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Healer you prefer playing


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After years of MMOs and PvP I think it's time to move into healing for something different. As such I am curious which healing class PvP healers find the most enjoyable to play.


I am going to give the different ones a whirl as I have an OP at 31, Commando 19, Sorc 21. What are the varying thoughts on the classes from others that have healed with different healers. And around what level can you truely get a feel for how each class operates effectively in WZs. Such as Operatvies get the roll at 51 without that is their surviability much lower then the other 2 healers till 51?


Besides a constructive thread on the PvP forums never hurts.



Thanks for the input

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After years of MMOs and PvP I think it's time to move into healing for something different. As such I am curious which healing class PvP healers find the most enjoyable to play.


I am going to give the different ones a whirl as I have an OP at 31, Commando 19, Sorc 21. What are the varying thoughts on the classes from others that have healed with different healers. And around what level can you truely get a feel for how each class operates effectively in WZs. Such as Operatvies get the roll at 51 without that is their surviability much lower then the other 2 healers till 51?


Besides a constructive thread on the PvP forums never hurts.



Thanks for the input

I currently play me merc heals prefer playing him over my scoundrel or op

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I've played all three classes healing (though mostly sorc and operative) and have found operative to be the most fun. But really I think you should spend a fair amount on all three of them, it's not unlike damage classes in that sometimes you just take to one of the classes' playstyles better than the others.


Now that being said, at lower levels operative healers are not a whole lot of fun, mercs middling, and sorcs probably the strongest (in my opinion). Unfortunately you'll want to get a fair way up the tree on each to really get a good feel, but it sounds like you're accounting for that already.

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I've played all three classes healing (though mostly sorc and operative) and have found operative to be the most fun. But really I think you should spend a fair amount on all three of them, it's not unlike damage classes in that sometimes you just take to one of the classes' playstyles better than the others.


Now that being said, at lower levels operative healers are not a whole lot of fun, mercs middling, and sorcs probably the strongest (in my opinion). Unfortunately you'll want to get a fair way up the tree on each to really get a good feel, but it sounds like you're accounting for that already.


Have all three classes (and their mirrors) as heals, and basically:

Operatives are easy for numberpadding due to hots, and generally more survivable than the other two healers.

Merc is.. strange. I dont know how to explain it, as they are an odd healing class. Beastly for burst healing, but due to heat management, terrible for overall healing.

Sorcs are fun, and the utility they bring makes them just as good as operatives imo. Easier to lock down, and easier to kill, but they have some utility you really miss on an operative (dem bubbles).


It all comes down to your playstyle really. If I were you, I'd get all three to 45 to get their max healing-skills, then make a decision from there. With double XP weekends, leveling goes quite fast. :>


My main is my scoundrel, that's more due to the fact that my other healers arent geared for pvp since 2.0, as Im leveling my sage now (level 53 yo!) and commando is left at my former server, along with my imps. :)

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Sage (Sorc) because of the bubbles. I always liked damage prevention mechanics and the ability to bubble everyone vs. a single teammate made them win out for me. I haven't really played operatives, but I like my Field Medic too. I find the big 'LOOK AT ME I'M HEALING' beam a bit of a downer, though, lol.
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After years of MMOs and PvP I think it's time to move into healing for something different. As such I am curious which healing class PvP healers find the most enjoyable to play.


I am going to give the different ones a whirl as I have an OP at 31, Commando 19, Sorc 21. What are the varying thoughts on the classes from others that have healed with different healers. And around what level can you truely get a feel for how each class operates effectively in WZs. Such as Operatvies get the roll at 51 without that is their surviability much lower then the other 2 healers till 51?


Besides a constructive thread on the PvP forums never hurts.



