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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Scantily clad player characters..


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Genocide for fun - No problem.


Genocide for profit - No problem.


Murder for fun - No problem.


Murder for profit - No problem.


Bigotry - No problem.


Racism - No problem.


Slavery - No problem.


But it's the fashion that gets the thread. It's the extra cleavage that makes people sit up and start typing.


What is wrong with you?


Whatever stage of the game your character has progressed to, you have gotten there mainly through the act of killing things. Killing lots and lots of things. Killing other humanoids, killing animals, killing droids. And then your character gets paid for killing all those things.


But I'm supposed to believe that it's the fashion that raises a red flag with you?


You, whose character is a paid murderer?


I'm expected to believe that you, a person who clearly derives pleasure from watching acts of extreme violence depicted on their computer screen for hours on end, thinks that a bare midriff is inappropriate?


I don't believe it. Not for a second. I think the OP is misguided.


When genocide happens in the real world, it is a terrible, horrific thing. People die. Families are destroyed.


When racism occurs in real life, it's a terrible, shameful thing. People lose their jobs, lives are destroyed.


When a woman leaves her house in an extra tight crop top and extra short miniskirt, the likelihood of someone getting killed because of it is pretty low.


And yet, here you are, telling yourself that the provocative fashion in a video game is simply too much to bear.


OP and everyone else who agrees with him/her opinion - take a step back and think about what it is you're really saying here.


How do you "kill" a droid?

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Genocide for fun - No problem.




OP and everyone else who agrees with him/her opinion - take a step back and think about what it is you're really saying here.


For you and CrazyKat...if the amount of killing and all that in the game bothers you then go make a thread about it. We arent stupid...we know that there is a lot of killing in the game. But we arent talking about that now are we? even though people like you keep trying to steer that conversation in that direction.


But back the the topic,


I dont RP, but i do like to dress my toons for the occasion so to speak. I dress my Jedi how i think a Jedi would dress, i dress my trooper and BH how i think they would dress. To me, it just doesnt feel like Star Wars if i'm running around or see other people running around in bikinis. I still want a little bit of immersion when i play the game.


I've tried playing games like WoW, STO and TSW and putting myself in something skimpy but it was only fun for a while. TSW (which has better body models then SWTOR btw) i ran around in my female toon w/ assault rifle/shotgun wearing daisy dukes, bikini top and running shoes. But after a few weeks i switched her to sunglasses, a white buttoned shirt, slacks and a blazer (MiB look). STO i had my away team wearing miniskirts and tank tops or seven of nine outfits. But that changed too and eventually they were all wearing DS9 or Voyager uniforms.

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Genocide for fun - No problem.


Genocide for profit - No problem.


Murder for fun - No problem.


Murder for profit - No problem.


Bigotry - No problem.


Racism - No problem.


Slavery - No problem.


But it's the fashion that gets the thread. It's the extra cleavage that makes people sit up and start typing.


What is wrong with you?


Whatever stage of the game your character has progressed to, you have gotten there mainly through the act of killing things. Killing lots and lots of things. Killing other humanoids, killing animals, killing droids. And then your character gets paid for killing all those things.


But I'm supposed to believe that it's the fashion that raises a red flag with you?


You, whose character is a paid murderer?


I'm expected to believe that you, a person who clearly derives pleasure from watching acts of extreme violence depicted on their computer screen for hours on end, thinks that a bare midriff is inappropriate?


So what you are saying is that by playing this game we are all guilty of advocating Genocide, Murder, Bigotry, Racism and slavery for profit, even you.


But I get the OPs point in so much that in a Raid, it seems odd that over half the group seem to be the cast of Bay Watch.


Not offensive but Odd. Hunting, say Snowblind on Hoth, in a Bikini.

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Wow, so many seemed to have missed my point entirely. My sincere apologies.


The violence and bigotry don't pose an issue for me. Not even in the slightest. For one simple reason.


None of it is real.


Which does bring me to my original point - we all give this game a pass on the violence, because we know it isn't real. We don't care how many times we're referred to as slaves in the game, because it's not real. We never shed a single tear, no matter how many innocent lives are lost, because none of it is real. It's just a game.


Why then does the fashion not get the same consideration? Some in this thread have lamented the ubiquity of scantily clad characters parading around, but never once have I seen a thread requesting Bioware to please turn down the violence. And rightly so, none of it is real.


