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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why the disappointed don't leave...


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"If you hate it so much, why don't you leave?"


This is a question many of us who are critical of SWTOR are asked by others regularly. Here's my reason:


I first became aware of the Star Wars universe in the summer of 1977. I have been in love with it ever since. The ideology, the effects, the stories were amazing especially for something in the science fiction genre. It ushered in a new era of forward looking and thinking fiction like nothing before.


The point is after 36 years, whether it be BioWare, Marvel Comics, an Expanded Universe novel, the Prequel Trilogy or anything else... if you put the name Star Wars on it, we the fans will be all over it. We will quickly tell you if what you are doing with the Star Wars universe is unworthy of the name. We will scratch and claw and fight until we are satisfied or until it's over. But, we will NOT abandon it. While it bears the Star Wars name, it's part of us. Count on us being here and count on our praise and/or criticism.

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Yea that is the truth !!! starwars name still keep people around but-


This game launched and still dont have the most importen things that belong in a starwars game.



Animal mounts

Vehicle and space combat

Canon force user outfits, most of them look like garbage that belong in wow and aliens.

This game spit in the face on Kotor characters like Revan, Exile etc making them weak jokes you can kill.

World story arc at end game is pure garbage, Dread masters story is beyond bad and they are not canon!

Removing players from the planets by forcing people on the worst place in the game, fleet.

Total lack of PvP support.


So yeah sad stuff, just imagine how big this game could have been....... :(

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"If you hate it so much, why don't you leave?"


This is a question many of us who are critical of SWTOR are asked by others regularly. Here's my reason:


I first became aware of the Star Wars universe in the summer of 1977. I have been in love with it ever since. The ideology, the effects, the stories were amazing especially for something in the science fiction genre. It ushered in a new era of forward looking and thinking fiction like nothing before.


The point is after 36 years, whether it be BioWare, Marvel Comics, an Expanded Universe novel, the Prequel Trilogy or anything else... if you put the name Star Wars on it, we the fans will be all over it. We will quickly tell you if what you are doing with the Star Wars universe is unworthy of the name. We will scratch and claw and fight until we are satisfied or until it's over. But, we will NOT abandon it. While it bears the Star Wars name, it's part of us. Count on us being here and count on our praise and/or criticism.


Yeah keep telling em that and we ll see new content @ 2020

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Yes if this game wasn't star wars it would have failed a day after launch.

And if WoW did not have Blizzards and Warcrafts reputation at its back, the MMORPG genre would still be in its niche and I would be a lot happier with the development of it in general.


Your point is like arguing "My computer would totally suck, if there were no CPU !" or "My car would be totally broke, if it did not have wheels!"


And again... I am honoring and welcoming constructive ciritcism... What I just do not understand is why people are admitting to doing "forum PvP" actively trying to discredit this game and its players as good as they can, until their sub finally runs out.


Mindless "you sucks" posts and "eaware fail"-posts are not criticism... they are only blind hate.

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"If you hate it so much, why don't you leave?"


This is a question many of us who are critical of SWTOR are asked by others regularly. Here's my reason:


I first became aware of the Star Wars universe in the summer of 1977. I have been in love with it ever since. The ideology, the effects, the stories were amazing especially for something in the science fiction genre. It ushered in a new era of forward looking and thinking fiction like nothing before.


The point is after 36 years, whether it be BioWare, Marvel Comics, an Expanded Universe novel, the Prequel Trilogy or anything else... if you put the name Star Wars on it, we the fans will be all over it. We will quickly tell you if what you are doing with the Star Wars universe is unworthy of the name. We will scratch and claw and fight until we are satisfied or until it's over. But, we will NOT abandon it. While it bears the Star Wars name, it's part of us. Count on us being here and count on our praise and/or criticism.


Nice general idea..


Problem is, most Star Wars fans of old like you can't look past the glasses of nostalgia you felt almost 40 years ago and don't understand that Star Wars was always a product of it's time. You want the 70s/80s space fantasy in a day and age when Sci Fi, and Star Wars with it, has evolved beyond that.


If they would make Star Wars according to your specs, your generation would love it.. but nobody else would.

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"If you hate it so much, why don't you leave?"


This is a question many of us who are critical of SWTOR are asked by others regularly.


There's a huge difference between being critical and spewing vitriol.

No one has (or should have) a problem with constructive criticism because that's the kind of feedback that will eventually make the game better for everyone.


What I personally find annoying (and definitely not constructive) is that there are people who pay and play a game they hate with so much passion that they are willing to hijack threads that have no connection to their issues just to make some random comment about how awful the game is. Again and again.


And I'm sorry but no, there is no logic behind the idea that someone who hates the game stays in it because they grew up with the original movies. There are other ways to continue to enjoy the mythology of Star Wars that do not include paying for something they hate. This is not about loyalty to the IP, it's masochism at its purest form.


