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Mclovincredz is so beast


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This is a prime example of his own statement. In other words we have the pot calling the kettle black in combat medic case.


6 sniper 1 Operative healer and a sin walk into a Nova coast. Premade of Ld50 guess who lost to the pugs <3 Ld50


Cry'ara you're a nobody , just another angry unicorn scrub who's been farmed by us and can't get over it. For the second quote congrats on your regular wz win , let me mail you a trophy. Your guild is full of average to below average players , it's hilarious to listen to troy's stream and hear you guys talk each other up on a regular basis then when you guys finally get the balls to q up for ranked you get stomped. Looks like those balls only lasted one night.

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then when you guys finally get the balls to q up for ranked you get stomped. Looks like those balls only lasted one night.


FWIW, I don't think the reason we don't queue is because we get stomped. Unlike some guilds, we don't poach or entice top tier players into our guild, and our guild isn't comprised of only super high end pvp and pve players. Some people do WZ's, yes, some do only PVE. And of those that do PVP, the times when we have a decent comp of willing and able players is very rare.


We were queued last night, but that was at 11pm. We played some games against a pug Seane put together, and it was all GG's. If LD was queued at 11 last night, we would've played you guys too. I'm all for you guys calling us bad, or whatever, as a guild LD50 is probably the most feared on the server for ranked. But telling us we don't have balls because we can't put a comp together to run rateds, coming from a guild that consists of like 50% imp re-rolls, is absolutely unacceptable.


Send some of your guys back imp side to queue with us and I'm sure we'd get more games in.

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Nah, he'll just report your post. :p





Probably right.

But every time he gets upset in game he yells "lets duel" because duels show the better pvp player in teamwork and strategy based war zones.


LOL'ing at the reason why US doesn't que rateds. So they 4 man and super que regular war zones all day long, making fun of all the people who solo que meanwhile they scared to do rated since they know they will get stomped 99% of the time.


Anyone else see the irony in a "stampede" getting STOMPED?

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Gotta love how the server thinks they speak for everybody US. I don't super queue, I solo queue since I've been back, and I've enjoyed success beating rep premades/pugs. For some reason, I feel like they've gotten worse, I know I haven't gotten better because I just came back, and i'm running madness, lmfao.
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Gotta love how the server thinks they speak for everybody US. I don't super queue, I solo queue since I've been back, and I've enjoyed success beating rep premades/pugs. For some reason, I feel like they've gotten worse, I know I haven't gotten better because I just came back, and i'm running madness, lmfao.


Let me rephrase my previous post. It's directed at the "mouths" in Unicorn Stampede. Specifically the ones that whine, cry, and YELL at everyone in warzones in capital letters. There's about 5-6 of them that do this... so since the bad apple(s) ruin the bunch....


I've met and played with multiple "good" people in US... and I've also met quite a few "bad" people in US.

Unfortunately, the bad ones give the guild its reputation.

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Gotta love how the server thinks they speak for everybody US. I don't super queue, I solo queue since I've been back, and I've enjoyed success beating rep premades/pugs. For some reason, I feel like they've gotten worse, I know I haven't gotten better because I just came back, and i'm running madness, lmfao.


@12.30 minutes http://www.twitch.tv/troyh20/b/416665284 , oh really pjb ? this was last night wasn't it.


Stryker I don't know where you get your facts from but the only imp rerolls in ld are myself , cates , ukko (swagga) ,xeosage and rynis that i can think of off the top of my head ( - rynis ,we all rerolled last year get over it) we have approximately 20-30 active pvp'ers (don't quote me im not at home to check). Only 2 people that have been asked to join ld are merson and rynis , i went out of my way to get them to app. Otherwise everyone else apped or inquired on their own no poaching or enticing. If it weren't for people like alisandra , troy , kenny , leonardo etc making comments about me being a woman beater , disrespectful comments about my wife / child i would come play with you guys , and i have ran regs with some of your guildies ( people like tswifty , unfathomebly , buppi represent your guild well ) but overall you guys have earned all the hate you guys get. First step to cleaning up the unicorn name is to either get troy to stop streaming or watch what you say when he is streaming.

Edited by donthedondon
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it's hilarious to listen to troy's stream and hear you guys talk each other up.

I don't know why ppl do this. why would ever click on these streams? even if you do it tor laugh at them, you're still stroking their epeens. and if you've seen one, you've seen them all.


if you want to learn something, check out one of Cates or Jodey's rated feeds. why you'd give troy the time of day with this stuff is beyond me.

