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Star Wars: Battlefront not Star Wars: Battlefront III

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Time to to start discussing the new Battlefront. (now that all our dreams came true :rolleyes: ) However I find it interesting that in the trailer it only says Star Wars Battlefront, not Star Wars: Battlefront III.


It seems like they are intent on rebirthing the series, not simply making another sequel...


(If you missed the trailer announcement of the next Star Wars Battlefront from E3 please find it at this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jdkxv05_zRg&feature=youtu.be )


What are other things you noticed in the short trailer? Is it too early to pick apart Dice's intentions with this game? One thing I'm concerned about is I loved the fact that Battlefront has been a third-person shooter series. The trailer takes a first-person view. Should this imply anything? (That would make it more like Dice's Battlefield series) Also the scene is obviously Hoth. What does this say about the story or campaign if anything? It looks like we're still staying in the realm of pre- Episode VII universe, so what will be told? Should this be a story driven game or simply the shooter we all loved?


Thoughts, ideas, concerns, comments? (Regardless first day buy for me...... so excited....)

Edited by ObsidianVashti
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Doesn't really bother me, just would like another Battlefront yes. But we shall see where it goes in terms of what they plan on doing, though I don't think the 1st person really means anything. You could go in 1st person in BF 1 & 2 soo...ya, am sure they will keep it as it was before...if not? Thats fine. Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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I gave this some thought to. I think what EA/DICE are trying to do here is set up Battlefront as a new IP, they're IP. Making them more able to release Battlefront on a regular basis and introduce DLC etc. i.e. Battlefront 2, 3, 4...


A reboot if you will, if the word 'reboot' can be applied to videogames.

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I gave this some thought to. I think what EA/DICE are trying to do here is set up Battlefront as a new IP, they're IP. Making them more able to release Battlefront on a regular basis and introduce DLC etc. i.e. Battlefront 2, 3, 4...


A reboot if you will, if the word 'reboot' can be applied to videogames.


I think reboot is a great word. (Still not sure how I feel about DLC)


I'm just am curious, how they are going to innovate this franchise? Are they going to go all out and merge space and ground battles? What's going to be different from this Hoth battle in comparison with Battlefront I and II? I do think it is necessary that they truly do a reboot while still staying true to the classics. It's always a fine line, innovating on the classic originals while not destroying their roots. I know many who preferred Battlefront I over II, because they didn't like that you could play as Heroes and Villains (or in general force users) because it detracted from the root of a purely "shooter" battlefield for Star Wars. While others preferred Battlefront II because of such an addition, to change up the battles and manner of play. What do you think should not be changed by Dice? How far can they innovate and what is "necessary" for this new Battlefront IP to be a success and be just as good (if not hopefully better than) predecessors?

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I think reboot is a great word. (Still not sure how I feel about DLC)


I'm just am curious, how they are going to innovate this franchise? Are they going to go all out and merge space and ground battles? What's going to be different from this Hoth battle in comparison with Battlefront I and II? I do think it is necessary that they truly do a reboot while still staying true to the classics. It's always a fine line, innovating on the classic originals while not destroying their roots. I know many who preferred Battlefront I over II, because they didn't like that you could play as Heroes and Villains (or in general force users) because it detracted from the root of a purely "shooter" battlefield for Star Wars. While others preferred Battlefront II because of such an addition, to change up the battles and manner of play. What do you think should not be changed by Dice? How far can they innovate and what is "necessary" for this new Battlefront IP to be a success and be just as good (if not hopefully better than) predecessors?

Reboot is a double-edged sword, especially were EA is concerned.


One thing I'll make clear is what I don't want is a new Battlefront released every 1-2 years and dozens of DLC inbetween. Maybe I'm kidding myself thinking that's going to happen, yet Star Wars is a different kind of IP. Not only does it have a smaller audience, but it has rules. The guys at DICE can't just keep making up new stories to stick a new game into, there's the rest of the Star Wars universe to consider.


I, personally, would love to see a merge between space and land battles. I also think that space battles need drastic improvement. The space conquest in BF2 really was quite laughable. I'd also like to see evolving battlefields e.g. buildings coming down, objects exploding etc.


I'm hoping that Galactic Conquest will remain a thing and I'd like an option to switch between third person and first person. Though I'm not sure that will happen, I hope it does.


Not sure on the Heroes front, on one hand playing Jango and Boba was fun, but then on the other hand playing a Jedi or Sith amounted to unleashing a spinning top of doom on your enemies, slaughtering a bunch and then getting killed. So I suppose it depends on how its handled, but why not have the option?

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Whatever they do, they better keep Galactic Conquest and Instant Action in there. This was honestly the reason i played SWBF.


I don't want them to turn it into a generic "Campaign, Multiplayer and mandatory Co-Op" type of game.

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EA does not have a good track record with reboots thus far, if SimCity is anything to go by.


I'd give EA some more credit, they have released some pretty good games aside from their craptastic ones.


Their press conference was mostly everything we wanted to hear as gamers too. So here's to hoping they start to learn their lesson.


That said, they are sucking some serious MS ... you know what right now with the used games dilemma. They are still money hungry but EH.


Whatever they do, they better keep Galactic Conquest and Instant Action in there. This was honestly the reason i played SWBF.


I don't want them to turn it into a generic "Campaign, Multiplayer and mandatory Co-Op" type of game.


Agreed. I want those modes back too. Hopefully we get those and some of DICE's new ideas? Who knows, we'll see.

