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Ranked PvP Thread 2.whatever!


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Ok! So. I'm not sure how many teams are left here. So....now is the time to post if you're interested in doing some semi serious ranked here on Begeren Colony. I've seen some kickball ranked the last couple nights but the problems with that is that the teams will never been even and nobody wants to lose. :confused:


I know for a fact that Infamous totally wants to queue against anyone who's interested. Just contact me or Feken or Jordo...or whoever really asking if we can get a team together!


I also saw something at one time with people signing up for a ranked kickball thingy and such? We could try to organize something like that. Post ideas hur! :p




Edit: And no fighting....QQ....

Edited by jediashnoe
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I'd like to form a ranked team here, not restricted by guild affiliation. With the severe lack of PvP guilds left on the Imp side that are capable of forming a team for ranked (Pubs, I think only have one PvP guild left that does ranked anymore too, right?), at least we can try to take the best of the unranked que and see if we can form up a good team to compete against some other 8 man teams.


Worse case scenario is that we at least get our hands and feet wet. So for the remaining Imps here that actually read these forums, feel free to type down your name, class, and role, and we'll try to start a team up. If you don't mind running with Zu, that is ;)

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Capturing the side turrets (Objective Control Points) no longer spawns speeders that take your team to that turret.

Alderaan is only available Warzone for PTS to ensure that the new change receives additional testing.


w t f 2.3... w t f

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Capturing the side turrets (Objective Control Points) no longer spawns speeders that take your team to that turret.

Alderaan is only available Warzone for PTS to ensure that the new change receives additional testing.


w t f 2.3... w t f


Woah, that is a major change. Well, at least it's going to present more of a challenge to win that game, as the old ranked scene of "who captures the side nodes first" won't be what determines the winner of a ranked match in Civil War.


Honestly, I kind of like it. Makes attacking the sides more of a playable move as a collective force, rather than hoping a couple of stealthies can steal it while the main force keeps everyone busy at mid. That, and the game is no longer decided if a team clips the wings anymore. Makes it kind of similar to Novare, imo, except easier to steal.

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I thought the ranked kickball was pretty successful and fun. It actually overcomes some limitations to SWTOR's PUG queue which can make gameplay discouraging. With player policed kickball, roles are fairly evenly distributed between the teams. And because players are shuffled after matches to balance the teams, you do usually end up with a decently competitive match. I definitely wouldn't mind seeing more of it.
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I know for a fact that Infamous totally wants to queue against anyone who's interested. Just contact me or Feken or Jordo...or whoever really asking if we can get a team together!


Seriously queue with them or they get bored and faceroll everyone on lowbies at 2 in the morning! ;)

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I thought the ranked kickball was pretty successful and fun. It actually overcomes some limitations to SWTOR's PUG queue which can make gameplay discouraging. With player policed kickball, roles are fairly evenly distributed between the teams. And because players are shuffled after matches to balance the teams, you do usually end up with a decently competitive match. I definitely wouldn't mind seeing more of it.


I think it'd be a good idea to actually run this idea again, as we'll definitely be opening up the que to pugs for both sides. It's also a good way for the pugs to get to know the PvPers of the server, and at the same time, possibly show them what specific roles are needed on each side (IE, we don't have many healers Impside :/)


Should we create a new thread to plan this out? I think it'd be best if we got a few people together to hopefully lead this effectively, using the forums, but let the sign ups and people looking to join be decided by who's online on the days we decide to host the kickball ranked.

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I can gear up my sorc healer if imps need a serious healer. :D


I don't mind kickball either. Someone just has to organize it. And I wouldn't mind helping out if anyone wants! Also, we should try to get a world PvP event. :cool:

Edited by jediashnoe
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Alright, so what time would you guys be interested in forming this up? I would like to avoid derailing this thread completely with plans for kickball ranked PvP, but let's go ahead and plan out a date for us to start forming teams.


I can help arrange things Impside, but we should talk more about who should start this up Pubside and how we can keep in contact if the plan is to include the entire server :)


I'll make a new thread shortly!

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Epic has a ranked team, we are a little healer heavy and are trying to get some more people fully geared and augmented but we would love to queue against anyone. just contact me (eñvy) or Rava-lynn with a in-game mail or tell and we can setup a time that works for everyone.




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