The point of my original response to the OP is this - if you're okay with the violence, you should be okay with the fashion. It is hypocritical to point the finger at skimpy clothing options while your character is covered in the blood of innocents.

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Wow, so many seemed to have missed my point entirely. My sincere apologies.


The violence and bigotry don't pose an issue for me. Not even in the slightest. For one simple reason.


None of it is real.


Which does bring me to my original point - we all give this game a pass on the violence, because we know it isn't real. We don't care how many times we're referred to as slaves in the game, because it's not real. We never shed a single tear, no matter how many innocent lives are lost, because none of it is real. It's just a game.


Why then does the fashion not get the same consideration? Some in this thread have lamented the ubiquity of scantily clad characters parading around, but never once have I seen a thread requesting Bioware to please turn down the violence. And rightly so, none of it is real.


The point of my original response to the OP is this - if you're okay with the violence, you should be okay with the fashion. It is hypocritical to point the finger at skimpy clothing options while your character is covered in the blood of innocents.


If your argument is if you are okay with x, then you have to be okay with y when x and y are both "taboo" then


By the same logic if you are happy with in it make believe then you can be happy with it in real life

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For you and CrazyKat...if the amount of killing and all that in the game bothers you then go make a thread about it. We arent stupid...we know that there is a lot of killing in the game. But we arent talking about that now are we? even though people like you keep trying to steer that conversation in that direction.


But back the the topic,


I dont RP, but i do like to dress my toons for the occasion so to speak. I dress my Jedi how i think a Jedi would dress, i dress my trooper and BH how i think they would dress. To me, it just doesnt feel like Star Wars if i'm running around or see other people running around in bikinis. I still want a little bit of immersion when i play the game.


I've tried playing games like WoW, STO and TSW and putting myself in something skimpy but it was only fun for a while. TSW (which has better body models then SWTOR btw) i ran around in my female toon w/ assault rifle/shotgun wearing daisy dukes, bikini top and running shoes. But after a few weeks i switched her to sunglasses, a white buttoned shirt, slacks and a blazer (MiB look). STO i had my away team wearing miniskirts and tank tops or seven of nine outfits. But that changed too and eventually they were all wearing DS9 or Voyager uniforms.


It's all make believe in a totally illogical game world.


I was just pointing out the hypocrisy of people who complain about one thing while ignoring another. While "moral outrage" isn't really relevant in this thread, yet... it has been the underlying theme in other threads on the same topic so I struck pre-emptively!


"My child saw a bellybutton! Eeeeek! Junior, look away from the lady in the bikini and concentrate on killing those slaves instead!"

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Wow, so many seemed to have missed my point entirely. My sincere apologies.


The violence and bigotry don't pose an issue for me. Not even in the slightest. For one simple reason.


None of it is real.


Which does bring me to my original point - we all give this game a pass on the violence, because we know it isn't real. We don't care how many times we're referred to as slaves in the game, because it's not real. We never shed a single tear, no matter how many innocent lives are lost, because none of it is real. It's just a game.


Why then does the fashion not get the same consideration? Some in this thread have lamented the ubiquity of scantily clad characters parading around, but never once have I seen a thread requesting Bioware to please turn down the violence. And rightly so, none of it is real.


The point of my original response to the OP is this - if you're okay with the violence, you should be okay with the fashion. It is hypocritical to point the finger at skimpy clothing options while your character is covered in the blood of innocents.


Can it really be called "Star Wars" if people are running around in T-Shirts, cargo pants and nerf bats? Is simply calling the class Jedi, or Bounty Hunter or Sith what makes it Star Wars? It doesnt matter that its real or not, some people like to be immersed in their games. Some people dont just look at the screen and think 'ohh a bunch of pixels and some mechanics for me to overcome'. I want to look at my screen and say hey thats a Jedi, hey thats a Trooper. But instead i look and i say 'hey there goes princess Leia with an assault cannon, hey there goes princess Leia with a lightsaber, hey there she is again with a sniper rifle...oh wait her companion looks like princess Leia too. None of the talk about slave outfits or any of that is game breaking. But for a lot of people it is immersion breaking.

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It's all make believe in a totally illogical game world.


I was just pointing out the hypocrisy of people who complain about one thing while ignoring another. While "moral outrage" isn't really relevant in this thread, yet... it has been the underlying theme in other threads on the same topic so I struck pre-emptively!


