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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Can we get a Phone App for Crew Skills please?


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If they make it compatible with ALL smartphones. Why let just one brand or another have sole exclusivity on the app? That right there is why it will not and will probably never happen.


Besides, if you NEED to farm while at work, you have a farming addiction problem and should seek help :D

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For some reason this sounds like a horrible idea to me and lead to over flooding of materials on the GTN. It also discriminates against people who do not have a phone that can use the app.




Occupy TOR!! <Raises hands> with spirit fingers.

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Considering the attitude on the Secure Key app is already "If you dont have a f*cking I Phone you cant have one" I am completely against this app idea.


Make an app for ALL major platforms (IPhone, Android, Blackberry, Windows Mobile) or dont make it for anyone.


Dont give the braindead cult of Steve any more advantages please.


There is now an Android app for security. The reason the Cult of Steve got theirs first is because the base app that BW was modifying wasn't done for Android yet.


As for the rest, it's all a matter of market share. Should the devs spend time coding something for WebOS? Not with its current market share. Android has over 60% market share, and growing daily. Definitely code an app for it. iOS is next because it has the next largest chunk of the market (35% plus, I don't have the exact figure right off). Should the devs expend effort coding for the "also ran" mobile OSs?

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So being able to install the game on my laptop so I can do crew skills on vacation discriminates against those without laptops too right? (And that is what I really am doing)


Flawed logic is flawed.



Excellent reference. I'm a laptop gamer myself on a powerful machine. I have a smart phone as well.


Don't have a smart phone but would like to use this app? Manage your money better/get a better job/or get a second job.


This app idea is fantastic. I work two jobs. (Willingly) for extra cash so I CAN do the things I do... like own a powerful laptop. Being on the go and being able to send out my partner to collect is a fantastic idea. I support 100%

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I just skimmed through this thread. I'm surprised it hasn't devolved in to an all out flame war to be honest.


I'd back this even if I didn't have a compatible phone because I think it's a cool idea. I think Fallen Earth toyed around with this concept for the BlackBerry platform at one point but I don't know if it ever took off so to speak.


An out of game chat client would be cool too. Anarchy Online (Matrix Online also had it but it was doomed from the start because they tried to piggy back off of the AIM network and AOL kept plugging it but I digress) had this for a while. The client was like a stripped down IRC client but you could log in and chat with your guild mates without having the game client installed on say a work computer. ;)


I can see the other side of the argument as well: Flooding the GTN with mats, cheapening the accomplishments, etc. But I think the end result would be overall positive especially for casual gamers who can't spend gobs of time on the PC playing a game but CAN make a few taps on the smart phone to gather some crafting mats.


I don't think being able to do inventory management or crafting actual items would be a good idea though, just the gathering and the items should go straight to inventory. Honestly I don't know why they don't already do that, just have a note about it in the chat window.


That's my .02 credits.

Edited by Bloq
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Excellent reference. I'm a laptop gamer myself on a powerful machine. I have a smart phone as well.


Don't have a smart phone but would like to use this app? Manage your money better/get a better job/or get a second job.


This app idea is fantastic. I work two jobs. (Willingly) for extra cash so I CAN do the things I do... like own a powerful laptop. Being on the go and being able to send out my partner to collect is a fantastic idea. I support 100%


Oh I'm not all that wedded to the idea of it being a smartphone app only.


What's the harm in making it a Web app as well? "Gee, I'm at Great Aunt Sally's for a week and her PC sucks, but at least I can manage my companions if not actually play" makes good sense to me.

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If you can afford to play an MMO, you can afford a smart phone.


Also, technology discrimination? Maybe they shouldn't have released SWTOR, since people running an i386 can't play it.


Not true. I cannot afford a smartphone. These things cost well over €30 a month plus the initial purchase.

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I would love to see this. Being able to progress your character in a small way like doing crew skills while away from your computer is a great idea. I'm sure many players would agree and love it as well. Plus, it's more profit for BioWare if they made something like this.
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If you believe that garbage I've got some beachfront property in Florida I'd like to sell you.


I also have a nice bridge in Brooklyn I'm letting go.


Stop an think about the difference between being logged into the game client and being logged in to manage crew skills.


