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<Play> *IMP PVP* (18+)


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Tired of hanging around on the fleet waiting for the WZ pop? Tired of having to find groups to pug ranked WZ?

Tired of queuing for warzones solo only to get in and find your team is only interested in team death matching ? If so, then come <Play> with us.


We are a new guild and we're looking for members. Our immediate goal is to find 5- 13 players willing and able to queue for ranked warzones 2-4 nights per week (2-3 hours per night). In addition, we will create world pvp by raiding random republic bases thru out the galaxy as well as organizing/coordinating world pvp events with other guilds.


All classes are welcome to inquire, but we are currently only accepting lvl 55s. We also ask that members be in at least full partisan gear as we do not condone wz bolster bugging of any sort.


We currently have a guild bank and a 25 man vent server. Once things get rolling, we will switch to mumble or ts3, depending what the guild prefers.


If interested, contact Allup N'yoas, or Dauktor Rockso for more info.

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In light of the upcoming double xp weekends, we have reconsidered our position on only accepting lvl 55s. we will now consider recruits from levels 48-55. All of our current members have lowbie alts to group with and speed the leveling process even further.
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A four man group of <play> ran across a four man group of <war> in the outlaws den last night. Good fight. Sorry we had to kill you guys. Next time we won't let you escape briskid.


If you like world pvp, reg and ranked warzones, then come <Play> with us.

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A four man group of <play> ran across a four man group of <war> in the outlaws den last night. Good fight. Sorry we had to kill you guys. Next time we won't let you escape briskid.


If you like world pvp, reg and ranked warzones, then come <Play> with us.



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Can you use someone who ain't on much and is in bed during prime time and nobody likes him? ^^


sure, we have a slacker division as well. get with talk to any one with a play tag for more info

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I'm a transfer from The Shadowlands. I currently only have my sniper on this server but plan to move my other characters over if I find a fun group to run with. I have a jug,PT,and merc all 50+ sitting on my old server. I'm looking for a group to grow with and eventually get into ranked wz's. If you still need members let me know.
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What is your usual play time? When are most of the people in your guild on?



4pm-1am central time, pretty much all day on weekends.



We are building the roster and having our first ranked meeting this week. Come <Play>!

Edited by madcappah
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Thank you to all those who have inquired, and welcome to all of our new members.


We are still seeking out well geared lvl 55's to get our ranked team off the ground. All classes are welcome to apply, but our most immediate need is for a carnage marauder and full tank assassin.

If interested, speak to Allup N'yoas or Dauktor Rockso for more information.

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Hello, I would be interested in joining, Im a lvl 55 Sniper with Partisan and also have a friend who is an Assassin. We are looking to do ranked warzones. I'll message you in game as well if you are still looking for a few players.
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