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Mclovincredz is so beast


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Define super queue...before last night when we queued for rateds I haven't done that **** for months. Like....February? I'm pretty sure thats the last time though. Hate me more. I'm sure Doctor CM will devour more of our film to find out the last time.




Oh CM...we were queued for rateds and talked like an hour of strat. This was the first time we got this team together, and some people in there hadn't played SWTOR for a month. I know every time that we rarely super queue a kitten dies somewhere, but those ***** cats need to burn in hell. Also, who we are is who we are; if you don't like what we say on our stream; which we know was going; then change the channel? Just a thought. Also....whats for dinner tonight CM? Hope it's not another pizza night. I never made any personal attacks on your wife and kids (i didn't even know you had kids) and that night that I was trolling you that you can't forget about, what was that...4 months ago? I was **** faced drunk. So if it makes you feel better, I didn't mean to say most of that. But my thoughts are my own!


make whatever excuse you want for it. you gotta admit, it's pretty damn funny that pj-b would make some a-rod "I would never use steroids" denial to be proved a liar (or should we call it "misremembering"?) almost immediately. with irrefutable, video evidence. I mean...that's at least a little funny, right? :cool:

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I just saw Man of Steel, bada&& movie, and i found out the movie theater i went to opened a full liquor bar!! which made it even more bada&&, and i missed half the movie cuz i broke the seal after drinking 2 32oz beers before the movie started, but i continued to drink and i filled in the missing parts in my mind with scenes of hot chicks making out and i'm kinda drunk right now. Screw you all for my lack of punctuation.


movie kinda sucked. zack snyder is a complete hack. he got lucky with 300. you should have seen THIS IS THE END. much better movie. prolly more DlCK shots than FORGETTING SARAH MARSHALL and THE WATCHMEN combined though. :confused:


edit: danny mcbride and michael cera pwned the screen when they were on.

Edited by foxmob
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make whatever excuse you want for it. you gotta admit, it's pretty damn funny that pj-b would make some a-rod "I would never use steroids" denial to be proved a liar (or should we call it "misremembering"?) almost immediately. with irrefutable, video evidence. I mean...that's at least a little funny, right? :cool:


Yeah but it's not a foot in mouth moment. People know we super queued in the past. We do it one time and there happens to be video evidence. We were queued for rateds, and we were REALLY rusty on our RWZ strats.


Kenny you guys can talk strat. for a week straight you can't fix suck. If you and empire think trolling me about that stuff is clever , you don't have to look far as to why you're so bad at this game. #braindead


CM I never, EVER claim to be the best. It would be very presumptuous for me to do so. I can name plenty of people that are better tanks or healers than I, a few of which are in your guild. You really need to come up with a different argument than the "OMG U SUCK" defense, it's very old.

Edited by klonkimo
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"The activity or condition of competing"

unicorn stampede

" The activity of super queuing and thinking they are good"


US has some good players that are very respectable but for the most part the guild is full of wannabes.


I can neither confirm nor deny these allegations.

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Yeah but it's not a foot in mouth moment. People know we super queued in the past. We do it one time and there happens to be video evidence. We were queued for rateds, and we were REALLY rusty on our RWZ strats..


heh. iunno...he's denied it in the past as well (when I raged after your ops army). pj then got into it with vasyel, who accused him of superQing, to which pj replied, "prove it." maybe we have drastically different ideas about what a foot in mouth moment is, but I'd say it just happened again, this time with video proof. and I lol'd heartily.

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heh. iunno...he's denied it in the past as well (when I raged after your ops army). pj then got into it with vasyel, who accused him of superQing, to which pj replied, "prove it." maybe we have drastically different ideas about what a foot in mouth moment is, but I'd say it just happened again, this time with video proof. and I lol'd heartily.


Okay...that's twice in the last 6 months. And we know from US, PD, LD50, and other larger guilds that accidental queues happen all the time. I don't actively say "hey lets get a super queue together" because I don't find them to be fun.


