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My latest attempt at practicing MM rotations - 18 min long parse


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1) Free GCD can be at any point in your rotation apart from between two snipes as you're always going to be limited by the cooldown on ambush, which is the reason for the free GCD. Clipping CD is less of an issue than having major downtime on it; I run 3 CD for every OS and this is going to maximise your output from CD, easily above 250 DPS.


2) No. Target Acquired is useful with the extra energy but the main use is the increased accuracy and armor penetration. Adrenaline Probe is always going to be there when you need it. If you're consistently running low on energy then you have major problems with the rotation which need to be addressed.


I think you mean my 36/3/7 build ;)

lol i guess ;) You had the spec written down first over at the gunslinger forums. when i read your guide i did not pay much attention to the 36/3/7 spec because you had no parse >_< (and i wasn't maining as a Marksman sniper. It wasn't until recently when i tried 36/4/6 that i saw a noticeable DPS increase and after playing around with that, saw even more DPS increase after experimenting with 36/3/7. And then i posted my parses here.


Now.. let's get the word out there that 36/3/7 is the highest single target DPS MM/SS spec :)

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lol i guess ;) You had the spec written down first over at the gunslinger forums. when i read your guide i did not pay much attention to the 36/3/7 spec because you had no parse >_< (and i wasn't maining as a Marksman sniper. It wasn't until recently when i tried 36/4/6 that i saw a noticeable DPS increase and after playing around with that, saw even more DPS increase after experimenting with 36/3/7. And then i posted my parses here.


Now.. let's get the word out there that 36/3/7 is the highest single target DPS MM/SS spec :)

I always thought it was but didn't have the parses to prove it, given I don't have the lag or patience to parse endlessly for a good result. Good to know the theory is correct, and 36/3/7 comes out even better against 36/8/2 when you can't get down every tick of orbital which happens all too often.

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I always thought it was but didn't have the parses to prove it, given I don't have the lag or patience to parse endlessly for a good result. Good to know the theory is correct, and 36/3/7 comes out even better against 36/8/2 when you can't get down every tick of orbital which happens all too often.
I came upon it in a different way. At first i thought, hmm.. 3 seconds your CD lasts longer... that means i dont have to delay my FTs in order to keep CD up. that's what got me interested and why i tested out MM. And then experimented with the other CD spec from there
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Now has anyone tested 36/2/8 yet? Probably doesn't parse as well but who knows?

No way. I can guarantee that adding 3 seconds to vital shot is not even close to outweighing the loss of cunning, going from +9% to only +6%.

I came upon it in a different way. At first i thought, hmm.. 3 seconds your CD lasts longer... that means i dont have to delay my FTs in order to keep CD up. that's what got me interested and why i tested out MM. And then experimented with the other CD spec from there

I stumbled upon it when I found a forum user suggesting that 110 energy isn't essential for MM since you never run out of energy anyway, so the extra tick on CD seemed like the next logical place to put those points. Same result though; great minds think alike? :p

Edited by SamuelAU
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Hey there, got a quick question for you. I noticed in your parses that you do use EP, and I've been trying to add it into my rotation but I find it near impossible to fit without disturbing the FT pumping too much, any tips? About where in your rotation do you generally put it?
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Hey there, got a quick question for you. I noticed in your parses that you do use EP, and I've been trying to add it into my rotation but I find it near impossible to fit without disturbing the FT pumping too much, any tips? About where in your rotation do you generally put it?

During SV :) (no energy loss, ~"does not" disturb FT rotation).

Edited by paowee
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Wow you have a long attention span. I can't stand to parse a dummy for 3 minutes let alone 18.


The 19 min parse? lol i was in vent listening to suckafish while they do NiM DG with the stream open in another window. I actually didn't notice I was practicing for that long till after i uploaded it to torparse.

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paowee, may i ask a stupid question ? what kind of augments u use to reach that stats ? cunning or power augs ?


i alread find out that u use 1 acc aug, but whats the rest ?


sry for my english, german poster here

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paowee, may i ask a stupid question ? what kind of augments u use to reach that stats ? cunning or power augs ?


i alread find out that u use 1 acc aug, but whats the rest ?


sry for my english, german poster here

Svii is right. Cunning augments is what i use.

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Ok it's finally uploaded!


<<<<<< 36/3/7 MM Sniper training dummy video




  • If you watch the video comment about Corrosive Dart adding up to ~200 DPS Corrosive Dart/Vital Shot
  • Log before mess up Corrosive Dart -> Flourish Shot - Ambush
  • Final log after training dummy out of combat

That's fantastic. A different approach to the SV window, time for me to play around with your tips and update my guide no doubt. Thanks mate.

