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D0 carnage maras ever use Regular Assault at 55 to gain rage these days?


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Do carnage maras ever use Regular Assault at 55 to gain rage these days? I was just wondering about rage generation for carnage maras at 55 since i dont have one, is battering assault enough to keep your rage up at 55 or do you still have to use regular assault too? thanks lads
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All the time, you want to try and stay at 6+ rage whenever possible - it's vital to have enough rage to get 3-4 attacks into your gore windows without having to use a rage builder - and you want to use gore as soon as possible when it is up.


I tend to find I spend most of my time preparing for the next gore, building rage & lining up cooldowns. it's rare for me to have excess rage while waiting for gore to proc. If that does happen, I cycle massacre and assault to stay at around 10 rage until gore procs.


You will occasionally find that battering assault is off CD or about to come off CD soon, with high rage levels - in this scenario I burn rage using massacre (or gore/FS/VT/Ravage if they are up) and try to hit battering assault as soon as its available.


Since they took the rage reduction away from massacre, I tend to find I'm rage-starved, more often than not at least.

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The answer to the main question is yes, you do need to use it. The ways to minimize dps lost from just regular assaulting include timing your rotations tighter, so you use things don't cost rage when battering assault is on cooldown. Things like ravage, dual saber throw. to idea of keeping 6+ rage is not carnage/combat. It's annihilation/watchman, because annihilate cause 5 rage to use. In carnage, you use assault when you need to , always have 3 rage when scream is coming off cooldown.

Also keep in mind, with slaughter proc, your vicious throw gain you one rage.

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VT w/ slaughter isn't always available - for your three attacks in a gore window (assuming ravage is on CD) you will need an absolute minimum of 4 rage (2 massacres + VT), and more often than not you will use 6 (3 massacres) or 7 (2 massacres + FS, I'm pretty sure FS costs 3 or even 4).


Using assault or battering assault during gore will reduce your DPS a lot and is to be avoided. You also want to use gore on CD or as close to it as possible, I'll often find that the slaughter proc will fire during my first gore removing the cooldown so its available immediately - if you only just had the rage for the first gore - you will have to build rage before the second which is a waste of DPS.


What works for you is fine, for me I tend to run in 20ish second cycles, based around gore/slaughter. I tend to find I get to almost full rage, go through two gore cycles, and then recover my rage while waiting for gore & slaughter to be available again - if I find myself with excess rage I start weaving massacre/assault.


I'm by no means someone who sims every scenario, but I do seem to do well enough. Last night I did 2450 dps on Styrak HM for example - its not the 2700 that top players manage - but its enough.

Edited by rmdw
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