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My latest attempt at practicing MM rotations - 18 min long parse


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36/3/7 and parses over here http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=6460911#47

  • do your usual MM rotation with
  • at least 2 corrosive darts/vital shots for every 1 OS/flyby
  • Should be a DPS increase over 36/5/5 and 36/8/3.


Other Full UW parses:



Original post:



Sniper stats are:

Damage (Pri): 1721 - 1872

Crit chance (52 rating): 23.98%

Ranged accuracy (427 rating) : 99.91%

Crit multiplier (395): 71.08%

Relics: UW BA / UW SA

Set bonus: 2-pc PVE / 2-pc PVP


2965 DPS - 19 min 2 secs - raw log. includes letting CD fall off, waiting for OOC and messing up towards the end

3001 DPS - 17 min 21 secs - 33% Crit - the longest I was able to maintain above 3K.

3014 DPS - 16 minutes 48 seconds - 34% Crit

3050 DPS - 6 min 48 secs- 35% Crit - starting at 0 seconds.

3087 DPS - 5 minutes - 34% Crit - trimmed and cropped to produce the highest DPS.



orbital - ambush - ss - ta / relic / adrenal - ft


Followed by:

sos ft - sv - sos ft


And then back to the basic MM rotation:

snipe snipe ft - ambush ft - sos - ft

snipe snipe ft - ambush ft - sos - ft

snipe snipe ft - ambush ft - sos - ft


IMPORTANT things to note:

  • Crucial to NOT dip below the sub energy level even ONCE to maintain your sustained DPS
  • I tried to keep CD up as much as i can, HOWEVER i tried to never disrupt the flow of the original MM rotation. Meaning FT's as often as humanely possible
  • I'd like to make a definitive comment on how i use Orbital but i don't have any :( I use Orbital sometimes with SV, but more often than not without SV.
  • During SV most of the time i'll be energy capped. I tried to use this energy to squeeze in either CD / VS or EP / Sabotage Charge while trying to not disrupt the normal MM single target rotation.
  • I think the more important topic here though is clipping Corrosive Dart. You extend the DoT and this seems to be a DPS increase for me. Just trying to figure out the small things that can eek out more MM DPS.


Edited by paowee
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Man If you only knew how much i hate double sniping... The FT change is awesome, but this clumsy double snipe in order to reset FT and lower ambush.. It's such a mess.


Regardless, kudos on great work. Paowee, is the game still fun for you? I gave up on any sort of gear grinding. Actually I am unsubbed by it will last till september.

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So that is super nice and i was wondering what spec you used.

Do you spec into independent anarchy (or whatever the sniper equivalent is)?

or into corrosive dart double tick?


Lunagazer - trying to get better at SS and can't seem to do more than around 2800

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Man If you only knew how much i hate double sniping... The FT change is awesome, but this clumsy double snipe in order to reset FT and lower ambush.. It's such a mess.


Regardless, kudos on great work. Paowee, is the game still fun for you? I gave up on any sort of gear grinding. Actually I am unsubbed by it will last till september.


Dude, go F2P mode. It helps haha. I was F2P for several weeks because i didnt felt i was getting my money's worth. Game was still totally playable. i buy operations passes towards the end of the weekend when their places drop to 40-50k on my server. If i needed cash i do dailies, or purchase the escrow thingie from all the CCs i saved up from being subbed. Just buy PVP passes i bet they will cost a lot less :) When the game gets fun for you again (aka when the pvp content comes out.. 4v4/arena/w-e they add along the way,, sub again! :D


I subbed just this weekend (because the QQing going on about DG Council was too much on the forums and i just gota POST!) lol


So that is super nice and i was wondering what spec you used.

Do you spec into independent anarchy (or whatever the sniper equivalent is)?

or into corrosive dart double tick?


Lunagazer - trying to get better at SS and can't seem to do more than around 2800

31/5/5 iirc

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I like to use a different opening, I don't really know how it compares to other openings but what I use lets me to never go under energy and still go all out (something I can't do successfully using other openings)


I use: ss-sos-ft-snipe-snipe-ft-ambush-ft-sos-os-sv-relic-adrenal-ta-ft-sos-ft and continuing on with normal rotation. I like it because it times my orbital and sniper volley together so I never have to worry about energy.

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I like to use a different opening, I don't really know how it compares to other openings but what I use lets me to never go under energy and still go all out (something I can't do successfully using other openings)


I use: ss-sos-ft-snipe-snipe-ft-ambush-ft-sos-os-sv-relic-adrenal-ta-ft-sos-ft and continuing on with normal rotation. I like it because it times my orbital and sniper volley together so I never have to worry about energy.


Yea that works too. Some people like to use different openers but the most important thing is keeping your rotation up and using as much FTs as you can.


os - ambush (TA) ft - sos ft - sv - sos ft - snipe snipe ft is what i use . some people like to do

os - (TA) snipe ft - ambush (1 stack) ft - sos ft - sv - sos - ft

and there is the opener similar to yours that starts with sos after orbital strike.

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Sorry to bug you about your spec again, but do you take Energy Tanks or Vital Regulators for the increased proccing chance on your UWSA? I've been running my Gunslinger in Sharpshooter without Bravado and it doesn't seem to be a big change in energy management.


Also, have your parses shown that Explosive Engineering is less DPS compared to taking the Alacrity and additional 1% of crit chance?


Thanks in advance!

