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Makeb/Gree etc Reputation not being worth any cash


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After having maxed my rep in three places now, i keep getting the rep tokens but cannot do anything but destroy them.


Please Bioware, make them worth at least a LITTLE cash so we can trade them at a vendor. I am getting sick of having to destroy these rep tokens every time I do dailies. It's really a pain to have to do this all the time when they should just be trad-able for a little cash at a vendor.

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Gree can be sold, Makeb cannot... Section X can be sold... not sure about Voss and Hyperspace.


Consistently ALL of them should be sellable and at roughly the same price. We sure wouldn't suddenly get rich by getting 100 credits for a gree rep item.

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Yeah I dont have Makeb maxed yet (stupid weekly limitations) so cant say about that one, but yeah its stupid if you cant sell them and they worth less than nothing considering they are daily reward item... I think that from weekly section X for all green tokens you get 2000-2500 credits which is way less than I get from selling junk I collect by doing them...
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I work for reputation only because of legacy bound gear

so i gonna farm Gree comms as long as possible - for legacy weapon


reps tokens themselves gonna be useless indeed

did not know that they can be sold to vendor but the price of 100 doesn't look much...

beeter be the way to convert them for reps "comms" which can be trade for gear from reputation vendors

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I'm still keeping the Makeb ones at the moment - loathed to destroy them in case I am able to see them in the future (or they add a much better feature that would be the ability to trade them in against new items from the reputation vendor).

The 6 stacks of 50 (green) I've currently got in the bank are just wasting space at the moment.

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i wonder if you can store em in a guild bank

if so people could use it to give guildy's a faster rep boost


I'm guessing no - but knowing BW's past history on "forgetting" to add certain tags to things, probably worth a try.

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The Rep trophies are bind on pickup, so you can't trade them or place them in the guild bank.


I guess it's just a bug, cause you can sell all trophies except of the ones which came in with 2.0, meaning GSI and Makeb trophies. Hope this will get addressed.

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