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Suggestion: Disable Field Respec in WZ's


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Where's the risk in using stims?


The entire point of building a character is to eliminate risk. It's the same reason you build up your gear, min/max your gear, or use stims, or have consumables on hand. You may even decide to build an additional set of gear for an off-spec.


The challenge then becomes to see how effectively you can use all those tools and assets in your team. Sadly, a lot of the "challenge" feel is lost when facing teams of people who don't use their tools. Why bring the competition level down to those who don't do things they should to be competitive?


(This is not to say you do not).


Stims have a long cool down. So long that unless you have a competent team or yourself is a skilled survivor, the stims are usually good once a life. The heal and damage defense the two stims gives you is negligible compared to Field Respecing (which gives you either HUGE defense or HUGE heals).


The time it takes to actually reallocate your points again takes less time, each time, you do it. So that 1 minute becomes 30 seconds. Not a trade off, just you learning. However if it only takes you 1 minute WHILE your team is fighting that is impressive.

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The biggest problem is that people can respec after a warzone has started in ranked. Capping a node in CW and then respeccing to all heals and tanks makes it virtually impossible for the other team to come back. VS is just about kills now because getting a door from a team that respecs is just not going to happen. A similar situation to CW could potentiall occur in a NC also. If people had to pick a spec they were going to use before each individual warzone then it would eliminate this cap and stalemate tactic that just makes games drag on and on.
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Please don't disable field respec in WZ's!!!!


While I've never done it the way the OP explains it, I respec on my Sage/Sorc healers all the time. I normally queue for the sole purpose of healing a WZ because usually I'm the only healer. Well I get into the WZ and we've now got like 5 healers. Well I'll take myself out of the equation, respec and just DPS.


Flip side of the coin. I queue as a DPS on one of the above mentioned classes and there are no healers. So I use my handy field respec to spec into Heals. Problem solved.


I don't do it to take advantage but I see NO problems if someone specs in between rounds. Really the only case this is viable is VS and how often does that pop for most people??? It's usually AH or ACW for me.

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Please don't disable field respec in WZ's!!!!


While I've never done it the way the OP explains it, I respec on my Sage/Sorc healers all the time. I normally queue for the sole purpose of healing a WZ because usually I'm the only healer. Well I get into the WZ and we've now got like 5 healers. Well I'll take myself out of the equation, respec and just DPS.


Flip side of the coin. I queue as a DPS on one of the above mentioned classes and there are no healers. So I use my handy field respec to spec into Heals. Problem solved.


I don't do it to take advantage but I see NO problems if someone specs in between rounds. Really the only case this is viable is VS and how often does that pop for most people??? It's usually AH or ACW for me.


ALL War Zones involve so form of guarding a point. Be it a turret or pylon. Void Star is just the most obvious since it is a an Assault/Defend map. The issue with the field respect in WZ's is in all not just one map. But what you mentioned earlier is smart, if you are one of five healers, make the switch to DPS. Perhaps allowing people to respect BEFORE the WZ starts (just the once per WZ map) is a viable option.

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Please don't disable field respec in WZ's!!!!


While I've never done it the way the OP explains it, I respec on my Sage/Sorc healers all the time. I normally queue for the sole purpose of healing a WZ because usually I'm the only healer. Well I get into the WZ and we've now got like 5 healers. Well I'll take myself out of the equation, respec and just DPS.


Flip side of the coin. I queue as a DPS on one of the above mentioned classes and there are no healers. So I use my handy field respec to spec into Heals. Problem solved.


You could... duh... spec heal or DPS before the match starts....

You don't even need to ask, usually those who spec heal spam HoTs on everyone anyway.

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You could... duh... spec heal or DPS before the match starts....

You don't even need to ask, usually those who spec heal spam HoTs on everyone anyway.


Problem is they (the devs) will never find a balance. (Duh!) They'll remove it from WZs completely and you'll be left with a completely unbalanced team, as it is in most WZs I run.


And again...what difference does it make if someone respecs after a round of VS (again to me the only viable WZ because who wants to be standing around for 30 seconds to a minute just respeccing and possibly causing their team a loss by not actually helping) So you have one extra DPS/Healer to deal with. I've specced as DPS and still spent the match healing my team and DPSing when I could.


People who pay (money in some cases) for a field respec should be able to use it whenever they want to. It's NOT OP and can easily be countered.

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ALL War Zones involve so form of guarding a point. Be it a turret or pylon. Void Star is just the most obvious since it is a an Assault/Defend map. The issue with the field respect in WZ's is in all not just one map. But what you mentioned earlier is smart, if you are one of five healers, make the switch to DPS. Perhaps allowing people to respect BEFORE the WZ starts (just the once per WZ map) is a viable option.


It takes 30 seconds - 1 minute to respec. It may take another few moments to rearrange your abilities since they move automatically anytime you respec.


