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LD50 says goodbye to JC


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How bad are you if I can "s" key to "victory" while beating you. LOL. You guys are a joke, always have been a joke to real pvpers.. Unlike you scrubs I got my 2500 rating playing against real teams on a pvp server while you organized teams you could beat over here and queued up anytime you heard people were leaving warzones.


Unfortunately I won't get to witness your failures on that server, my home is on JC. you guys have a blast. I'll see you back in 30 days or whenever you get sick of losing. Your guild is made up of imp swapping players who wanted to be on the dominate team because pvp was too challenging, they have no loyalty. You really think they won't try to leave LD to find a competitive guild once they see how fail you all really are. I give the guild 2 months before you're left with no members. Glad you transferred yet?


Uh, huh.

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How bad are you if I can "s" key to "victory" while beating you. LOL. You guys are a joke, always have been a joke to real pvpers.. Unlike you scrubs I got my 2500 rating playing against real teams on a pvp server while you organized teams you could beat over here and queued up anytime you heard people were leaving warzones.


Unfortunately I won't get to witness your failures on that server, my home is on JC. you guys have a blast. I'll see you back in 30 days or whenever you get sick of losing. Your guild is made up of imp swapping players who wanted to be on the dominate team because pvp was too challenging, they have no loyalty. You really think they won't try to leave LD to find a competitive guild once they see how fail you all really are. I give the guild 2 months before you're left with no members. Glad you transferred yet?


I played you once in rateds, Uncensored vs Unicorn Stampede. It was a huttball that lasted just under 3 minutes. We Chain passed while you guys deathmatched all over the map. Never saw you q'ing again, though I would like to, refer to above for why.


And don't play the "we weren't trying" card. You guys were in your top form.

Edited by EnzoForMe
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How bad are you if I can "s" key to "victory" while beating you. LOL. You guys are a joke, always have been a joke to real pvpers.. Unlike you scrubs I got my 2500 rating playing against real teams on a pvp server while you organized teams you could beat over here and queued up anytime you heard people were leaving warzones.


Unfortunately I won't get to witness your failures on that server, my home is on JC. you guys have a blast. I'll see you back in 30 days or whenever you get sick of losing. Your guild is made up of imp swapping players who wanted to be on the dominate team because pvp was too challenging, they have no loyalty. You really think they won't try to leave LD to find a competitive guild once they see how fail you all really are. I give the guild 2 months before you're left with no members. Glad you transferred yet?


10/10 Would read again.

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How bad are you if I can "s" key to "victory" while beating you. LOL. You guys are a joke, always have been a joke to real pvpers.. Unlike you scrubs I got my 2500 rating playing against real teams on a pvp server while you organized teams you could beat over here and queued up anytime you heard people were leaving warzones.


Unfortunately I won't get to witness your failures on that server, my home is on JC. you guys have a blast. I'll see you back in 30 days or whenever you get sick of losing. Your guild is made up of imp swapping players who wanted to be on the dominate team because pvp was too challenging, they have no loyalty. You really think they won't try to leave LD to find a competitive guild once they see how fail you all really are. I give the guild 2 months before you're left with no members. Glad you transferred yet?


Troy a statement like this would be fine if it wasn't coming from someone who's in your position.


What's your positon you might ask ? It's the position of someone who rerolled from a pvp server with his fail guildies claiming they're going to dominate and you got neutered into a pve guild. We moved servers because we killed the ranked scene here on jc. and there is absolutely no competition , only trolls like unicorn stampede. Troy you're the most dillusional player and we get good laughs out of watching your stream and hearing you talk. A former guildie of yours told us how you got your 2500 rating , win trading guild vs guild and logging over to an alt for the losses.

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I'm glad you are Yooni again. Exploiter just didn't have the same ring to it.



I didn't think I'd care much when y'all left,but when you said bye and logged out and a minute later it said "you are no longer friends with Exploiting."



Aww Andressa, I'll miss you too! And although Roxxy and I never really got along, I'll miss her too! :cool:

Edited by Milly_
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Oh this is a fun one..

It's the position of someone who rerolled from a pvp server with his fail guildies claiming they're going to dominate and you got neutered into a pve guild.

My first toons I ever got to 50 were Troyy and T-roy on The Constant (merged into JC). I actually rerolled to Pop5 so I didn't have to wait 30min for a queue pop back in March 2012.


We moved servers because we killed the ranked scene here on jc. and there is absolutely no competition , only trolls like unicorn stampede.

There never was a ranked scene on JC. If you call dominating ranked waiting in an empty warzone while you visit ******** then by all means you guys were the best! Good job. *gives whoever this guy is a gold star*


Troy you're the most delusional *<--fixed your spelling it was annoying me* player and we get good laughs out of watching your stream and hearing you talk. A former guildie of yours told us how you got your 2500 rating , win trading guild vs guild and logging over to an alt for the losses.


Yea, that was totally possible when I played ranked on Pop5 while 10 other teams were always queueing. I must have got real lucky. I would love to know the name of this "former teammate". Probably someone who never made it into Turning Point when we formed our ranked team.. bet they are still #butthurt about that.


** If you want to know about my life in Swtor I don't blame you, I am a legend after all.. but all you need to do is ask me.


The Short version:

Played on The Constant at launch, had 2 level 50s (Troyy & T-roy). Enjoyed pvp until the server died.

Rerolled to Pop5, played ranked until server mergers and GW2 came out.. at which point the two top teams (STS and Turning Point <-- my ranked team, not Unicorn Stampede as you think) lost a bunch of members and rank stopped popping. I got bored, went back to The Constant to play on my original toons with my old friends. Meet the coolest people I have ever played with, made Unicorn Stampede with them. Decided I have more fun with the people here and never went back. You will see, in the end the JC community is what keeps you playing the game, and Pop5 doesn't compare to people on this server.


