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I must be doing something seriously wrong...


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I have a Sith Marauder, lvl 24 or something, and I'm getting absolutely nowhere! I repeatedly get my *** handed to me and I spend more time healing than fighting.


I've read through the forum and found a lot of powergaming help. Only trouble is it goes straight over my head. I have no idea what you mean by "rotation, parsing, rage build", etc, etc.


Can someone please point me toward an "Old Ladie's guide for Marauder levelling". I'm only interested in PvE, by the way, if I tried PvP I'd get nowhere fast...

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Alot of people hate Noxxic, but it's a good starting point (until you get some experience and notice their mistakes in some cases). Take a look:




I linked the rage (skill tree) page because i believe it's the best spec for leveling (because of it's aoe).


Also, remember to use your companion. Vette can do quite a bit of damage. If you don't like her, consider using Malavai when you get him as he can heal you through some fights.


Gear is another thing you need to have in mind, it should be around the lvl of the mobs you are fighting. It's quite easy at low level to get into areas where your old gear just isn't up to the task anymore.

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Like the poster above me said, having gear that is about the same level as the mobs you're fighting helps. Also having your companion out to help DPS, or heal you is a good idea (you have Quinn now by lvl 24, and he's a decent healer if you give him Cunning gear you find.)


Try to keybind. That means pressing the keys on your keyboard to use your abilities rather than clicking on them with the mouse. You'll have faster reaction speeds once you get it committed to muscle memory.


Use defensive CDs. I don't remember what level you get Cloak of Pain, but definitely use it if you have it, especially if you're getting your *** kicked. Everytime you Force Charge into a group of mobs, hit Cloak of Pain, Battering Assault and then whatever else you want to use (if you're in Rage and aren't high enough level to unlock Force Crush, that would be Smash probably.)


Finally, in your quest log it tells you what level each quest you're doing is. If you're 24 and the quest is, say, 28, you're probably not going to be able to do it. Hope these tips help you out. Playing a marauder is frustrating until you hit the mid-30s.

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OK, that's comforting, if someone else says it's frustrating until mid 30-s (kinda like life, then...). Then it could be that it actually is difficult, not that I suck completely... :-)


I leveled my marauder from 10 to 55 via PvP...It was a nightmare before, say, level 33. I'd die 10-15 times per game, every game. Made me feel bad about myself. :p Could be the same way in PvE.

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I leveled my marauder from 10 to 55 via PvP...It was a nightmare before, say, level 33. I'd die 10-15 times per game, every game. Made me feel bad about myself. :p Could be the same way in PvE.


45 is when all the specs as a Marauder start to shine. 46 Is when you get Vicious Throw/Dispatch and is when Carnage starts its train of becoming the ultimate single target Burst DPS in the game.

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