Star Wars fans are infamous for their inability to adapt to anything new and the fact they love to build up and overhype anything even remotely connected to Star Wars only to bring it down a few moments later.

Edited by TheNahash
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First, i had written a massive reply but managed to crash chrome and lose it:P


We were having a current-state-of-play in general chat just before server downtime and people were moaning that the game had a lack of arenas etc....do they realise it took blizz almost 3 years to release arenas? with the amount of money and dev team sizes at their disposal it took that long.


I both love and hate WoW...best game i ever played (but id prefer to poke my own eyes out with a fork after 7 years of playing it) and the reason I hate it...it has pretty much killed the MMO genre....Nobody can possibly, apart from blizz with the money they made out of WoW, afford to release an MMO with a feature set comparable to WoW...i truly believe WoW has killed the market cause every new game people (and i have been guilty in the past, heck i stopped playing SWTOR after i got to 50 and the lack of a LFG tool) will try it and it hasnt the same polish and features current WoW has so they end up slagging it off and going back to sit in Ogrimmar wondering what to do! The only real winners are those the persevere and watch the new game blossom.


I think too many people look at this game subjectively rather than objectively....heck at any game other than WoW.


It is the general attitude of a lot of people these days....like how on earth can a F2P seriously justify slagging the game off...yet they do. Is like giving some begger in WoW a 100g and them telling you 100g is an insult!.


People want everything and they want it now...look no further for proof than the state of the world's economy or the £50,000 car parked outside the £100,000 house.


Please OP ask yourself what other game, measured by the same yard-stick, was any better at the same point?


This isn't a flame/troll....I just don't get what people expect or rather why they expect it and expect it immediately.


How can any new MMO ever succeed under these conditions...especially with the way finances are.

Edited by Fingster
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I've been around video games since the early 80's and the key ingredient good games have is a good storyline. KOTOR had it and so does this game. I really didn't understand the power your character had in MMO's till I reached endgame with my BH cause this is the first time I really dedicated time to a MMO so I just played for the story and had a blast! I'm now playing through as a Jedi Guardian and a Sith Warrior and enjoy playing solo and getting into the story. I honestly don't enjoy grouping up for FP's cause most use them just to speed through and level up or get gear. I go back and play FP's solo when I'm several levels higher just to enjoy the story. My point is so many just lose sight of how great this game is, building your character is fun but enjoy the ride! My second and third time playing through the story has been great and I missed a lot the first time around. I got voted out of many endgame operations and FP's early on cause I didn't understand the rolls each character played and I feel their should be more support for noobs in that aspect. What would make this game better for me would be to be able to run endgame FP's with 3 of my companions instead of grouping with people who don't really care about the game's story.
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I do not leave because I still have hope that SWTOR can become a great MMO. Know the engine they picked has a lot of limitations regarding aspects I truly hold dear in an MMO such as World pvp, but I still have hope Bioware will turn this game around.
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its hard to finally close the door or something you have done for years for many people . for many swtor was there last go at the genre and it has not matched expectation and to finally give up on it is hard ,. especially if you are a social gamer .or ex SWG player

some people really need to admit to theirselfs that mmorpg is not for them anymore . the genre has changed and not for the better

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I beg to differ with you. This game is a very good game. Games are entertainment people and that's exactly that, if you aren't being entertained move on. I'm not even a star wars fan but I'm a fan of the game. I'm entertained and if I wasn't, I'd move on. To stay in a game because it is star wars is really just crazy and a waste of your money but it is your money, waste it if you want.
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I beg to differ with you. This game is a very good game. Games are entertainment people and that's exactly that, if you aren't being entertained move on. I'm not even a star wars fan but I'm a fan of the game. I'm entertained and if I wasn't, I'd move on. To stay in a game because it is star wars is really just crazy and a waste of your money but it is your money, waste it if you want.



i think i explained why its hard for some to move on . if i turn off my pc now i would lose touch with friends i have had for 7 years and more . thats a wrench for many .unless your emotionally devoid

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although it can frustrate me i like the game.


However.... I don't know why people who don't like it play it just because it is SW... I mean if someone slapped a SW logo on a dog-**** would you have to buy/like that too? Mindless brand following is exactly why brands can end up being ****. Cos some idiots will buy any branded, cheap crap that is put on sale (which SWTOR is not, by the way!). Have some taste and some dignity ffs.

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Star Wars is the only thing keeping this game up. They cancelled SWG for this, now its the only star wars mmo out there.


SWG was cancelled because hardly anyone played it, it was so bad that it went through two nearly COMPLETE overhauls (only the actual planetary scenery and critters avoided the changes) and each revamp actually made things worse, botching the few parts of the game that the people who didn't bail actually still LIKED and making the game less fun and playable. The space combat, once innovative and free-flying, had turned into an elitist one-shot missile fest and the servers were so bare, even after merging, that huge ghost towns marred the path. The pvp consisted of zerg groups waiting behind a no-pvp line at Restuss until their numbers outweighed the enemy and they pushed forward into PvP flagged territory, slashed and burned, then retreated behind the do-not-cross line. Not even Star Wars could save that game.


