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Kickball ranked pvp games


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I will be trying to get some kickball style ranked pvp matches going sunday monday and tuesday nights starting around 9-10, for those of you who dont know, kickball is where you get pug 8 man teams together, the teams queue up for ranked, the 2 teams face off, and if a team wins 2 in a row or totally blows out the other team in numbers, then team leaders can exchange players between teams to help balance the matches and make them fun for everyone b/c as we learned from LD50, nobody has fun getting facerolled. look for me on the fleet on those nights somewhere around those times, Unicorn stampede is hosting and we will use our mumble. Mumble link is on website in top left corner http://unicornstampede.enjin.com/home

Everyone is welcome to come out, have some fun and meet new ppl to pvp with as well as get some easy ranked comms for that conq gear youve been grinding so hard to get

Edited by Cinerous
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Glad to have you physco I won't be there for the morning ones but just check fleet chat around those times or get in the unicorn mumble and you should be set. Looking forward to some good games with/against you
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I don't really play pub side, I have a sentinel I'm leveling over there but I'm sure if you were only on pubs or wanted to take your pub toons to kickball I'm sure I could log onto my pub toon to set up the group and organize ****. But if you wanna talk to me you can either do it in game or you can just hop in the unicorn stampede mumble and ask for Cinerous and we can talk that way. Just let me know what time this evening works for you (I'm on east time zone)
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I'd be down for that, and will try to log in during those hours to see if anyting is happening. I'm repub side on Axxva, hit me up.....and Tw'yl :):):):) /jedi mind trick....You do not see me! Edited by _Adisa_
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If you run anything Saturday morning or Sunday look for me on fleet. I'm definitely interested. (Laaron) I'll keep an eye out as well.


Will do. Like I said I won't be able to make the ones Saturday and Sunday morning but I'll let ppl know to look for you on pub fleet. Will prolly just be spamming gen chat and pvp channel so should be pretty easy to spot us looking for ppl lol.


And twyl I'm looking forward to it I'll look for you online whenever I log in or I'll hop in b30 mumble and look for you. But you're only allowed to play if you're on my team :cool:

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I'd be down for that, and will try to log in during those hours to see if anyting is happening. I'm repub side on Axxva, hit me up.....and Tw'yl :):):):) /jedi mind trick....You do not see me!


Awesome axva, who knows maybe we can even group up sometimes to faceroll some regs over on pot5.

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I have a maur over there I could bring along!

Save me a spot! ;)

Ill send ya a msg around 6 pm central time in game.

Can you pm me the mumble info?


Sure, I may be eating dinner around that time, but if you can't find me online then just go to the unicorn stampede guild site, which I have linked I believe at the start of this thread (if not just google unicorn stampede) and click on the mumble icon at the top left corner of our website, just go into whatever channel has the most ppl In it, and if you don't see me in there (Cinerous is my mumble name) then ask the ppl in mumble to send me a message on Facebook.

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And twyl I'm looking forward to it I'll look for you online whenever I log in or I'll hop in b30 mumble and look for you. But you're only allowed to play if you're on my team :cool:


I'm already 95% full conq gear so don't need the comms. I just like killing people in a friendly way.

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I can come on my maurader, he's pretty much full conqueror. I've already transferred Jaiden to Pot5


word. im also considering trying to put together a ranked team for Unicorns on JC, so idk how many ppl you have on JC that would be interested in putting up a team, but im tryna bring rateds back to JC now that LD is gone and ppl wont get totally facerolled. ill look for you in game and talk to you more or maybe ill hop in your mumble sometime to fill you in on more of the details

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glad you're doing this, I'll see if I can make it.


def man. and even if you cant make it to any of the ones weve got coming up in the next couple days, this isnt going away. im going to try and make kickball ranked a weekly thing. everyone comes out, everyone has fun, earns a few extra rwz comms, everyone leaves happy, so i see no reason to make this a once in a blue moon thing. im gonna see what the turnout is like when we do it on the weekends, then try to do it again in the middle of the week to compare the turnout and what works better for ppl. and if ppl tell me they like weekends and the weekdays, ill def try and get stuff going both times.

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