ones), and not a single one of them had all tanks viable in all situations. Some tanks had niches, other tanks were designed as support/utility tanks, and never intended to main tank. I usually ended up with such classes, and you know what? I enjoyed playing them. Raid composition requirements usually consist of several key positions, while the rest can usually be filled by players (of general role/archetype) who know what they're doing. We were in server top 3 in WoW from late Vanilla-early TBC and onwards, and we always laughed at raids that tore the skin off their backs, trying to assemble "the perfect raid" and ended up with a bunch of ambitious, but ultimately second-rate players.


I understand how it is to get the short end of viability stick. But throwing tantrums and pointing fingers won't attract a lot of support. Balance shifts and changes, and tanks will likely be normalized. No need to blow things out of proportion because of several encounters in NiM content that only 1% players ever even try.

Edited by Helig
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