Edited by spectreclees
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I'd give EA some more credit, they have released some pretty good games aside from their craptastic ones.
I disagree, we have to remember that the great games from EA are not actually from EA. They are from developers like DICE, BioWare and Maxis. EA just give you the DLC, the rehashed IPs etc. Oh and EA Sports... yay.


As a publisher, they don't have much to be proud of.


DICE however, clearly know how to make FPS games and I have high hopes for Battlefront.

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So long as Galactic Conquest and Instant Action are in the game, I really don't care if it is a "reboot" of the series. I don't want it to be a rehash of Battlefield with the Campaign, co-op, and multiplayer and that be the end of it.
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So long as Galactic Conquest and Instant Action are in the game, I really don't care if it is a "reboot" of the series. I don't want it to be a rehash of Battlefield with the Campaign, co-op, and multiplayer and that be the end of it.


My thoughts exactly.


To express my endless worry about Galactic Conquest and Instant Action, i've crafted a fitting video;


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axSU6L05fws (Unintended advertising)


Billy Connolly is amazing.

Edited by GhostDrone
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My thoughts exactly.


To express my endless worry about Galactic Conquest and Instant Action, i've crafted a fitting video;


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axSU6L05fws (Unintended advertising)


Billy Connolly is amazing.

Ha ha! I watched that like 5 times. Very nice. :D


I am very much hoping for a third-person toggle, then galactic conquest and then instant action. From there DICE can do as they please.

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I'm just am curious, how they are going to innovate this franchise? Are they going to go all out and merge space and ground battles? What's going to be different from this Hoth battle in comparison with Battlefront I and II?


Well now you'll be able to micro-transaction that extra blaster clip to take down that last rebel scum sitll shooting at you :)


Or pay an additional extra buck to have a go at being one of the heroes, although for a brief time :D


Fly a standard-issue x-wing or go all out with a spanking new b-wing spawn with 300% extra firepower, for only an extra £5


I loved that series, and this is just speculation on my side for now. But make yourselves ready. :(

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My thoughts on the game are that I would like to see the classical Battlefront combat crossed with the Republic Commando style of play, meaning we can immerse ourselves deeper into a story mode and still have the open shooter for multiplayer.


Basically, it will probably play out like a Battlefield/CoD game.

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Seeing as battlefield and battlefront are similar in most respects I am pretty confident in dice on this. Just remember we probably wont see anything until about 2015


It does look like Dice is trying to avoid a mere copy of Battlefield with a Star Wars cover over it though, which I find uplifting.



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It does look like Dice is trying to avoid a mere copy of Battlefield with a Star Wars cover over it though, which I find uplifting.



Oh interesting. I didn't realise anyone managed to get any else out of DICE. I don't suppose they showed off anything else. But this is good, hopefully it means we'll be seeing galactic conquest, third-person toggle, instant action etc. If DICE aren't aiming to configure it to the Battlefield format (to make it more appealing etc.) I see no reason why these features shouldn't be included.


Still hoping for an immersive campaign though!

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I am not buying if there are no playable Jedi heroes.
TBH I think they should be scrapped. They were kinda cool but ultimately Battlefront is about the foot-soldiers, not the heroes. Save the heroes for SWTOR.


And lets face it, the hero class was kinda sloppily executed and didn't really work with the overall mechanics. That and they'd be incredibly overpowered and sap any tactical elements out of a battle.

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TBH I think they should be scrapped. They were kinda cool but ultimately Battlefront is about the foot-soldiers, not the heroes. Save the heroes for SWTOR.


And lets face it, the hero class was kinda sloppily executed and didn't really work with the overall mechanics. That and they'd be incredibly overpowered and sap any tactical elements out of a battle.


I kind of agree.


I mean, if they *are* gonna do heroes, they need to do them right. They were insanely fun in Battlefront 2, true. But to be honest, they were pretty sloppy. They didn't really seem to fit in.


Every time you got into a fight with another Hero (Or at least a Force user hero), it would be just plain dumb, rofl. All you (And the bots) would ever do is just keep your distance and spam saber throw.


And when actual saber combat happened, the animations obviously did not connect at all and it just ended up looking like you're trying to clumsily attempt an actual duel.


Add a saber-lock mechanic and a Jedi Academy-esque feel to the force user heroes, and it'll be wonderful.


On another note; I'm hoping DICE doesn't forget about the jetpacks with the Dark Troopers/Jet Troopers.

Edited by GhostDrone
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If it doesn't have 3rd Person in it, I probably won't buy. That was one of the most unique aspects of the Battlefront series and was expertly done. I almost always played 3rd Person. Also, going along slightly with that, I really hope they keep the Jet Trooper and Dark Trooper classes with the same Jet Pack mechanics. Combined with 3rd Person, those were easily my favorite classes. Yea that brings me to one other thing, don't screw around much with the classes, they're great already, their weapons are balanced and work well, and the advanced classes were very unique. Do awesome stuff with the maps, space combat, maybe heroes, graphics, but don't fix what's not broken/ don't change what everyone already loves.
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Actually the Hero thing could work just don't have them be used for battle, instead have them be used for Hero Assault like in BF 2 this way people won't be bummed about not being able to play as em. For actual combat, they could still use Heroes however instead of actual Heroes they could just be really powerful units...like for instance..


CIS: A-series Assassin Droid


Galactic Republic: ARC Trooper


Empire: Stormtrooper Commander


Rebels: Specforce Infiltrator

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