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@12.30 minutes http://www.twitch.tv/troyh20/b/416665284 , oh really pjb ? this was last night wasn't it.


Stryker I don't know where you get your facts from but the only imp rerolls in ld are myself , cates , ukko (swagga) ,xeosage and rynis that i can think of off the top of my head ( - rynis ,we all rerolled last year get over it) we have approximately 20-30 active pvp'ers (don't quote me im not at home to check). Only 2 people that have been asked to join ld are merson and rynis , i went out of my way to get them to app. Otherwise everyone else apped or inquired on their own no poaching or enticing. If it weren't for people like alisandra , troy , kenny , leonardo etc making comments about me being a woman beater , disrespectful comments about my wife / child i would come play with you guys , and i have ran regs with some of your guildies ( people like tswifty , unfathomebly , buppi represent your guild well ) but overall you guys have earned all the hate you guys get. First step to cleaning up the unicorn name is to either get troy to stop streaming or watch what you say when he is streaming.


Check the comments Combatmedic! Found the commercial about you!



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No other guild on the server do I know that can super queue, all be in voice chat together, and STILL lose to a bunch of fresh 55 pugs. <3 you Unicorn Stampede.


Define super queue...before last night when we queued for rateds I haven't done that **** for months. Like....February? I'm pretty sure thats the last time though. Hate me more. I'm sure Doctor CM will devour more of our film to find out the last time.


I spend alot of time node guarding in warzones, because most other people want to run around the action imitating a game of 10 year olds playing soccer.

Kenny is one of the worst (fail)trolls on the server. He thinks he can be funny, but its just plain sad.

In all honesty, I think he has a crush on me. He's always been sending me whispers and love notes that started way back when I would do better in PVE gear in warzones then he would in full war hero.

Would make sense with him being in a guild with a rainbow name.

Sorry buddy, I prefer females.

Betting within 5 minutes of this post I get a "lets go duel" whisper again......


I don't know where you're getting your information, i'm a great troll because trolling only requires that I get excitement out of it; not anyone else. And I historically very rarely play a DPS class and spec, so I don't know where you could have out performed me. However, I do have a crush on you; this is my way of asking you out.


BTW lets go duel so I can shut you up. 250k for best out of three, I'll let someone from Uncensored or B30 hold the money for the winner. Not the 3 Million bounty I put out for Devil vs. Hail Skroob, but I know you'll just decline anyways.


Gotta love how the server thinks they speak for everybody US. I don't super queue, I solo queue since I've been back, and I've enjoyed success beating rep premades/pugs. For some reason, I feel like they've gotten worse, I know I haven't gotten better because I just came back, and i'm running madness, lmfao.




@12.30 minutes http://www.twitch.tv/troyh20/b/416665284 , oh really pjb ? this was last night wasn't it.


If it weren't for people like alisandra , troy , kenny , leonardo etc making comments about me being a woman beater , disrespectful comments about my wife / child i would come play with you guys , and i have ran regs with some of your guildies ( people like tswifty , unfathomebly , buppi represent your guild well ) but overall you guys have earned all the hate you guys get. First step to cleaning up the unicorn name is to either get troy to stop streaming or watch what you say when he is streaming.


Oh CM...we were queued for rateds and talked like an hour of strat. This was the first time we got this team together, and some people in there hadn't played SWTOR for a month. I know every time that we rarely super queue a kitten dies somewhere, but those ***** cats need to burn in hell. Also, who we are is who we are; if you don't like what we say on our stream; which we know was going; then change the channel? Just a thought. Also....whats for dinner tonight CM? Hope it's not another pizza night. I never made any personal attacks on your wife and kids (i didn't even know you had kids) and that night that I was trolling you that you can't forget about, what was that...4 months ago? I was **** faced drunk. So if it makes you feel better, I didn't mean to say most of that. But my thoughts are my own!

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sigh....why is there a constant battle on this server? so much hate...we all play a video game lets try to get along doing so. While I admit I talk *****..its more for the fun of talking *****. I respect many guilds on this server for their pvp skill ld50, uncensored, prime defense, b30, bloodline. Doesn't mean for the sake of fun I won't poke fun at them to get a rise. I however will not call someone out on their family or anything like that, it is off limits to me, should be for everyone. In the end what does all of it matter? It's a game. I think we all need a kumbaya moment. *hands everyone a cookie* lets get along and play the game.:)
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"The activity or condition of competing"

unicorn stampede

" The activity of super queuing and thinking they are good"


US has some good players that are very respectable but for the most part the guild is full of wannabes.


