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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ligntning with a dash of Madness


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Just wondering if anyone has tried anything similar since the trees were redesigned. Here is a mock up of a mostly lightning with some madness (mostly to get wrath and slightly to get no cooldown force lightning).


I've run pure lightning through the ringer and can achieve 2300ish burst dps up front and sustained (read:no buffs) around 1700.


I'll update after i respec into this and try it just wanted some opinions before and after I test it out.


Here's the rough look of the build:



I don' t use thundering blast as much as I should but I'm thinking that might cripple the dps without it or another top tier dps ability.

Edited by LThompson
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Just wondering if anyone has tried anything similar since the trees were redesigned. Here is a mock up of a mostly lightning with some madness (mostly to get wrath and slightly to get no cooldown force lightning).


I've run pure lightning through the ringer and can achieve 2300ish burst dps up front and sustained (read:no buffs) around 1700.


I'll update after i respec into this and try it just wanted some opinions before and after I test it out.


Here's the rough look of the build:



I don' t use thundering blast as much as I should but I'm thinking that might cripple the dps without it or another top tier dps ability.


Hybrids exist, I think this is one of them, but they have proven to be lacking compared to the pure specs. Feel free to try it though, I haven't really seen substantial evidence.

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I kept getting about 200 dps on average below lighting or madness. Unless I got a ton of lucky procs. I'm at work right now, I might still have the logs at home.


Issue is force lightning is rather weak when not proc'ed, so in long term PvE situations this spec ultimately fails. If you can get it to match your full Lit or full Madness parses, post em (From the Wrath Lightning and etc specs) - as Id be interested to see how lucky you got or if you're using a diff rotation.


I will say this spec is possibly the best for clearing out trash in PvE though, just not DPS on bosses.


EDIT: Language changed, since "Off Proc" and "On Proc" seems to mean the same thing to many forum posters in SWTOR.

Edited by Maelael
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This is a great spec for pvp. I run a variation of it myself with the same point distribution. However if you're just herp derping on dragons and can cast without pressure then the pure specs are the way to go. Lightning has better single target dps if you don't have people trying to stop you from casting like you do in pvp.


edit: except for the fact you didn't pick up df

Edited by Commissar_Omega
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I d suggest trying this one. This build revolves on omitting shock from rotation and taking deathfield.

Singletarget dmg will remain less than in both full specs but this build will give u seriously increased aoe potential. On S\V hm trash fights hardcast cl-deathfield-force storm-proc cl gives 8+k dps depending on the gear. Shock is replaced with wrath-procced LS. As i mentioned, singletarget will suffer but at least for me the loss is 100-120 dps compared to pure lightning\madness.

For ops pure specs are still more preferred if ur group is struggling with enrage, but this particular build is much more suitable if you do not like pure specs for any reason.

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