In ACW it takes 10-15 seconds to get from grass to snow (faster if you have force speed and use the speed boost in the tunnel and faster if you run from mid to one of the other points. It takes 8 seconds to cap a node. if I'm stealth, no matter where you're positioned, chances are I can take that node from you. I take it from people who are standing right next to it. But imagine that happening while someone is respeccing. Or, in the chance they catch me, close their window and don't have all of their abilities available. Nice job!


It would most likely be the same for all the maps and since normally only 1 person guards a node (especially stealth classes) you will be SOL trying to respec in the middle of a match unless it's a VS where you have the time to do so.


And again, if I pay for field respec (CCs or credits) why deny it in game just because a few people don't like it. it's not OP and it will not guarantee a victory. The same classes that can Heal/DPS can do so from any tree. Healing/DPS output may be less (I've healed in the middle tree for my Sage and Sorc and still put up good numbers) but it's still viable. Same with classes who can DPS/Tank. I regularly DPS on my Shadow from KC tree and often will guard and taunt people while I'm in Infiltration. But again, if I paid for it, why deny it just because others can't adapt?

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It takes 30 seconds - 1 minute to respec. It may take another few moments to rearrange your abilities since they move automatically anytime you respec.


In ACW it takes 10-15 seconds to get from grass to snow (faster if you have force speed and use the speed boost in the tunnel and faster if you run from mid to one of the other points. It takes 8 seconds to cap a node. if I'm stealth, no matter where you're positioned, chances are I can take that node from you. I take it from people who are standing right next to it. But imagine that happening while someone is respeccing. Or, in the chance they catch me, close their window and don't have all of their abilities available. Nice job!


It would most likely be the same for all the maps and since normally only 1 person guards a node (especially stealth classes) you will be SOL trying to respec in the middle of a match unless it's a VS where you have the time to do so.


And again, if I pay for field respec (CCs or credits) why deny it in game just because a few people don't like it. it's not OP and it will not guarantee a victory. The same classes that can Heal/DPS can do so from any tree. Healing/DPS output may be less (I've healed in the middle tree for my Sage and Sorc and still put up good numbers) but it's still viable. Same with classes who can DPS/Tank. I regularly DPS on my Shadow from KC tree and often will guard and taunt people while I'm in Infiltration. But again, if I paid for it, why deny it just because others can't adapt?


I am a full subscriber so this is as follows: I pay for Electrocute but they diminished the rage down to 10 meters and I still manage to be a successful Sorc; I pay for the ability of /stuck to get to a spawn point quickly in a WZ and with that nerf I change and am STILL a successful Sorc (not to mention my Tank or my Marauder). I paid for field respec like everyone else here with my cartel coins. By law we technically OWN every item in our inventories and our characters (hence ONE of the reasons they don't delete old accounts (besides bolstering their own numbers)). Saying that you paid for something in this game is not a good defense for them not to make changes to it. They make changes to A LOT of stuff we own in this game and pay for. And wanting to respec to a different class to fix an unbalanced team is a smart idea, however in the end Field Respec is over used and creates stale mates and lack of skill wins or overwhelming odds for new PVPers. At the very least, Field Respec needs an allowance of ONCE per WZ, but frankly if they deny it in WZ's all together I won't be surprised but otherwise agree with their actions.


And to answer the question about the stims, after I posted about the stims I looked at their cool down, and heal stim is 1.5 minutes while the damage reducer is... I think every 2 minutes (which only lasts for 15 seconds). Still what those two stims give, even together is nothing compared to what a field respec can easily give and more.

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I was just told something: When Rocket Boots came out, they were used and abused in War Zones and so shortly after they had to disable them in War Zone battles.

Another things is the duration it takes. With the rise of these combat scripts, people have scripts to Field Respec in WZ's so the time is almost nothing. So even the duration is not a trade off.

I am still of the belief to either allow it only ONCE per War Zone or disable it completely.

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Field respec is fine and it should work as it is now. We are paying for it so leave it as it is.


Field Respec works not as intended. There are those out there who do not have it yet or are unable (perhaps due to not subscribing), so what are they supposed to do? This creates a disadvantaged War Zone, no amount of Bolster can fix.

Saying that it is working as intended is just like saying the same for Bolster. Good idea but poorly planned out on Bioware's part (FYI I am now in full Conqueror and I still get Bolstered?). Bioware has some really great ideas but have not taken the proper time or effort to consider the full ramifications for the immediate nor the future. Rocket Boots (or boost) is a prime example too. If Bioware is smart they will nerf Field Respecing in WZ's to either only once total or not at all.

I repeat what I have said earlier: How many powers and items has Bioware changed? Again I bring up Electrocute for Sorcs. They nerfed it down to only 10 meters. Your point would suggest that I am paying for it and how dare they nerf it. Well they nerfed and I just learned to play differently and better-so if I may add. This is not a real life item like a plastic toy or dog. However if the toy is a choking hazard or broken it is recalled. if the dog bites you don't recall it you put it down. Field Respec is not broken but it is NOT working as intended and just because you and I pay a subscription does not bar Bioware from making changes.

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