If you guys want ammo against me, go ahead and watch the streams all day and point one or two things out from the last 6 months. Otherwise, you can kiss my ***. You're not paying my sub, i'm having fun playing this game, and I LOL at all the hate I get for some reason or another.

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Wow Kenny... That's way too much information for me.

I am similar to combat medic.

I have a wife and kids, and not trying to make "new" friends" outside a video game.


A few notes:

1) The "seizure" comment in your sig... You and your buddy made the poor guy quit SW Tor ENTIRELY. How does that make you feel?

2) You never paid Skarr for the duel. Honestly having 7 figures in this game means nothing above 250 mil excites me. I haven't even bothered to try learning 72 recipes yet.

3) Yes, I usually decline duels because they are a stupid waste of time when the war zones are a TEAM & STRATEGY based environment. Some classes can beat others easily, however how often do you see 1v1 in war zones?

4) I will quit posting here... since all this thread is doing is letting other people take turns making fun of you and the "Bad" apples in your guild.

5) Thank you for the compliment tho, I do enjoy being called a Beast.


1> I feel fine. I whispered him literally twice, once to tell him he should be ashamed to have a coward like you in their guild, and a second time to say "lol wut"

2> Devil held the money. That had absolutely nothing to do with me, I just Fraps'ed it.

3> So, you're saying a arsenal spec merc doesn't need to dps? I mean....keep guarding those nodes buddy, but make sure I'm on the other team when you do

4> You're bad! No you're bad!

5> YW

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Okay...that's twice in the last 6 months. And we know from US, PD, LD50, and other larger guilds that accidental queues happen all the time. I don't actively say "hey lets get a super queue together" because I don't find them to be fun.


If you guys want ammo against me, go ahead and watch the streams all day and point one or two things out from the last 6 months. Otherwise, you can kiss my ***. You're not paying my sub, i'm having fun playing this game, and I LOL at all the hate I get for some reason or another.


it's not a superQ if it's incidental. ;) but that's neither here nor there. I wasn't attacking you. I certainly wasn't stalking troyy's feed (see my earlier comment about CM doing it). I admit to being a little confused by what "foot in mouth" is, if not what's just happened with the last wizard. either way, it's pretty funny. :D

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CM I never, EVER claim to be the best. It would be very presumptuous for me to do so. I can name plenty of people that are better tanks or healers than I, a few of which are in your guild. You really need to come up with a different argument than the "OMG U SUCK" defense, it's very old.


There is no other defense , this is an mmo not some social circle that involves each others personal lives. That's what you and half of your fail guild doesn't understand. What you think you know about me is like a tiny percentage of my actual life that was passed along to you by someone who was butt hurt that i wasn't around to carry him anymore and now it's being recycled by other butt hurt players. You're telling me not to use the omg u suck defense but this thread was started to call someone out because they suck according to you , so i put you in your place cause you're awful and shouldn't be trolling anyone. Pure hypocrite to tell me not to talk down to you for being bad right ?


And yeah krackcommando i mean't mumble to come play with us for the banksy comment.

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The superman post got me wondering, is it worth seeing in the theater? Or should I wait for Blu-ray?


let's just say there's a lot of attempt at complexity. there are a few deus ex machina moments. I think the movie tries waaaay to hard to explain stuff (basically, what happened to krypton, who clark is, some stuff about a "codex", why kryptonians have super powers on earth, etc.).


the fights are...iunno. I didn't like most of them. one super power guy would run/fly at another and displace him 10-100 yards. I watch just about everything in the theater, so I don't really feel ripped off. I would not expect much from this movie though. especially zod. man. he reminded me soooo much of a rogue or paladin in WoW with ridiculously hefty armor on his shoulders.


zack snyder had a hand in the writing and directed it. you can see some of the 300-style fighting (quick flashes followed by super slo-mo). the writer is david s. goyer. he wrote the first nolan batman movie and all of the blade movies. I think he thinks a little too much of himself and tries to be complex about something fairly simple (i.e., kryptonians are different from humans thanks to earth's yellow sun. nuff said. stop philosophizing about gravity, the atmosphere, etc.).

