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Noobs in warzones


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Warzones get so impossible with level 10 - 15 no advanced classes and they never no what to do.That is always the reason we never win.Warzones should not be for level 10 up it should require and advanced class rather.I think that woulb be far better do you agree?
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i find these types of posts lol-worthy... what makes you think it isn't the same for the other faction?

bad luck is bad luck.. nothing to see here move along...


What makes him think this it isn't the same for all multiplayer games everywhere...


Really? Complaining about noobs? Could you be a more stereotypical gamer?

Edited by Lionflash
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Some people enjoy the challenge of not picking an advanced class. It is there right to do so. Yes, you could argue that it hurts the team, but you're welcome to form your own group if you do not wish to risk this.


Also, I'm sure you were a PVP wizz on your first try :rolleyes:


Don't be an idiot, offer them (friendly) advice after the match. Explain to them about how to get Advance Classes and what to look for in skill trees in relation to their playstyle.


Oh, but I'm sure you're too busy being "a pro" to worry about the new kids......

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Don't be an idiot, offer them (friendly) advice after the match. Explain to them about how to get Advance Classes and what to look for in skill trees in relation to their playstyle.


I've had to explain how to freecast puddle a lot to 55's in warzones.


Last night, me and another player had to explain to 5 different people some very, very basic things like not chasing bait off a node, capping in novare vs cw, etc.


Oddly, all 5 listened and applied. It seems rare (and usually more common in the lowbie queues) that people refuse to listen and just get downright belligerent if you try and help them correct themselves. I may be too patient, but I agree with this advice - try explaining stuff to them, as they probably don't know.


(One of the 30-54 Huttballs I had last night, was literally the first huttball 3 of my team had ever done. 2 were in their 50s.)

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Actually its

Me "hey you guys should pick an advanced class"

Them "**** noob"

Then they contribute nothing to the match. But hey its low bracket PvP what do you expect. Most people don't know how to PvP at max level.

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Warzones get so impossible with level 10 - 15 no advanced classes and they never KNOW what to do.That is always the reason we never win.Warzones should not be for level 10 up it should require and advanced class rather.I think that woulb be far better do you agree?


You could alway's take the time to explain and teach new pvp'ers how warzone's work.

first timer's will go in with NO knowledge maybe just maybe a bit of help with some simple instructions on what to do, often goes a long way.

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Some people enjoy the challenge of not picking an advanced class. It is there right to do so. Yes, you could argue that it hurts the team, but you're welcome to form your own group if you do not wish to risk this.


Also, I'm sure you were a PVP wizz on your first try :rolleyes:


Don't be an idiot, offer them (friendly) advice after the match. Explain to them about how to get Advance Classes and what to look for in skill trees in relation to their playstyle.


Oh, but I'm sure you're too busy being "a pro" to worry about the new kids......


Well, i'm all for "to each his own", but refusing to pick an advanced class for the challenge it presents? I'm having a hard time understanding why anyone would intentionally gimp themselves in such a way, and then queue up for WZs (that include 7 OTHER players) and then expect, what...not to get a ration because you're a sub-optimal player? By choice? Here's the reality; just like that player reserves the right to roll around like some scrub, I also reserve the right to call them out for it. Seriously peeps; there are those that are genuinely new and ignorant, which I can tolerate and help in anyway I can...and then there are those that intentionally disregard the fundamentals of the WZ and in fact, the game. Those people get what they get by playing the way they play.

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Have to agree with you that selecting an Advanced Class should be mandatory prior to entering. It really does cripple your team if you get the odd Sith Inquisitor with no talents and a massively underaverage ability pool (since higher leveled players also have acess to further abilities).


Very rarely see players like this though - always presumed it was PvP enthusiasts who just can't wait to get into that Warzone, despite not even having an advanced class yet. Doubt it factors into that many defeats, though maybe I'm just on the wrong realm.

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Warzones get so impossible with level 10 - 15 no advanced classes and they never no what to do.That is always the reason we never win.Warzones should not be for level 10 up it should require and advanced class rather.I think that woulb be far better do you agree?


Yes, I do agree.


Now change the part that says "10 -15" to "55" and I will be fully in your corner, OP !! :)

Edited by MotorCityMan
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