Edited by AngelFluttershy
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Sorry to bug you about your spec again, but do you take Energy Tanks or Vital Regulators for the increased proccing chance on your UWSA? I've been running my Gunslinger in Sharpshooter without Bravado and it doesn't seem to be a big change in energy management.


Also, have your parses shown that Explosive Engineering is less DPS compared to taking the Alacrity and additional 1% of crit chance?


Thanks in advance!


Hey, nope i dont use vital regulators anymore.


Yeah EP is probably DPS loss and i only use it if illegal mods is about to run out during a a charged burst or aimed shot. And maybe when im really energy capped.... Sometimes I also clip corrosive dart during my free GCDs to keep it up longer. Just little things but they help in pushing parses.


Unfortunately i dont have the facts re: Explosive Engineering vs Alacrity and Crit chance. My spec of choice is purely personal preference. EE was worth it before when you could stack double 2-pc pvp bonus. I just prefer vital shot due to the lower energy cost and the ability to clip it when i have enough energy especially during burst volley.



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Yeah EP is probably DPS loss and i only use it if illegal mods is about to run out during a a charged burst or aimed shot.

You confused me there. If illegal mods would run out during aimed shot or charged burst, that also means it will run out during the gcd following explosive probe. So by the time probe is triggered there will be no illegal mods. What am I missing?

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So by the time probe is triggered there will be no illegal mods. What am I missing?
That's one of the little things that i did and its probably hard to do in raids. It's very minor and i think a better topic to touch on is Corrosive Dart / Vital Shot. I told Roovin about corrosive dart clipping and so far he is seeing a slight DPS increase in his dummy parses. During the extra GCDs that come out here and there, and especially during SV / BV rotations you'll have a chance to clip the dot Edited by paowee
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You may have mentioned this in another thread, do you generally use your TA/Relic/Adrenal on cooldown or save them for burst periods like during orbital or sniper volley? Similarly, since the cooldowns on TA and relic don't line up is it better to just use TA on cooldown rather than wait for the relic?


Also grats on killing Dread Guard

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You may have mentioned this in another thread, do you generally use your TA/Relic/Adrenal on cooldown or save them for burst periods like during orbital or sniper volley? Similarly, since the cooldowns on TA and relic don't line up is it better to just use TA on cooldown rather than wait for the relic?


Also grats on killing Dread Guard

I prefer to use it on. cd As long as i can Ambush FT and SoS FT while the buff is still up (10 seconds) i think it's worth it. Cover Insta Snipe is also a good way to squeeze in a bit more damage before TA / IM runs out. I only save TA when Orbital is coming up and i will dip down on energy because i messed up in rotation.


Like on the ~5 attempts i got on NiM Council, I really have to tunnel and use everything on CD because a 3rd lightning surge is not an option. Might as well /stuck it. >_< I mean its still possible (the 10K wipe with 3 Ciphas bubbles), but you have to have some awesome defensive cooldowns for when Kelsara enrages which is only possible afaik with sin shroud, Jugg tank/dps saber reflect and Marauder undying rage. For Marauders you gotta make sure you're above in threat than anybody else or Kelsara will just run around at 50000% movement speed 1-shot the ranged DPS.

Edited by paowee
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Impressive work!


In comparing my best parses (a little over 2700 for 10 mins) I had a couple questions. Your parse has 0% misses, mine has 9.86% missing. My accuracy is a little higher than yours, but I'm guessing that you are trimming the misses? We are both hitting the Ops dummy, not sure why the diff.


Second, there is quite a bigger gap between my low and high pri damage. My low is 1448 and high is 1825. You listed 1721-1872. Do you know what accounts for the difference in those? I have both 72 main and Offhand.



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Impressive work!


In comparing my best parses (a little over 2700 for 10 mins) I had a couple questions. Your parse has 0% misses, mine has 9.86% missing. My accuracy is a little higher than yours, but I'm guessing that you are trimming the misses? We are both hitting the Ops dummy, not sure why the diff.


Second, there is quite a bigger gap between my low and high pri damage. My low is 1448 and high is 1825. You listed 1721-1872. Do you know what accounts for the difference in those? I have both 72 main and Offhand.



:eek: How do you trim the misses? i wish i could do that! This is the raw


19 min parse http://www.torparse.com/a/289775/6/0/Damage+Dealt and it had Miss% of 0.4%. My ranged Ranged accuracy (427 rating) : 99.91%. Are you a Gunslinger? I think your OH has a built in miss rate and you are seeing that? :|


Second, there is quite a bigger gap between my low and high pri damage. My low is 1448 and high is 1825. You listed 1721-1872. Do you know what accounts for the difference in those? I have both 72 main and Offhand.
I'll have to look into that one. But im fairly sure my numbers are correct unless there is a typo. Get back to you tonight. And nope i did not have NiM pilgrim buff or membrosia or any of those things. Edited by paowee
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:eek: How do you trim the misses? i wish i could do that! This is the raw


19 min parse http://www.torparse.com/a/289775/6/0/Damage+Dealt and it had Miss% of 0.4%. My ranged Ranged accuracy (427 rating) : 99.91%. Are you a Gunslinger? I think your OH has a built in miss rate and you are seeing that? :|


I'll have to look into that one. But im fairly sure my numbers are correct unless there is a typo. Get back to you tonight. And nope i did not have NiM pilgrim buff or membrosia or any of those things.


Ahh yes, I am a gunslinger. I think that accounts for both my questions. Thanks!

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