Thanks for the input


Sorc is the funnest

OP is the best

Commando no comment (probably isn't as bad as people make them out to be)

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Sage/Sorc healers have very bad animations, an they are basically just another priest like class, which is pretty boring to me ;)


Scoundrel is right now the best healer in the game, and the most boring too. 3/4 of the time u will spam hots and your aoe hot, boooring ;)


Mando on the other hand is very fun to play, has cool healing animations, but compared to scoundrel it feels like his little handicaped brother. I would not recommend this healer for a newbie player, scoundrel is your way to go if you wanna best healer in the game. But if you're looking for most badas looking, most fun to play, i will choose Mando/Merc ;)


in terms of story, scoundrel's is pretty much awesome ( with some boring moments), Mando on the other hand is just another Arnold's movie. ( You know who's bad, and who's good from the beginning, no thrill at all, Trooper lines are smt like "Yes SIr!" "No Sir" "For the republic!") It has some good and epic moments but overrall its 5/10 for trooper against 8/10 for scoundrel (+1 for Scoundrels lines) so 5/10 vs 9/10 ;)

Edited by szczypaczek
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Sorc is the funnest

OP is the best

Commando no comment (probably isn't as bad as people make them out to be)


In other terms:


Sorc is balanced.

OP is OP.

Commando is crap.

Edited by Cretinus
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In other terms:

Commando is crap.


Said no Commando/Merc ever.

Being healer with Merc since January (started playing in December) I have to say Merc is far from "crap".

Heat management pretty much sucks hands down, but with decent rotation its pretty much manageable to heal more than decently. For single target healing merc is the best choice IMO. Simply because in 3 GCD you can heal a ton, two tons if any of HS/RS/Emergency scan crit. My RS currently crit at 8K+. Kolto on my OP crit usually at 9K+. Not big difference, considering that you can pretty much spam AOE Kolto missile which is better AOE than OP Recuperative nanotech, but bit worse than Sorc AOE heal (dont have sorc yet so I dont know the name of it). However merc AOE heal is quite decent and have kolto residue that will additionally tick on friends.

Also Kolto shell helps with 13 stacks of healing single target each time it gets hit. Lots of "invisible" trinkets that will most people neglect because Kolto injection from OP kicks *** and heal over time as well (which is true, probes ftw). Namely kolto shell, rapid shots-no heat thus spamable for about 1500hp(some would say its not much, but neither is OP scan, except this one is spamable and not casted), kolto residue from missile, kolto shield for damage reduction after compressed gas usage, alacrity gain, proactive medicine, jet boost healing if specced. So anyone who say that merc is unusable either never played merc healer or played it wrong.


OP on the other hand have both energy managemen as well as tactical advantage for using most of his heals. You can stack 3 TA. Kolto injection and crits from probes hot create them so its not that hard to manage it. HoT is great, and injection is huge when crit, and also you have Surgical probes that are free (otherwise require TA) if target is below 30%. I find after long time merc healing that OP healing is way different and need some time to do it properly (since I have hard time with burst healing in e.g. Titan 6 burst phase due to massive damage that he toss out, but thats me actually not the class itself).


There, my (big) two cents on topic ;)

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In other terms:


Sorc is balanced.

OP is OP.

Commando is crap.


For warzones and larger fights operatives are the best healers yeah, but when you factor in guard and peels and when there's breathing room to do something other than heal in smaller fights, I would take sorc. Sorc has more utility from ranged and another CC break in barrier plus interrupt immunity. CC/interrupt chain an operative and they really can't do anything.


I don't know how good healing commandos would be in smaller scale fights compared to operatives when both sides have a tank. I don't have one. Electro net would be nice to set up kills with and having stealth scan on your team negates one of the marauder's key defensives. They also have the strongest cleanse combo. Their healing output seems weaker, but that tends to not be as bad in smaller scale fights. Who knows, if arenas come out, commandos could be the god healer.


Course, right now there's only warzones where a healer 90% of the time can only spam heals or people die, so any utility is a lot weaker. Plus operatives seem to live the easiest without a tank. From my experience, a sage without guard/proper peels has to LOS/kite back immediately when getting attacked, because you easily take the biggest damage spikes in the game.

