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Kudos to you Commandos/Mercs


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I have to say of all my alts, Sage, Shadow, and Gunslinger, the Commando is by far the most challenging to play efficiently. I could be doing it wrong, but I'm comparing my experience with my other alts. None of the other classes I play have the type of energy management that commandos have. It is just painful to play.


I wanted to say kudos for those of you that have stuck with the class! Congrats and hope you get some real love soon.

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It's only challenging because "most" people try to play the class in accordance with the flow of the trees. Unfortunately, Merc is the ONLY class where if you do this, you are going to be in for a world of hurt. The best thing you can do as a Merc is to forgo reliance on all casted abilities and instead use the pre level 10 bounty hunter rotation in conjunction with hydraulic overrides. This gives you maximum mobility and kiting ability. All casted abilities should be treated as icing on the cake. Never ever ever try to cast them if you run any kind of risk of being interrupted.
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It's only challenging because "most" people try to play the class in accordance with the flow of the trees. Unfortunately, Merc is the ONLY class where if you do this, you are going to be in for a world of hurt. The best thing you can do as a Merc is to forgo reliance on all casted abilities and instead use the pre level 10 bounty hunter rotation in conjunction with hydraulic overrides. This gives you maximum mobility and kiting ability. All casted abilities should be treated as icing on the cake. Never ever ever try to cast them if you run any kind of risk of being interrupted.


Well that is true for Merc Pyro. In PvP. Sort of. You still need to try and use Unload. But I can remember when I first posted on these forums that as a Merc Pyro I never used Power Shot, and people were apoplectic. No one doubts it now. The bigger question is why do the devs feel that the subclass can generate any traction with these cast abilities in PvP, when the entire player base recognizes that they can not.

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I find you Commando/Merc retirees very annoying. Gunnery/Arsenal functions just fine hardcasting. Sure, sages and slingers will interrupt you from time to time, but nowhere near the extent that you're still whining about.


@OP So learn to manage your resources? Problem solved.

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Been a die hard merc fan and made the mistake of starting this toon as my first MMO character with NO pvp exp. It has been a major uphill battle. The Alacrity abilities from the tree really speed up cast times. In my logs trcacer missile goes off every 1-2 secs for 2.5-5+k damage with instant heals and unloads proccing. The instant heal is great because when I move to the side of combat I am casting and also providing my own backup heals.


I usually only get an interrupt with death from above and this means somebody had to stop and target me and then go And the electronet is my own personal stick it to the OP s and other mobility players. You need to learn where you can grease the wheels between other classes and that is when Mercs really shine. You can get great numbers if you also switch targets a ton or AOE spam. Just my 2 cents

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