"My child saw a bellybutton! Eeeeek! Junior, look away from the lady in the bikini and concentrate on killing those slaves instead!"


When was it Moral Outrage in this thread though?


When was it outrage of any sort from the OP's question.


Simply what is with the Player choice to have so much scantly clad females?

How does a 'Fashion Model' in a Bikini with an assualt cannon look quite right.


No more a Moral question that does a Salmon Shirt really go well with a Sky Blue jumper.

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Can it really be called "Star Wars" if people are running around in T-Shirts, cargo pants and nerf bats? Is simply calling the class Jedi, or Bounty Hunter or Sith what makes it Star Wars? It doesnt matter that its real or not, some people like to be immersed in their games. Some people dont just look at the screen and think 'ohh a bunch of pixels and some mechanics for me to overcome'. I want to look at my screen and say hey thats a Jedi, hey thats a Trooper. But instead i look and i say 'hey there goes princess Leia with an assault cannon, hey there goes princess Leia with a lightsaber, hey there she is again with a sniper rifle...oh wait her companion looks like princess Leia too. None of the talk about slave outfits or any of that is game breaking. But for a lot of people it is immersion breaking.


The real issue is lack of options. Especially on the Jedi side of the equation. You can have anything you want, as long as it's brown and looks like a homeless monk on 12th century Earth would wear it.


The variety is much better than it was, but the half-assed dye system doesn't help matters.

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The only thing this seems to prove is that people will argue over just about anything.


The point that the scantily clad thing is getting a bit excessive, especially in modern games, is a reasonable point to make.


Also, to say it's not a big deal and certainly not as much of a concern as violence is also a sensible point.


Neither side has cornered the market on common sense.


Just my opinion of course.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Can it really be called "Star Wars" if people are running around in T-Shirts, cargo pants and nerf bats? Is simply calling the class Jedi, or Bounty Hunter or Sith what makes it Star Wars? It doesnt matter that its real or not, some people like to be immersed in their games. Some people dont just look at the screen and think 'ohh a bunch of pixels and some mechanics for me to overcome'. I want to look at my screen and say hey thats a Jedi, hey thats a Trooper. But instead i look and i say 'hey there goes princess Leia with an assault cannon, hey there goes princess Leia with a lightsaber, hey there she is again with a sniper rifle...oh wait her companion looks like princess Leia too. None of the talk about slave outfits or any of that is game breaking. But for a lot of people it is immersion breaking.


I can't argue with that. It is absolutely immersion breaking to get your character all geared up for what is sure to be a life and death situation, and the character next to you is armed to the teeth and wearing a metal bikini. Yeah, that does kinda ruin the moment. I concur. :p

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The only time I find it immersion breaking is when I see a female Commando running around in a Reveller's outfit with an Assault Cannon, especially with the new long hair style on a Human; which sounds too specific to be a regular occurrence but it happens quite often :/. Still, no more immersion breaking then Vector who's been counting the same 5 boxes in my cargo hold for months, or non-Force users with dark side corruption.
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The real issue is lack of options. Especially on the Jedi side of the equation. You can have anything you want, as long as it's brown and looks like a homeless monk on 12th century Earth would wear it.


The variety is much better than it was, but the half-assed dye system doesn't help matters.


Take it up with Lucas. He decided that Jedi and Sith only wore robes. Bioware just follows the source material they were given.


Or you can make your own space saga thing. It's not really that hard. Bioware did it. Star Trek did it. Hell, SyFy does it every sweeps month. Have you watched Defiance? So good.

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Take it up with Lucas. He decided that Jedi and Sith only wore robes. Bioware just follows the source material they were given.


Or you can make your own space saga thing. It's not really that hard. Bioware did it. Star Trek did it. Hell, SyFy does it every sweeps month. Have you watched Defiance? So good.


He also decided that racial stereotype cartoon rabbits are funny, robots should make comically irreverent "ouch" noises every 1.3 seconds, and that it's hilarious when alien monsters burp!

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He also decided that racial stereotype cartoon rabbits are funny, robots should make comically irreverent "ouch" noises every 1.3 seconds, and that it's hilarious when alien monsters burp!


Yes, yes he did. But you can't change what has been written.