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There is no other defense , this is an mmo not some social circle that involves each others personal lives. That's what you and half of your fail guild doesn't understand. What you think you know about me is like a tiny percentage of my actual life that was passed along to you by someone who was butt hurt that i wasn't around to carry him anymore and now it's being recycled by other butt hurt players. You're telling me not to use the omg u suck defense but this thread was started to call someone out because they suck according to you , so i put you in your place cause you're awful and shouldn't be trolling anyone. Pure hypocrite to tell me not to talk down to you for being bad right ?


And yeah krackcommando i mean't mumble to come play with us for the banksy comment.


Soooo.... you saw your commercial then?:rolleyes:

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The superman post got me wondering, is it worth seeing in the theater? Or should I wait for Blu-ray?



Frankly it was worth it for me to go see it in 3D, although most of the IMAX showings were sold out. I don't know if I completely agree with Krack overall about his assessment on the complexity of the story that was written for the movie, mainly because I do believe they're trying to stuff as much back story into this movie so they can move to the meat of the next Superman man movie without having to explain everything, because we all know this will inevitably turn into a trilogy due to the fact that anything with Nolan's name on it sh*ts gold these days. I think I'd rather see them get to all the semi-reasonable explanations behind Superman's powers and history instead of trying to space it out within a bunch of movies.


I unfortunately did find some of the logic behind it a little pretentious, but overall I enjoyed a bunch of super powered beefy men punching the crap out of each other with absolutely no regard whatsoever for human life or the overhead costs of trying to repair 80 city blocks that were so easily levelled like a 400 pound man sitting on a banana. I suppose Superman's altruistic nature supersedes the thousands of people that no longer have a home or job as long as Zod gets his sh i t pushed in at the end of the day.


TL;DR go see the movie at least once in the theatre before torrenting. Lots of boom boom and landscape like glorious pictures of the sun!

Edited by Plikk
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Wow Kenny... That's way too much information for me.

I am similar to combat medic.

I have a wife and kids, and not trying to make "new" friends" outside a video game.


A few notes:

1) The "seizure" comment in your sig... You and your buddy made the poor guy quit SW Tor ENTIRELY. How does that make you feel?

2) You never paid Skarr for the duel. Honestly having 7 figures in this game means nothing above 250 mil excites me. I haven't even bothered to try learning 72 recipes yet.

3) Yes, I usually decline duels because they are a stupid waste of time when the war zones are a TEAM & STRATEGY based environment. Some classes can beat others easily, however how often do you see 1v1 in war zones?

4) I will quit posting here... since all this thread is doing is letting other people take turns making fun of you and the "Bad" apples in your guild.

5) Thank you for the compliment tho, I do enjoy being called a Beast.



Back on topic... The quote above taken from Kenny still makes me LOL.

The fact that his poor, nub behind could only raise 5 million credits in an attempt to make me duel him last night made me LOL even harder. Go do dailies or something man.


As for US rarely super queuing:

US has been super queuing forever. I've been in team with a few, that dropped team to form (2) 4 man squads so they could super queue. I've also been in countless teams with 6 or 7 of them. They also have "super queue" as a weekly "raid' on their site calendar.


The Beast.



Quote from the Beast:

"Jealousy and Flaming are the highest forms of flattery. One day.... I may teach you to be almost as good as me... If you could gather enough credits and beg nicely."

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sorry for my confusion. I have to cop to not really paying attention to your back and forth. but why does it matter how much money someone can come up with in order to duel him? Edited by foxmob
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sorry for my confusion. I have to cop to not really paying attention to your back and forth. but why does it matter how much money someone can come up with in order to duel him?


I'm a Merc; a gun for hire, I play the role. He can't come up with enough credits to interest me in dueling him.

Besides, its more fun to keep hi aggravated.


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