I got an idea lets make jokes about combat medic being a wife beater cause that's classy :rolleyes: i'm pretty sure most of ld-50 hates me and combat medic probably hates me but you don't see me making comments about him :cool:

Edited by mfourcustom
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"The activity or condition of competing"

unicorn stampede

" The activity of super queuing and thinking they are good"


US has some good players that are very respectable but for the most part the guild is full of wannabes.


I got an idea lets make jokes about combat medic being a wife beater cause that's classy :rolleyes: i'm pretty sure most of ld-50 hates me and combat medic probably hates me but you don't see me making comments about him :cool:


What are you talking about banksy i <3 you , only thing i hate is that you don't come around anymore cause your vanguard didn't get any love at 2.0 and you've become a stranger.


Kenny you guys can talk strat. for a week straight you can't fix suck. If you and empire think trolling me about that stuff is clever , you don't have to look far as to why you're so bad at this game. #braindead

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I just saw Man of Steel, bada&& movie, and i found out the movie theater i went to opened a full liquor bar!! which made it even more bada&&, and i missed half the movie cuz i broke the seal after drinking 2 32oz beers before the movie started, but i continued to drink and i filled in the missing parts in my mind with scenes of hot chicks making out and i'm kinda drunk right now. Screw you all for my lack of punctuation. Edited by Jadenn
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What are you talking about banksy i <3 you , only thing i hate is that you don't come around anymore cause your vanguard didn't get any love at 2.0 and you've become a stranger.


Kenny you guys can talk strat. for a week straight you can't fix suck. If you and empire think trolling me about that stuff is clever , you don't have to look far as to why you're so bad at this game. #braindead


So you saw your commercial then?

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I just saw Man of Steel, bada&& movie, and i found out the movie theater i went to opened a full liquor bar!! which made it even more bada&&, and i missed half the movie cuz i broke the seal after drinking 2 32oz beers before the movie started, but i continued to drink and i filled in the missing parts in my mind with scenes of hot chicks making out and i'm kinda drunk right now. Screw you all for my lack of punctuation.


By far the best post in this thread.


Oh and



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Hi my name is kenny and have depression issues. I'm too lazy to find any company outside a video game, so I try to troll people. I also try to tank, heal and dps but I usually suck at all 3 so I just talk on a video stream while my guild mates kill stuff.


I'm not sure if I told you....but i'm great at playing tummy sticks.

Historically I rarely play with myself, unless Devil is offline.

However, I do have a crush on you; this is my way of asking you out.


BTW lets go duel so I can shut you up. 250k for best out of three, I'll let someone from Uncensored or B30 hold the money for the winner. Not the 3 Million bounty I put out for Devil vs. Hail Skroob, but I know you'll just decline anyways.


Wow Kenny... That's way too much information for me.

I am similar to combat medic.

I have a wife and kids, and not trying to make "new" friends" outside a video game.


A few notes:

1) The "seizure" comment in your sig... You and your buddy made the poor guy quit SW Tor ENTIRELY. How does that make you feel?

2) You never paid Skarr for the duel. Honestly having 7 figures in this game means nothing above 250 mil excites me. I haven't even bothered to try learning 72 recipes yet.

3) Yes, I usually decline duels because they are a stupid waste of time when the war zones are a TEAM & STRATEGY based environment. Some classes can beat others easily, however how often do you see 1v1 in war zones?

4) I will quit posting here... since all this thread is doing is letting other people take turns making fun of you and the "Bad" apples in your guild.

5) Thank you for the compliment tho, I do enjoy being called a Beast.

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I just saw Man of Steel, bada&& movie, and i found out the movie theater i went to opened a full liquor bar!! which made it even more bada&&, and i missed half the movie cuz i broke the seal after drinking 2 32oz beers before the movie started, but i continued to drink and i filled in the missing parts in my mind with scenes of hot chicks making out and i'm kinda drunk right now. Screw you all for my lack of punctuation.


Best post ever

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What are you talking about banksy i <3 you , only thing i hate is that you don't come around anymore cause your vanguard didn't get any love at 2.0 and you've become a stranger.


Kenny you guys can talk strat. for a week straight you can't fix suck. If you and empire think trolling me about that stuff is clever , you don't have to look far as to why you're so bad at this game. #braindead


rofl - speaking of "don't come around anymore," do you mean you don't see him in gchat/mumble? or that he doesn't login anymore. cuz...you know he's in bloodline, right? thinking out loud, but dayum! that was an entertaining thought!

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