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I'm currently leveling a Commando who I just got to 45 and I've logged a lot of healing hours on him in both WZs and Flashpoints.


I was hoping that Commando Healing wasn't as bad as most people perceived it to be, but unfortunately it is in fact quite bad. So bad that I actually felt I had more survivability kiting my opponents in Gunnery (DPS) spec.


The Problems with the Commando Healing tree:

1. No reduction to their defensive cooldowns: We only have two and they are both 2 minute CDs (very hard to rely on).

2. Stockstrike does not Root opponents like it does in Gunnery so you're only kiting tactic involves Kolto Bomb which is a 3 second 50% snare and it just doesn't get/keep melee off you by itself (Root on Stockstrike should be default for all Commando specs).

3. Resource management is terrible. Of all three healing classes, Commando is by far the worst in resource management efficiency and it needs to be addressed (in my opinion Advanced Medical Probe's CD should be reduced so you can always use it before casting a Medical Probe, and when you finish casting Medical Probe you can cast Advanced Medical Probe again. Also, Medical Probe should give 10 stacks of Supercharged cell instead of 6 so that it is possible to max out Supercharged Cells with 3 casts of Medical Probe just like Ops can max out their Upperhands with 3 casts of Underworld Medicine, aside from the Commandos Beam Heals and the Ops Slow Release-Medpac of course).

4. Very poor multi-target healing. Kolto Bomb is a very nice healing utility ability with it's short CD, however when compared to Sorc and Operative multi-target healing abilities by itself it just doesn't measure up (Sorc Bubbles + AoE, Op HoTs + AoE). I believe the Devs tried to mitigate this by giving us another talented AOE healing ability in Kolto Wave, but Kolto Wave is terrible for PvP because Commando's already have unreliable defensive CDs and they force us to blow our our knockback as well as risk white-barring our opponents just to get an extra AOE heal out to our team. The AOE heal should be independent from Concussive Charge.

5. The upper-tier talent Frontline Medic is horrible and almost completely useless, and we are forced to take it. No other class has a talent in this tier level that is this bad for their class and making us take it just adds insult to injury.

6. Commandos Healers have no Anti-Focus abilities. Sorcs/Sages get bubble and Ops/Scoundrels get Vanish, Commandos just get destroyed when they're focused.

7. You never even need to be marked by the opposing team, even the most basic PvP noobs can trace the big fat green beam back to you.

8. Finally, you have no unique utility ability to bring to the table. Ops get Stealth + Smuggle and Sorcs get Friendly Pull. Commandos get nothing.


Ultimately, compared to the other two healing classes, Commando Healers have less Survivability, worse resource management, and less overall healing than the other two healing classes, so at this time there is no reason to play one over the other two.


TLDR: Commando Healing is in a very bad state at the moment and you're better off choosing Sorc or Op.

Edited by DimeStax
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- Commando/Merc. I've been playing them almost exclusively since early access and it is by far my favorite. Its challenging and the tankiness of the spec plays well to my preference (I usually do tank/heal in MMOs, I save my daily requirement of killing for first-person shooters). That and it never ceases to amuse me when a DPS gets so stupefied that they couldn't kill a would-be easy kill. Sooner or later they start keyboard turning and by that point you know the vein on their forehead is twitching.


Scoundrel/Operative I feel is way easier than Commando/Merc. My Scoundrel isn't even to Level 40 yet and I'm convinced he had more healing abilities than either of my Level 55 Commando/Merc. I have to make an active effort to run out of energy. After playing Commando/Merc, I find that playing Scoundrel/Operative healer for more than half an hour puts me to sleep from boredom. I do like the "slipperiness" of the class though -- it is very hard to nail down a Scoundrel and their cooldowns are subtle but powerful.


I haven't played Sage/Sorc enough to comment, but at least at first glance I don't think it would bode well for my playstyle (going from heavy armor to tissue paper doesn't seem all that appealing).

Edited by SpaniardInfinity
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