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Petition For Dyes


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I do not know if a petition will work in this section or not but here is to hoping so. Since the dye modules were put in game there has been only one that i wanted (Black/Yellow) now its put in game as only accessible to people who purchased a collectors edition. Well when the game came out i had no computer to run it so i went out spent $600 dollars on a new rig purchased the game and began paying for subscription. Could not afford collectors edition after all this. Now the only dye i want i cant have because its BoP in a store i cannot access. Please sign below and hopefully if we can get enough signatures we can either get the BoP removed or the Black/Yellow added by other means. (Before CE people freak out) This still helps you guys out. Option A you control the market on an item that cant be bought anywhere else OR Option B an ex*****ve dye is on the market that you can buy for cheap at another store win win for you guys.
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I do not know if a petition will work in this section or not but here is to hoping so. Since the dye modules were put in game there has been only one that i wanted (Black/Yellow) now its put in game as only accessible to people who purchased a collectors edition. Well when the game came out i had no computer to run it so i went out spent $600 dollars on a new rig purchased the game and began paying for subscription. Could not afford collectors edition after all this. Now the only dye i want i cant have because its BoP in a store i cannot access. Please sign below and hopefully if we can get enough signatures we can either get the BoP removed or the Black/Yellow added by other means. (Before CE people freak out) This still helps you guys out. Option A you control the market on an item that cant be bought anywhere else OR Option B an ex*****ve dye is on the market that you can buy for cheap at another store win win for you guys.



They made the first dyes in the CE BOE by mistake and then added a new one to correct that mistake and to provide those who purchased a CE an EXCLUSIVE dye. That is the entire point of making it CE vendor only and making it BOP. It's EXCLUSIVE. Those with CE's already "control the market" on the first two dyes added and they still sell for barely over the cost.


I'm going to try to say this as politely as I can. NO. Leave the exclusive dye as it is, BOP and exclusive to those who purchased the CE.


Should they make white/white dye available from a vendor because I do not want to purchase dye gambling packs or spend the exorbitant amount required to purchase it from the GTN? No.

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Really they should have made dyes as just one part. Dye application kits should have been introduced like an augment kit that applies a primary slot and a secondary slot color. Then all dyes should have been either a primary or a secondary color not both together. Bio would have made more money with the market with the kits offering 2 primary and 2 secondary colors instead of just 2 color kit. Instead of getting a black/black or white/white dye you would only get a black or white primary and a black or white secondary and you would need to combine the two to get the previous result.


Players would have seen this as a prime customization tool and crafters would have more to make that could actually be utilized. Every single color of both primary and secondary could have been added to the Market. Crafted colors could have been limited the Red, Blues, Yellow, Greens and Oranges with possibly Pink and Purples based on the color crystal used in crafting. The Security Key Vendor could offer a few rarer color matches like secondary White, Browns and Greys. The Collectors Eddition could offer a few more rare colors maybe a Black, Primary Brown and Greys. Both the SK and CE colors should be BoP but other players could get these colors through the CM.


This allows those who have a SK and/or CE access to a few more colors without added purchases from the CM as they "have already spent RL money" for the game. But this also doesn't exclude other players from eventually getting these same colors.

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Really they should have made dyes as just one part. Dye application kits should have been introduced like an augment kit that applies a primary slot and a secondary slot color. Then all dyes should have been either a primary or a secondary color not both together. Bio would have made more money with the market with the kits offering 2 primary and 2 secondary colors instead of just 2 color kit. Instead of getting a black/black or white/white dye you would only get a black or white primary and a black or white secondary and you would need to combine the two to get the previous result.


Players would have seen this as a prime customization tool and crafters would have more to make that could actually be utilized. Every single color of both primary and secondary could have been added to the Market. Crafted colors could have been limited the Red, Blues, Yellow, Greens and Oranges with possibly Pink and Purples based on the color crystal used in crafting. The Security Key Vendor could offer a few rarer color matches like secondary White, Browns and Greys. The Collectors Eddition could offer a few more rare colors maybe a Black, Primary Brown and Greys. Both the SK and CE colors should be BoP but other players could get these colors through the CM.


This allows those who have a SK and/or CE access to a few more colors without added purchases from the CM as they "have already spent RL money" for the game. But this also doesn't exclude other players from eventually getting these same colors.


It would have been nice if they had done the dye system differently. I hate to use this as an example, but guild Wars 2 has a really nice dye system. It is still RNG gambling boxes for the most part, but once you learn the dye on a character, you can use it again and again. There is no primary or secondary either. Any dye can be used for any portion of a given item.



I do think there should be some BOP and exclusive dyes from the CE and SK vendors, and it would be even better if these dyes on the CE and SK vendor were among the highest tier. You could make some colors available to everyone but leave a variation on the CE or the SK. I'll use a few colors from guild wars 2 as an example. They could make white available to everyone, but make celestial (a much brighter white) exclusive to the CE, or make black available to everyone, and leave midnight ice (darker, more vivid black) on the CE vendor. That would give everyone the option to have their white or black armor, but still leave the CE owners with a slightly different and arguably cooler looking armor.


There is absolutely no reason why everyone should have access to everything in the game simply because they log in.

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Personally I agree with the idea that all CE content should remain ONLY CE accessible...however the current dye system is awful and should be reworked from the ground up. I wouldn't even hold it against them if they copy/pasta gw2's dye system (which btw would fit in SWTOR's new F2P model). To be honest, ANYTHING would be better than the way dyes work now.


Also, does anyone else find it odd that they added dye slots to armor dispite the fact that you cant remove them without destroying them? Seems to me like they might as well of used Warhammer Online or GW1's dye system instead (dye potions that would vanish upon use).


For the record I am NOT a CE player.

Edited by Ovanmaru
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