P.S. I love the story you guys created for me though.. i probably would have tried to add dragons in there at some point, it makes most fairy tales sound better.

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Ummm I heal stuff....


Lol you're missing the point. You heal the people i try to kill as well as yourself when I try to kill you. I consider you the source of my problems and I've grown to accept it.

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There were tremendously competitive games between the Turks, Uncensored, and the old PD in the spring/ summer 2012, and LD vs Uncensored that lasted from November to early March of 2013. There used to be a ranked scene on this server, you were just never apart of it.


Super q'ing regs is much safer.

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Troy it's extremely hard to believe all this when you're an awful keyboard turning marauder. When threads pop up about dominant teams on pot 5 last year you hear about casuals and pk , none of the names you mentioned. I wasn't there but from the sources i've heard i'll take their word over yours. You have fun staying on jc with your baddie friends , you can't judge the ranked scene when you've never been a part of it. I have over 500 ranked games combined on all my toons from jc , my merc is at around 1900 rating , my commando over 1500 and my sentinel around 1300 while that might not be extremely impressive at least i put myself out there to play ranked with some of the best guilds and also did pug ranked which was some of the most fun i've had on jc , met a lot of great people. You and your guildies enjoy living in that bubble where you guys think you're top tier pvp'ers and can judge ranked and regs like you're some kind of measuring stick. When in reality you were the server joke , troy good riddance to you and your posse of trolls.
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Troy a statement like this would be fine if it wasn't coming from someone who's in your position.


What's your positon you might ask ? It's the position of someone who rerolled from a pvp server with his fail guildies claiming they're going to dominate and you got neutered into a pve guild. We moved servers because we killed the ranked scene here on jc. and there is absolutely no competition , only trolls like unicorn stampede. Troy you're the most dillusional player and we get good laughs out of watching your stream and hearing you talk. A former guildie of yours told us how you got your 2500 rating , win trading guild vs guild and logging over to an alt for the losses.


In all fairness to troy he did actually get that rank legitimately, I was never in the original Unicorn Stampde but was in fact in another ranked guild "The High Council" where i attained a 1699 rating by playing teams such as the original Unicorn Stampede, Seal Team Sith, Stoic, Dark Blood Gz, FIGHT, and I AM LEGEND back in the day. Athough you guys do have legitimate gripes with Troy to say he didn't get his rating on POT5 fairly just is not true, I played many games against Troy with my Guild and with when the original Unicorns asked me and I assure you every game was legitimate. Just thought I would at least clear that one up. For everything else I'll just get my popcorn back out. ;)

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I was never in the original Unicorn Stampde but was in fact in another ranked guild "The High Council" where i attained a 1699 rating by playing teams such as the original Unicorn Stampede, Seal Team Sith, Stoic, Dark Blood Gz, FIGHT, and I AM LEGEND back in the day.



I'm seriously not trying to throw **** in the fire here, but when were you in " The High-Council? " because my friend is GM of that guild right now, and it was just formed not too long ago.

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I'm seriously not trying to throw **** in the fire here, but when were you in " The High-Council? " because my friend is GM of that guild right now, and it was just formed not too long ago.


There has been multiple guild called that most likely, this was back on the Fatman server. Doc-Fury was the GM. That guild dissolved not long after i moved to JC, hope that clears that up for you.


*edit the guild i was in didnt have the "-" dash also

Edited by Ekoado
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The amount of butthurt in this thread is absolutely staggering and somewhat hilarious. And no Stryker, I doubt you would have won as tank spec either, considering I've successfully 1v2'd you when you were tank before. Worst case scenario I just spec tank too and beat you anyway. Should I get that on stream next time too? :rolleyes:


Bro, do you even sarcsam?


I'm surprised you guys still take the outrageous things I say at face value

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I swear i eat more popcorn reading these threads then when i go to the movies :rolleyes:


In all seriousness though, I wish LD best of luck on Pot5. Though i admittedly do not like the attitude of certain people in your guild, I would be lying if I said I didn't admire your skills and teamwork. I know you guys will represent JC well and I will be keeping an eye on Twitch for those rated games :D

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Good luck on Pot5 guys. Hope you understand and appreciate Unicorn Stampede's going away present.




Regardless of all the obvious sexual tension between the guilds and people's opinions, I would like to respectfully request if one of your members has taken my name on PoT5, would they be kind enough to release it? I don't transfer over until Friday or Saturday, and I can still be reached on JC until then through in-game mail if I'm not online.


If the answer is no, or it's been legitimately taken on the new server, then no worries and I'll just come up with something new. I had just kind of grown attached to it.





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So childish and quite pathetic really...but I wouldn't expect any less from a bunch of scrub Unicorns

roxy ****. pot calling the kettle black? (or is it kettle calling the pot black?) you are so awful its not even funny. how many rated games have you done? how many has chaotic pixels? cuz im pretty sure just cuz you win a few matches with your premades against pugs doesnt make you good. the first time i healed on my sorc (in old war hero dps gear) (and one of the last times i played my sorc) was a hypergate with you and your CP friends. you all talked a lot of ****. then i, in ****** gear, with no augments or anything, proceeded to out heal you by at least 200-300k heals. i havent been playing much on JC, but if you and your guild wanted to put up a ranked team, im sure unicorns could pug something up to put you in your place. kids in LD who have done all those rateds and have those nice high ratings can call me a scrub and i cant say anything cuz theyve done a lot more rated than me. and some of them are hands down better than me. you. are not. so please be quiet and either turn this into a Unicorn hate thread, or stop talking **** on unicorns.

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