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Pub/Imp pvp balance?


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I kinda agree with Zu I have noticed over the last 2 weeks that there are less and less Pub PVPers on, at least people that I use to have issues with.


Maybe they have gone to the dark side, who knows.


I think on the Imp side a lot of the regular PVPers know each other now, mainly due to things like kickball so even if you a pugging solo typically after the match people will start grouping up and then it basically becomes a premade on the imp side.


Just this morning, myself, Roisinn, Uchiake and Asec joined an Ancient Hypergate and by splitting our team (2 to each pylon) we ended up winning without the other team scoring a point as they couldn't cap their pylon and it was all over with in 2 rounds.

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Well, in all fairness, we did have a ranked kickball team that defeated BSR's team on Saturday, so it's not exactly regs with comms.


I haven't played against BSR other than the odd one of them solo queueing here and there, so forgive me if I'm wrong. But I don't believe they have much experience with competitive ranked much less the dozens and dozens of matches against established ranked teams required in order to develope the chemistry, strategy, and coordination to even be close to our ranked teams pre server transfers. It would be the same thing if we in Company manage to get a ranked team together. Yes some of us queue a lot together and have good synergy, but putting together an 8-man team would essentially not be much different than putting together a pug of good players and getting them on voice chat.

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I solo queue when I'm on then people invite me. :(


I think Pubs just have less pvp'ers these days and the server is becoming more PVE /RP based we really did have a small community PVP wise and most of that is gone now.


My play time these days is rather limited to 1-2 nights a week.

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Playing both sides lately, Zu is pretty much on the money.


General Queuers: Quality of the Pub side has gone way down, but Imp has stayed about the same as it was a month ago. There is more pubs who have no idea what they're doing in the warzone in terms of coordination or objectives than the Imp side per queue, whereas the Imp side probably has just as many in numbers, but due to the more pvpers - it's not as impacting.


I'd say I see on average, 2-3 Pubs with 1450 or less expertise, during the typical daily time, whereas on the Imp side, about 1. Approximately the same percentage of people who have no idea what they're doing. The low expertise does not always follow "has no idea what theyre doing" on either side.


Essentially, there is less people to carry per warzone on the Imp side.


Pro Queuers: Best way I can put it, is you will on average have 4-6 experienced or pro players on the Imp side per warzone. Pubs have about 1-3 per warzone. This somewhat goes out the window with Premades - but it seems the "Random 4" people are easier to carry on the Imp side as opposed to the Pub side (With nearly all of the Pub randoms ranging from semi okay to free kill - might as well not be there people)


And of course, this sometimes changes a bit late at night (Pubs seeming to have better late night players), and random stuff happens where all the Bads end up in one warzone together. I've intentionally left warzones to avoid serious bads on both sides only to end up queued against them with decent to pro players on my team same faction vs same faction, and it was a massacre. As a bonus, both sides "I Queue Naked" people seem to have found their gear, and I haven't seen a few of our usual afkers lately.

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Like Zu said this is a fact of mentality of the pugs , on pub side we have great pvpers less than the imp side its true but that doesnt mean they are not as good , the problem is that even if a pug have some good players on a team wen the fights come down to 2 vs 8 couse the rest of the team is useless, and wen you call them out to do something they either not listen to you or they go with /quitwz it doesnt matter how a good player you are you cant carry 5-7 pugs in a wz aganist an avarage imp pug couse let be serious imp side pretty much owns pub side until either premades come to play or they are lucky and get good players on the team and even there they are so bad that they can destroy the premade that is trying to carry them, and the thing is that they dont get to realize how bad they are couse the game "help" the pvp teribad/useless player with that bolster bs, before 2.0 you need to earn the gear to be competitive on pvp so either you learn how to play and work your face off to ge the pvp gear or just stop queueing for pvp so the players that can go trough that hell come has a avarege/good players but now is easy mode use your regular gear has pvp get some expertise and have a false idea how to pvp is done , and im not a god of pvp couse im pretty much a avarege pvper but i know how to play objectives in a wz and sadly the bolster dont give that knowledge for the teribads pugs

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I usually tend to approach bads in the sense of reality, with a little rage. Being the competitive player I am, there are only a few games that I can truly reply to people with "gg", as the WZs are usually one sided 90% of the time here on BC.


When there are bad players on the team, I don't neccesarily call them out on a complete basis of insult most of the time. I call them out, and I berate them on their playstyle because I believe that the argument "it's just a game" is two sided:


Yes, people are right, it is a game where you take losses and move on. But given that it is a game, I am competitive and play to compete and win. That, personally, is where I get my entertainment and my fun from in PvP. So if a player is rude enough to enter the que with me and play with a sense that they do not care about stopping a capper, adding some benefit to the team, or do not care about improving their game to help the team DEPENDANT game mode, I will make sure that the player knows that I don't appreciate that kind of selfishness. It is frustrating when people play with a sense of selfishness as "Idgaf" and ruin a team's chances at competing, and I make sure that frustration is felt by those who cause it.


As a competitive player, I also feel it is fair that if someone is the cause of failure in the WZ, I will make sure they know it. Almost every loss in the regs can be pinned down on one or two people, rather than a team, and I make it a priority to tell people flat out that they were the cause. Imo, it's more beneficial, because the ones who don't like the sort of spotlight attention get embarrassed, and the type of people that don't care usually even stop PvPing because they hate being called out without being able to argue against it. And for those who do care, take me for an example. The reason why I can pride myself in stating that no one will cap a node that I am defending as long as I am still alive is because in my first 50 WZ, I felt so terrible about getting duped into fighting off node while a ninja stole it that I made sure that my main priority is to stop cappers' channels lol.


Anyway, I'll cut the rant here. These are just ideas and methods that I personally have attempted to use to improve the state of PvP on a server where the mentality is the problem. Whether or not people improve is their choice in the end, but I will make sure that they will know their choice affects the ones who derive fun from competition :)

Edited by ZooMzy
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I feel like another issue that is probably contributing to the imbalance is that it feels like there are far fewer healers pub side than imp side. Most sages I've run across are all DPS spec'd on pub side. And there are far more operatives q'ing than there are scoundrels. Maybe the drought is just temporary, but certainly having 1 fewer healer per wz makes a pretty significant difference. The difference between 0 vs 1 or 1 vs 2 healers is huge. And if you're lucky to get 3 healers, nobody is gonna die. You only get diminishing returns on healers when you hit the 4th.


And I admit, I'm part of the problem, and maybe even indicative of the problem. I don't have a single Pub healer. All my healers are imp side :p


I'm sorry, but being an "Operative" just sounds so much cooler than being a "Scoundrel", and being a "Sorceror" sounds so much cooler than being a "Sage". Plus, I'd rather stab people with a knife or throw lightning bolts.

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I'm curious, what happened to DoA? I enjoy playing against them but haven't seen them around as much. I hope they did not switch servers like Infamous did. I miss those guys a lot. :( Edited by Shinwon
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I'm curious, what happened to DoA? I enjoy playing against them but haven't seen them around as much. I hope they did not switch servers like Infamous did. I miss those guys a lot. :(


I've seen their tag around a little bit in the WZs. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them moved off server, but I remember running into a four man premade of theirs a couple of nights ago and a three man group yesterday.

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