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My char can't open PVP queue window


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Strange thing, while i'm out in the world, my char (50 LVL Consular) get gray PVP icon and a tooltip saying something like "not available for players under LVL 10". Confirmed on Republic Fleet and Illium. Even more strange thing - queue works normally on character's ship.
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It's a known issue that hasn't been "confirmed" by Amber or anyone else around here.


The last thread she replied to in regards to it, was asking stuff about it, but never followed up on it.


Thread is here.


The work-around is to reset your UI (Control+U twice)...this will fix it temporarily. Sometimes when you move to different zones, it fixes it, then comes back when you zone somewhere else. It's frustrating, and I believe is listed as Bug #254,492,345 for PvP atm.


Fun times.

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