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That's fantastic. A different approach to the SV window, time for me to play around with your tips and update my guide no doubt. Thanks mate.
Your welcome. I guess it is out of habit when I use SV to be able to put 2 CDs and maybe 1 EP due to the alacrity buff it gives
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And question for you guys, since your using 36/3/7, orbital isn't doing as much damage compared to 36/8/2. So is 2 pvp set bonus still better than going 4 pve set bonus? Going full pve gear would boost cunning which would help all our skills including corrosive dart. Ever tested that?
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And question for you guys, since your using 36/3/7, orbital isn't doing as much damage compared to 36/8/2. So is 2 pvp set bonus still better than going 4 pve set bonus? Going full pve gear would boost cunning which would help all our skills including corrosive dart. Ever tested that?

Paowee's been using the 2-pc PvP set bonus in all of his parses. The 2/2 split is better, the extra tick on orbital accounts for more DPS than the extra cunning from taking 4-pc PvE set bonus.


I've done my best to update my own guide and consolidate Paowee's contributions into one thread -> http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=6501550#post6501550

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Finally got into 8-man NiM DG Council and downed it. Here are the raid logs. I was respeccing between MM and Hybrid.


Full 72s


2m 7s 3129 DPS http://www.torparse.com/a/320387/20/0/Overview HYBRID

2m 41s 2856 DPS http://www.torparse.com/a/320387/22/0/Overview HYBRID

3m 49 3060 DPS http://www.torparse.com/a/320387/27/0/Overview MM

5m 58s 2935 DPS http://www.torparse.com/a/320387/21/0/Overview HYBRID

5m 1 2859 DPS http://www.torparse.com/a/320387/28/0/Overview MM

6m 43s 2816 DPS http://www.torparse.com/a/320387/30/0/Overview MM

6m 25 2604 DPS http://www.torparse.com/a/320387/31/0/Overview MM

7m 8s 2891 DPS http://www.torparse.com/a/320387/29/0/Overview MM

7m 30s 2812 DPS http://www.torparse.com/a/320387/34/0/Overview HYBRID


So it looks like for this fight, a good target to aim for is close to 300,000 total damage done to Heraid to help push the phase to Ciphas. But with the enrage nerf, the fight was made more doable even with 3 Ciphas bubbles and since we were getting 3 Ciphas bubbles tonight anyways (one new DPS, new tank and a new healer >_<)... i thought I'd try out Hybrid so I can do more in P2 in the off chance i get chain Doomed. (Which I was in some of those parses..)


MM may have more total damage done to Heirad in P1 (which helps push to Ciphas phase)

Hybrid may do more damage to Ciphas in P2 (where you can still carry your own weight in DPS even if you get chain Doomed).

Edited by paowee
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And question for you guys, since your using 36/3/7, orbital isn't doing as much damage compared to 36/8/2. So is 2 pvp set bonus still better than going 4 pve set bonus? Going full pve gear would boost cunning which would help all our skills including corrosive dart. Ever tested that?


Check out this pic for comparison http://i.imgur.com/adUBFtN.jpg

His Flyby had a higher crit chance compared to my Orbital Strike. 29% vs 21% and it did 387 vs my 351. His avg hits are higher as well. 4321 versus 3809 avg hit.


My Corrosive Dart had a low crit chance compared to his Vital Shot. 21% versus 24%. My avg hit on the DoT is only slightly higher at 829 per tick versus his 822 per tick.


The trade off between Orbital and Corrosive Dart is looking to be in favor of Corrosive Dart spec for single target DPS from my testing.... You can gain up to 200 more DPS just by speccing into Corrosive Dart and keeping it up*** (check out the MM video on my sig). Maybe one of these days i'll parse 36/8/3 again as much as i've been doing 36/3/7.... >_<


36/3/7 spec

Corrosive Dart 259 DPS

Orbital 351 DPS


36/8/2 spec:

Corrosive Dart 66 DPS

Orbital 386 DPS


I believe CD ticks a total of 5 times over 18 seconds right?








End. 25% chance to tick twice... Let's say it procs twice in 18 seconds



750 750

750 750




End. If it crits.. (I have ~24% tech crit chance)



750 1300

750 1300




End. BOTH procs can crit as well..


Start (super lucky RNG)

1300 1300

750 1300




End (I have a log for this. Was pretty funny seeing Ambush crit, FT crit, double proc CD crit in an instant).

Edited by paowee
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