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I'm level 55 now, need help with PvE gear selection.


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Howdy guys,


First of let me thank those of you who post here often, I find a lot of the information here to be very valuable and have spent considerable time fishing through threads.


I just hit 55 with my sentinel and am kinda confused on how I should be gearing my guy up. I have searched the internet but a lot of information out there seems to be old and irreverent now. I am speced combat and don't plan to go watchman. I just like combat better and feel like I understand the rotations well.


How should I be gearing my guy? So far I've just been running flashpoints and grabbing things with more strength than endurance.


What stats should I be stacking? Strength is a given, but I know accuracy to 110% is important (at least I think it's still important), but after that do I want to focus on crit? alacrity? surge? power? a mix of some?


I guess it would help to know what I plan to do endgame. I plan to do ops 8 and 16 mans, I want to do all the hardest ones eventually with my guild.


So what do you guys feel on gear? Or simply point me to a resource/guide that is updated and currently valid.

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After Strength you want:

Accuracy to 100% Melee, 110% Force

Power (as much as possible as long as it eventually allows you to hit the Crit Rating target below in endgame gear)


Crit Rating to 150-200 (you want this on as few pieces as possible e.g. Earpiece and 1 Mod.)


Keep in mind that where mods are concerned, Crit Rating competes with Power. Surge, Accuracy and Alacrity all compete with one another (mods will have Crit or Power + one tertiary stat and endurance of course)

Edited by Plicitous
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After Strength you want:

Accuracy to 100% Melee, 110% Force

Power (as much as possible as long as it eventually allows you to hit the Crit Rating target below in endgame gear)


Crit Rating to 150-200 (you want this on as few pieces as possible e.g. Earpiece and 1 Mod.)


Keep in mind that where mods are concerned, Crit Rating competes with Power. Surge, Accuracy and Alacrity all compete with one another (mods will have Crit or Power + one tertiary stat and endurance of course)


You don't want crit rating on any of your pieces at the moment.

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Posters above me are mostly correct, just some finer points:


Melee accuracy as close as you can to 100% without going over, it's better to be 99.99% than 100.01%.


You don't want crit rating on any of your pieces at the moment.


Around 60 crit rating is actually is what you want because crit rating provides more bang for your buck than power over the 50 - 100 points depending on your class.


Surge to about 400 - 500 rating.

If you are a combat sentinel, it's actually in your interests to increase your alacrity once you hit 450 surge rating or so. The main reason why is because combat sentinels get an extra 3% accuracy through Ataru Form, thus leaving you only needing 1 or 2 enhancements or even just implants/earpieces to hit the required accuracy, which leaves you with more than enough points to throw into surge. Once you hit around 400 surge rating (I think, could be a little higher or lower) you get less benefit from putting more points into surge than alacrity. At the moment, alacrity doesn't speed up Master Strike's channel, but eventually it will, so it is good to have some alacrity now so you don't have to change things out later on. This may also be the case for Watchman/Focus sentinels but to a lesser degree, but I haven't done anything regarding them.

Power Augments and stack power after you get your 60 crit rating.

Edited by Afieri
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Posters above me are mostly correct, just some finer points:


Melee accuracy as close as you can to 100% without going over, it's better to be 99.99% than 100.01%.




Around 60 crit rating is actually is what you want because crit rating provides more bang for your buck than power over the 50 - 100 points depending on your class.


Surge to about 400 - 500 rating.

If you are a combat sentinel, it's actually in your interests to increase your alacrity once you hit 450 surge rating or so. The main reason why is because combat sentinels get an extra 3% accuracy through Ataru Form, thus leaving you only needing 1 or 2 enhancements or even just implants/earpieces to hit the required accuracy, which leaves you with more than enough points to throw into surge. Once you hit around 400 surge rating (I think, could be a little higher or lower) you get less benefit from putting more points into surge than alacrity. At the moment, alacrity doesn't speed up Master Strike's channel, but eventually it will, so it is good to have some alacrity now so you don't have to change things out later on. This may also be the case for Watchman/Focus sentinels but to a lesser degree, but I haven't done anything regarding them.

Power Augments and stack power after you get your 60 crit rating.



I can tell you from myself and other sentinels I talk to you that you don't want crit rating. You want power. If you can prove your theory with parses, we might talk some more? Or is there any sentinel parsing 3k using your theory?


to get to 100% accuracy I need more than 1-2 enhancements, at the moment I am using 3 initiative enhancements 31 to get to 100,34% accuracy.. don't want alacrity at all because at the current state of game it sucks. don't talk from theory basis I am not one of those math guys I supplemented all my enhancements and augments with power ones leaving me at parses over 3k

Edited by Ausgelebt
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