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Sith warrior?


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Remember that Guard Captain on Belsavis who's in charge of extracting the Dread Masters? He wasn't taking orders from the Wrath. They both work towards the Emperor's goals, so at best they share mutual respect for one another and try not to get in the other's way.


Correct me if I'm wrong but during that point of the story I don't think the Warrior is officially recognized as the Wrath. Now that he/she is they might have certain power over other's that directly serve the Emperor save for The Hand. As long as the Wrath doesn't go against the Emperor I wouldn't think it was a stretch.

Edited by Airmo
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ok i ll say this that the emperor sacrified an entire planets life force in order to become immortal/invincible in his sith pureblood body. therefore the emperor killed is a human as when he was born as vittate on his planet he was a sith pureblood so in fact he could b otside the galaxy altogether as well as the fact that he could take over the children of the emperor's bodies as hosts and still have the same power he himself has.
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Correct me if I'm wrong but during that point of the story I don't think the Warrior is officially recognized as the Wrath. Now that he/she is they might have certain power over other's that directly serve the Emperor save for The Hand. As long as the Wrath doesn't go against the Emperor I wouldn't think it was a stretch.


You are correct, my lord.


ok i ll say this that the emperor sacrified an entire planets life force in order to become immortal/invincible in his sith pureblood body. therefore the emperor killed is a human as when he was born as vittate on his planet he was a sith pureblood so in fact he could b otside the galaxy altogether as well as the fact that he could take over the children of the emperor's bodies as hosts and still have the same power he himself has.


Cool story, bra.

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I'd say it doesn't really matter either way. Regardless of his actual status,, the authority of the Emperor is regarded as absolute within the Empire. Barring the announcement of a new Emperor - and good luck surviving that, potential candidates - I can't see the Emperor's apparent 'death' changing anything as far as the Wrath is concerned.
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You mean descend? Going from Wrath to DC member is more of a demotion if you ask me.


Not true at all, as the Wrath of the Emperor all you are is someone who reports to the Hands of the Emperor, you take orders, get a target and destroy it, a Dark Council member is one of the twelve most powerful Sith beyond the Emperor himself.


I'd much rather be in control of my slice of the cake, than be the lackey to the lackeys of the Emperor, whom by the way would replace you at any moment in time, a Dark Council member has free reign, the Emperor's Wrath isn't even the Emperor's apprentice, just the Emperor's attack dog.

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Not true at all, as the Wrath of the Emperor all you are is someone who reports to the Hands of the Emperor, you take orders, get a target and destroy it, a Dark Council member is one of the twelve most powerful Sith beyond the Emperor himself.


I'd much rather be in control of my slice of the cake, than be the lackey to the lackeys of the Emperor, whom by the way would replace you at any moment in time, a Dark Council member has free reign, the Emperor's Wrath isn't even the Emperor's apprentice, just the Emperor's attack dog.



Not correct: As a reward for his apparent loyalty, the Emperor created a position higher than even a Dark Lord on the Council

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Not correct: As a reward for his apparent loyalty, the Emperor created a position higher than even a Dark Lord on the Council


This is written in wookipedia, but is it based on any source ?


My guess is the Wrath of the Empire


Actually I like the idea :D

Edited by Magradze
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Not correct: As a reward for his apparent loyalty, the Emperor created a position higher than even a Dark Lord on the Council


The SWTOR Encyclopedia confirms that is only true if the Dark Council member in question has been suspected of treachery against the Empire and/or the Emperor.

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The SWTOR Encyclopedia confirms that is only true if the Dark Council member in question has been suspected of treachery against the Empire and/or the Emperor.


Where does it say that? I got the encyclopedia here and I can't find anything.

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Not correct: As a reward for his apparent loyalty, the Emperor created a position higher than even a Dark Lord on the Council


I don't understand why this has to be so complicated. More or less, the Wrath is like Vader to Palpatine, in some ways at least. While there are military and government officials that have a lot more to say than the Wrath might, the Wrath is still just that, the Emperor's Wrath. The Wrath is the Emperor's personal enforcer, acting with the authority and purpose of the Emperor himself. The Wrath is a position that exists outside the regular power structure. While not the Supreme Commander of Imperial Forces like Vader, the Wrath still wields enough authority to get what he/she wants. If someone steps out of line, the Wrath can deal with that person however they see fit, without fearing any repercussions.