Nothing in your character's location has to be sent from the server to the client if logged in to do crafting with an app. This equals drastically reduced server load and bandwidth requirements.


When you log in with the full client to craft, info on all the mobs and characters in the zone has to be sent to you and updated regularly, your position and facing have to be sent back to the server and updated regularly, and your position, facing and speed have to be sent down to every ...... other..... player in the zone.


I log in with the full client to craft while I'm cooking dinner. I'm taking YOUR spot in the queue when I do so.


There would be no queue or a separate queue for app users, simply because they don't create that much server load.

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While I would absolutely love this, I personally hope they don't implement it or at least that if they do, they don't make it for the iPhone/iPad, because this is a level of obsession that I could fall into SO easily.


I know I would routinely put work on hold, tell my users to wait (I'm a network administrator), dial in while I was at a family dinner, etc., just so I could get a few more missions done. :eek:


Seriously, though, I think this would be an awesome idea. Just hope I don't lose my job or my marriage as a result; I'm already addicted enough to SWTOR.

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There's an application like that available for Fallen Earth for example, though I don't know if it's still supported after they went F2P.



According the argument: "Those that have no smartphone can not use it, so noone should!" -> 7 billion people live on our planet, let's say 3 billion are interested in Videogames, but only 1 billion can actually afford a PC and play SW:ToR, so, shall we close down SW:ToR because of a majority of people living on our planet CAN NOT play? For whatever reasons, even if they wanted?


I know, it's as stupid as an argument as the other, so well, move along, nothing to see here.

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Not interested, but apparently some people don't have enough to do during their work and school days (such as working...or learning....) however I'm not one of them, thankfully.


I wouldn't make use of the app because it is not necessary, it's not important to progression, OF ANY KIND, and I fail to see how it would "improve" upon the system in place in any way.


Aren't crew skills mind numbingly boring and easy enough as it is without having the ability to bump them without even touching the game?

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"Those that have no smartphone can not use it, so noone should!" -> 7 billion people live on our planet, let's say 3 billion are interested in Videogames, but only 1 billion can actually afford a PC and play SW:ToR, so, shall we close down SW:ToR because of a majority of people living on our planet CAN NOT play? For whatever reasons, even if they wanted?


I know, it's as stupid as an argument as the other, so well, move along, nothing to see here.


Now you're just being stupid. Your analogy is completely incorrect. As of now, you can run SW:ToR on Pcs, laptops and maybe some netbooks (not sure). You can also run SW:ToR if you have Win XP/Vista/7. So right now you have 9 possible combinations (3 platforms multiplied by 3 OS) that can run SW:ToR. If you make an iPhone app, you limit this to only 3 combinations - iPhone/iPad/iPod that run on iOS. So, right, let's make SW:ToR available only for PC users with XP SP3 installed, others may just swallow it up - who cares, world is so unjust, qq some more.


This is not a solution. This is not just a game, it's a serious business, buddy, and people are aiming to make profits. I guess that approximately 20% users are Apple fans, but wait... What about other 80%? Oh, well, no profit from them, 'cause we just need to annoy the majority of players.


As I mentioned earlier, players will need no app if Bioware makes longer queues - I'd like to plan ahead for a day or so just because I work and can't log in daily while other players can (ooooooh, what an unfair advantage) - it will help to reduce server load and make me more content - after all, I paid for the game, but I can't play it as often as others - longer mission queues will help a lot, also annoying "PERFECTION HAS BEEN DELIVERED MASTER" *Huge pop-up window during flashpoint boss fight* will cause less irritation - you won't have to open crew skills, select mission and such. All I want is a tool that can be set as follows: Crew skill (gather/mission/craft) send companion (all available, or checklist which companions to send), what to do (craft queue or desired mission yield and loot probability (e.g. rich yields first, bountiful/abundant if rich not available). And voila - I get home - I check my crew - I play or I make some corrections and I get back to work. You can limit those offline missions to 24/48 hours per week per companion so no one will complain about it being unfair or game-breaking.

