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Tell Me I'm Not the Only One Who....


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Yeah, my sig may imply different --and I do so <3 <3 forever my Arsen-Mercs (started my third on a third server recently :)), but the Gunslinger was/is my first level-cap (I now have four, three of which are at 55), and it's just so, so hilariously, constant-stupid-grinning fun to play.


I thought so right from the very first Aimed Shot I ever did.


So, like the title says, please confirm, community, that I'm not the only one who gets so "drawn in" by our beloved AC's brilliant dynamics, animations, and overall fun-factor to the point that...


On my Sab-Slinger:


When using my knock-back proc'es an insta-Charged Burst, I have to resist --mightily!-- the urge to IRL scream "PANDEMONIUUUUUUUM, ******ES!!!" Especially in PvP when I've done it to someone who wasn't aware of me being there in the first place :)


Brilliant, brilliant talent, although I think throwing the Thermal Grenade is what should proc' this...Just....well, just 'cuz (what could be more chaotically/hilariously terrifying than throwing a grenade, and then nuking with dual blasters immediately thereafter?).


On my Dirty Fighter:


The sound-effect of Wounding Shots. Need I say more?


On all my Slingers, but especially my Sharpshooter (first-ever level-capped character):


Speed Shots --again, I have to consciously resist IRL yelling "YOU DIE NOW, [expletive]!!" This is especially true of the aforementioned Sharpshooter --for my fellow Arsen-Mercs, imagine a Barrage-proc'ed Unload that channels in only slightly more than half the time, and is mostly immune to interrupts? Yeah!


(And then hitting Burst Volley and doing it again, just because we can :))


Sharp-Slinger Aimed Shot with both stacks of the cast-speed buff:


Taking a full second off the cast time of one of the game's hardest hitting single-target powers, combined with its tremendous thunderclap roaring "ba-BANG!!" sound effect sometimes --Oh, alright, often-- makes me IRL giggle like a psychotic little girl. Especially when I see the medal-animation light up over my head in a WZ for either Demolisher or Annihilator medals!


Sab-Slinger Speed Shots:


The beautiful, beautiful synergy of Illegal Mods-buffed Speed Shots, Sabot-Charge + Contingency Charges + Blazing Speed. It may not be quite as bursty as Sharp-Slinger, but oh damn, it works, and that's all there is to it.


Sab-Slinger AoE, and how to clean trash efficiently:


Shock Probe on the strong (or higher) mob, Flah-Bang 'em all so you have long enough to put XS Flyby on the group,then immediately Incendiary Grenade on the Shock-Probe'd tough guy to stun him, DoT him up, Flourish-Shot, Sabot-Charge, then go to town with the aforesaid talented Contingency Charges/Blazing Speed. Assuming you're level- and gear-appropriate for the content, then there shouldn't be anything solo-able in this game that you should have any trouble with at all, especially with a healer-companion. (Apropos: Once you go Guss, you never, ever go back.)


Yes, I like to watch them all burn. This also makes me smile in PvP.




Am I the only one who is affected like this by our beloved 'Slingers? Between them and Mercs, I almost won't play anything else.


(The Imperial Agent/Sniper, although mechanically near-identical, and with an absolutely first-rate storyline is just....Um, there's just something missing there, although he can be fun in his own dry, coldly clinical way, too.)


Sure, I like to bash BioFail too (guys: It's not BioWare that is the problem, it's Electronic Arts, OK?? There is, for all practical purposes, no more BioWare.) --They just make it too damned easy not to-- but the Smuggler/Gunslinger is one aspect of this game that they got very, very right.


Who's with me?

Edited by midianlord
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Full Slinger here.


XS Flyby + Sweeping Blasters + Thermal Grenade = death to everything!


I agree with everything you said. Funnest class in the game.

Edited by Pyymm
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I loved being a lowbie and 'charging up' aimed shot for 2.5s in PvP, knowing that a huge hit was going to follow and the animation matched it perfectly.


Weird as it sounds, half the reason I've got certain classes to 55 which I play regularly (shadow, gunslinger, operative) is because the animations are so great. Really can't beat the sights of sounds of slinging two pistols around in ops.

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With the double XP weekend I scratch made a slinger who I've managed to gear up to a 26k unauged state.


The ability to dam near eternally cast with zero pushback and cheese vast amounts of mechanics with Hunker Down was actually the bit which I noticed.


But I like the little purple icon lighting up, means 3 instants in a row :)


As for commando, I will find any excuse to use stockstrike :p

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I'd like to think that things get just that little bit more...well, "just so" in that galaxy far, far away every time someone's screen lights up with:


Ability trained: Dual-wield


Ability trained: Crack-shot


Ability trained: Aimed Shot




I don't know who thought up the push-back mechanic, but...It's dumb. Seriously, it's just dumb. Remove ASAP please, EAWare!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am with you, my brother!


The 'Slinger has captured me from day one. I accidentally played it the first time in Beta, because I was planning to roll a Commando at launch. I wanted to play something different in the Beta. I completely changed my mind with the first Aimed Shot. Also, Snap Shot for the instant Charged Burst. Beautiful.


Later I learned the beauty of Saboteur, with the single-greatest skill in the game, Incendiary Grenade. Now especially, it does AoE damage, it slows, it is the longest-range stun in the game, it looks freakin' amazing. It is the only Republic skill that LOOKS and FEELS better than the Imperial mirror.


I also love Sweeping Fire, if nothing else for the wicked screenshots I can get.


If I ever change games, I want to take the Gunslinger with me! It was the class I looked for in Hunters in WoW and LOTRO. Waaaaayyyy better.


:csw_blaster: :csw_blaster: all the way!

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