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Not correct: As a reward for his apparent loyalty, the Emperor created a position higher than even a Dark Lord on the Council


Only technically, the Wrath has no authority of his own, he acts solely in the Emperor's name. So while the Council has no authority over him, he has no authority over the Council, he can't countermand orders, or give orders of his own to the military. Essentailly without the Emperor he's in big trouble, the Emperor's Hand will protect him for a bit, but unless he forms his own political alliances he's a dead man walking.


Personally I suspect he'll ally himself with the strongest Sith on the Council, as sort of a "I'll recognise your authority if you recognise mine" deal, and eventually a seat on the council.

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Emperor is not dead because...



At the end of the sith warrior story line you get a letter in your mailbox. Pretty much it states that a jedi knight fought and killed the true emperors voice and the emperor has been taken somewhere to recover. And your job is to crush any and all rumors of his death.(can't remember the exact wording but if you kept your mail you can look for yourself)


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Emperor is not dead because...



At the end of the sith warrior story line you get a letter in your mailbox. Pretty much it states that a jedi knight fought and killed the true emperors voice and the emperor has been taken somewhere to recover. And your job is to crush any and all rumors of his death.(can't remember the exact wording but if you kept your mail you can look for yourself)


It's pointless.


Some of us have been insisting on this and yet, some people, who prefer to skip or not play some class storylines, just assume they have all the facts. Just wait until someone yet again brings up that podcast where some developer said that the Emperor was truly dead... Thing is, the podcast is nowhere to be found, most likely removed by the...


Star Cabal.


Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, they're still around. :D

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For the love of Christ , this thread is not about Emperor, **** him, this thread is about sith warrior . Emperor is gone, doesn't exist in game, deal with it. This thread is about the function and purpose of sith warrior as emperors wrath without emperor


p.s I swear to God whoever says anything about Emperor's death/life, i will say "extremely bad things about their family and loved ones" !!!!

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For the love of Christ , this thread is not about Emperor, **** him, this thread is about sith warrior . Emperor is gone, doesn't exist in game, deal with it. This thread is about the function and purpose of sith warrior as emperors wrath without emperor


p.s I swear to God whoever says anything about Emperor's death/life, i will say "extremely bad things about their family and loved ones" !!!!




The thing is that the Emperor's Wrath is a force unto himself. He answers to the Emperor. In the Emperor's absence he answers to no one but himself (even the Hand was only instrumental in bringing him to his current position). The Voice, the Hand, the Wrath: they are all on equal footing. They all answer to the Emperor and when the Emperor is not there they answer to no one but themselves.


The Wrath does not have to become a member of the Dark Council to be effective. He is separate from them. He is the Wrath. That is his Function. That is his Purpose. He is the Wrath.



Having said that. In game, when you are playing your Warrior who is the Wrath, you are still going to be every quest NPC's lackey :D.


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For the love of Christ , this thread is not about Emperor, **** him, this thread is about sith warrior . Emperor is gone, doesn't exist in game, deal with it. This thread is about the function and purpose of sith warrior as emperors wrath without emperor


p.s I swear to God whoever says anything about Emperor's death/life, i will say "extremely bad things about their family and loved ones" !!!!


The op basicly asked what's the wraths purpose if the emperor is dead now. But sense I just gave proof he's not dead the purpose of the warrior remains the same. To follow and enforce the emperors will.


I agree the emperor probably won't return in this game but the fact remains he's still alive and warrior doesn't have to change a thing because there is no reason to change.

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For the love of Christ , this thread is not about Emperor, **** him, this thread is about sith warrior . Emperor is gone, doesn't exist in game, deal with it. This thread is about the function and purpose of sith warrior as emperors wrath without emperor


p.s I swear to God whoever says anything about Emperor's death/life, i will say "extremely bad things about their family and loved ones" !!!!




- - - -


How about that, hey? :cool:

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Haven't done makeb yet. Still trying to get all classes 55 before that. So I didn't watch the vid to avoid spoils. But anyone who doesn't believe the emperor is still alive should watch it as Im sure it has proof.


If you played the Sith Warrior storyline, as I'm sure you did, you can safely read what I wrote below...


It's just the Wrath informing a character that he or she has heard of the Emperor's Hand, concerning the Emperor's condition, as explained in the e-mails you mentioned. That's it.


It's also a bit of dialogue that's ONLY available to Sith Warriors, which would explain why so many, who haven't played the storyline, actually assume the Emperor is dead.


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