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Now you're just being stupid. Your analogy is completely incorrect. As of now, you can run SW:ToR on Pcs, laptops and maybe some netbooks (not sure). You can also run SW:ToR if you have Win XP/Vista/7. So right now you have 9 possible combinations (3 platforms multiplied by 3 OS) that can run SW:ToR. If you make an iPhone app, you limit this to only 3 combinations - iPhone/iPad/iPod that run on iOS. So, right, let's make SW:ToR available only for PC users with XP SP3 installed, others may just swallow it up - who cares, world is so unjust, qq some more.


No one is suggesting this should be for iPhone only. Read the thread before you spew a wall of text.


In fact, Android, iPhone, and Web app are all the major platforms requested, with a vocal minority chiming in for Wind Phone 8.

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No one is suggesting this should be for iPhone only. Read the thread before you spew a wall of text.


In fact, Android, iPhone, and Web app are all the major platforms requested, with a vocal minority chiming in for Wind Phone 8.


Oh, I'm reading the thread, you can find my reply several pages earlier. Just reacted because of "Long live smartphone apps! Y u no have normal cellphone" posts. Web app should do just fine, but after slicing nerf there will be no real need for it - no free money, shop's closed =) Still, if you have some extra money this app will offer a boost during your offline time when you can't gather nodes to improve skills.

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And how exactly would it affect economy?

Missions are money sinks, they trade credits for skill points. You can get those points by gathering, or you can go on a mission and pay for it instead. So if you go gathering, you get, say, a lockbox for free, but if you send a companion - well, you have to pay for that lockbox a sum about 90-95% of its contents. So you get 1000 credits if you gathered it and 1100(contents)-1000(mission cost)=100 credits for sending a companion.

I'd say that it won't affect economy, but you'll be able to craft normally instead of logging in every hour to check the 5-item queue.

Edited by Fryster
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You don't understand. I am ALREADY doing this via the LogMeIn Ignition app on my phone. Right now, I have a major advantage over you and other people that aren't. Making it an app would be easier than the way I'm doing it now and it would be more fair for everyone else that isn't as tech savvy, thus leveling the playing field.


There is a wide difference between one person more technically inclined doing it, and offering an app which allows one to fully open it to everybody so inclined to use the app.


Heck are you even sure you are not in a grey zone of your membership agreement risking ban ? Just saying, doing it thru remote desktop could be equaled to botting, by a thin skinned CR.


Furthermore we are speaking of having an app which allows you to have an in game effect of gathering resource. So far as I know from the WOW example it only you to set up AH.


My conclusion is that an in game app allowing you to do mission is a *terrible* idea. But one setup to do AH , could be acceptable. heck it might be even better than the AH we have in game now.

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And how exactly would it affect economy?

Missions are money sinks, they trade credits for skill points. You can get those points by gathering, or you can go on a mission and pay for it instead. So if you go gathering, you get, say, a lockbox for free, but if you send a companion - well, you have to pay for that lockbox a sum about 90-95% of its contents. So you get 1000 credits if you gathered it and 1100(contents)-1000(mission cost)=100 credits for sending a companion.

I'd say that it won't affect economy, but you'll be able to craft normally instead of logging in every hour to check the 5-item queue.


The point is with everyone being able to craft 16 hours a day the prices of crafting materials and crafts would plummet. The only prof that would be usable in this scenario is slicing with its thin profits.

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Heck are you even sure you are not in a grey zone of your membership agreement risking ban ? Just saying, doing it thru remote desktop could be equaled to botting, by a thin skinned CR.


Bullfeathers. If I got banned for botting because I'm actually PLAYING the game, I'd sue the monkey snot out of EA so fast it would make your head spin.


Furthermore we are speaking of having an app which allows you to have an in game effect of gathering resource. So far as I know from the WOW example it only you to set up AH.


My conclusion is that an in game app allowing you to do mission is a *terrible* idea. But one setup to do AH , could be acceptable. heck it might be even better than the AH we have in game now.


The Fallen Earth app lets you craft.


I wouldn't turn my nose up at GTN access either, but giving just GTN access via an app is going to bring the flippers crawling out of the woodwork. That would be bad.


The more stuff that is put on the market the worse it is for the flippers. That's a good thing, but it takes people crafting (and not in small numbers) to put the flippers in their place.

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