Otherwise, if I had my way, Jesus of Nazareth would have had a sweet rocket powered dirigible and eye beams that shot hot fudge sundaes into existence.


Now there is the greatest story ever told, amirite?

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Wow, so many seemed to have missed my point entirely. My sincere apologies.


The violence and bigotry don't pose an issue for me. Not even in the slightest. For one simple reason.


None of it is real.


Which does bring me to my original point - we all give this game a pass on the violence, because we know it isn't real. We don't care how many times we're referred to as slaves in the game, because it's not real. We never shed a single tear, no matter how many innocent lives are lost, because none of it is real. It's just a game.


Why then does the fashion not get the same consideration? Some in this thread have lamented the ubiquity of scantily clad characters parading around, but never once have I seen a thread requesting Bioware to please turn down the violence. And rightly so, none of it is real.


The point of my original response to the OP is this - if you're okay with the violence, you should be okay with the fashion. It is hypocritical to point the finger at skimpy clothing options while your character is covered in the blood of innocents.


I'd say the biggest problem isn't that it's done. It's just that when you see over half the fleet filled with PCs and NPCs in slave bikini's, it ruins the immersion :p Yes, SW has slaves. Yes, SW has the slave bikini. But it wasn't generally the hero running around it 24/7 or the cast :p


And yes, the slave bikini shows more than costumes (outside the cash shop bathing suit, and that wasn't even for all races) in TERA :p This isn't to say TERA doesn't have revealing outfits, they just lacked a straight out bikini to wear. Of course, that's also part of TERA. :p


But SW isn't really bad on it. It has a small number of bikini tops/bottoms, a few belly shirt styles, but that's far out weighed by all the other options. It's just that almost everyone loves to run around in them.


The other funny part is that people think it's just males doing it :p

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Take it up with Lucas. He decided that Jedi and Sith only wore robes. Bioware just follows the source material they were given.


Or you can make your own space saga thing. It's not really that hard. Bioware did it. Star Trek did it. Hell, SyFy does it every sweeps month. Have you watched Defiance? So good.


No, no. You can't blame BioWare's failing with the Robes on Lucas.


Lucas didn't make Jedi Robes with goofy patterns and patchwork on them, BiowWare did that. The Jedi and Sith in the movies wore single color Robes, no pockets hanging off the sides and no Little House on the Prairie quilt designs on the back.


Lucas didn't make the Robes a stuck part of the costume during combat, BioWare did that. The Jedi and Sith in the movies all commonly took their Robes off before Force combat in the movies revealing a more combat oriented outfit beneath. BioWare couldn't figure out a way to let us do that. So, the Robe became a permanent part of the whole outfit.


And FYI, Star Trek came before Star Wars.



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No, no. You can't blame BioWare's failing with the Robes on Lucas.


Lucas didn't make Jedi Robes with goofy patterns and patchwork on them, BiowWare did that. The Jedi and Sith in the movies wore single color Robes, no pockets hanging off the sides and no Little House on the Prairie quilt designs on the back.


Lucas didn't make the Robes a stuck part of the costume during combat, BioWare did that. The Jedi and Sith in the movies all commonly took their Robes off before Force combat in the movies revealing a more combat oriented outfit beneath. BioWare couldn't figure out a way to let us do that. So, the Robe became a permanent part of the whole outfit.


And FYI, Star Trek came before Star Wars.




Actually, I think the only time a Jedi took off a robe to fight was when they were caught. Everytime after that, they never wore the outer robes again. In fact, the only Jedi who wore anything closely resembling any sort of real armor was Vader, which he was put in on the very eve of total war/domination and he wore that throughout the conflict because he both needed it to live and because he was on the frontlines fighting, while his master who sported simply black robes, spent his entire career as Emperor hiding from the galaxy.


And I mention Star Trek because it is so easy to make a space based saga. Others include Halo, EVE Online, Red Faction, Starship Troopers, Avatar, Aliens, Predator, WALL-E (which was FREAKING beautiful), Planet of the Apes, etc etc.


You know what's a hard genre to work with?


Weird West. The most popular one you can think of is Jonah Hex right now. Maybe Red Dead: Undead Nightmare, if you can count it. I do. Not a lot do.

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well.......though highly impractical in combat


That is why my tank's gear is the skimpy outfit, I just find it funny to tank in a skimpy outfit. Her dps gear covers up almost every bit of skin.

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