Now people look back with the proverbial rose-colored glasses and remember more of the potential squandered in that game than anything that was actually fun.

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I have to agree with some others, I am a tad burnt out.... The game, as a RPG is great, but it is so railed, it becomes boring fast too. Star Wars in the title is the ONLY reason I am still sticking around. I do look into other games, that are more open, with EXPLORING as a real draw and I get temped to jump ship... But I love Star Wars.


What this game really needs, because all there is to do, is missions. It needs more SOCIAL things for sure....


Some Ideas:

1. Working Casino

2. Player housing, but I am fine with it being the ships as houses, but the ability to customize.

3. Places to explore and discover things...

4. space combat off rails

5. Pod racing


This game has some things in it that are great, but getting us into more social/leisure activities would be a nice break besides missions (leveling, FP's, OPS) and give us other things to doo.

Edited by Themanthatisi
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i was expecting this to be another 'if you don't like it, leave!' thread but was pleasantly surprised to see some rational thought taking place.



i'm not one to sit on the forums and complain all the time, but i understand when people do.


in many fandoms, but perhaps especially within star wars, no one here can honestly say they've never complained about the movies or something else within the realm of star wars media.


i see complaints about han shooting first, jar jar binks, and even some rather ridiculous complaints all the time, yet i don't usually see 'well stop watching them!' as a response.




i think one thing that gets lost is people who complain (for the most part) at least in part want to like it or did at one time.

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SWG was cancelled because hardly anyone played it, it was so bad that it went through two nearly COMPLETE overhauls (only the actual planetary scenery and critters avoided the changes) and each revamp actually made things worse, botching the few parts of the game that the people who didn't bail actually still LIKED and making the game less fun and playable. The space combat, once innovative and free-flying, had turned into an elitist one-shot missile fest and the servers were so bare, even after merging, that huge ghost towns marred the path. The pvp consisted of zerg groups waiting behind a no-pvp line at Restuss until their numbers outweighed the enemy and they pushed forward into PvP flagged territory, slashed and burned, then retreated behind the do-not-cross line. Not even Star Wars could save that game.


Now people look back with the proverbial rose-colored glasses and remember more of the potential squandered in that game than anything that was actually fun.


are you suggesting for swtor, that maybe they should learn from swg's mistakes and listen to what their players want in a game? instead of releasing new updates that make players want to quit, which is what swg did and what swtor has been doing, they should make an attempt to improve the game? i like that idea.


i never played swg, but i've talked with those who have and they generally have fond memories and some are still playing on emus. it sounds like it was a great game for a long time. i doubt people will look back at this game the same way. i could be wrong, but it seems most people will remember this as the 300 million dollar game that went f2p in under a year, and a large staff of people that should never work in this industry again.

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i was expecting this to be another 'if you don't like it, leave!' thread but was pleasantly surprised to see some rational thought taking place.



i'm not one to sit on the forums and complain all the time, but i understand when people do.


in many fandoms, but perhaps especially within star wars, no one here can honestly say they've never complained about the movies or something else within the realm of star wars media.


i see complaints about han shooting first, jar jar binks, and even some rather ridiculous complaints all the time, yet i don't usually see 'well stop watching them!' as a response.




i think one thing that gets lost is people who complain (for the most part) at least in part want to like it or did at one time.


You have a point, but I can't even stomach the idea of watching EP.1 anymore.... 2 times of Jar Jar Binks is more than I can ever handle.

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Yes if this game wasn't star wars it would have failed a day after launch.


EAware knows this so they are taking advantage of these puppets.


END STATE: Game is bad, EAware is bad.


I sometimes wonder how long this game would of lasted if it wasn't Star Wars.


Then again, I also wonder what this game would be like if BioWare created their own engine...

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Yes if this game wasn't star wars it would have failed a day after launch.


EAware knows this so they are taking advantage of these puppets.


END STATE: Game is bad, EAware is bad.


LOL. OK.... let's pretend for 30 seconds that you are correct.....


.....Since you are posting in the forum, conclusion is you must be a puppet.


What's up with that? :D

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"If you hate it so much, why don't you leave?"



This is an easy one to answer really.


People like to complain and vent. It's just the nature of some people. Now, with so much in real life of substance to actually complain about, I find it humorous the lengths and depths some people will go to complain about a virtual game that nobody is forcing them to play.


Some people will even pay real money for the ability to complain in a public forum. These same people will also demand that posting in this public forum should be free of charge too. :D


Just put the more acidic ones (in your view) on /ignore in the forum if you are tired of hearing them. ;)

Edited by Andryah
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