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There a text copy of what was discussed in the live stream?


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Not sure how 2.2 is about guilds when I see nothing guild-related there. Maybe I'm just missing stuff. No more rakghoul event is disappointing, but a new event is good. Other than a small update on the /stuck issue in wzs there really was nothing else of interest here. Why go to the bother of having a livestream if you're not going to say anything?

Edited by iamthehoyden
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Patch 2.2 info:

Nightmare raids coming but delayed - No date / info about if it will be before or after next reset



Other info:

Someone is staring in another what's coming video

Cantina Tours

Some in-game events

Stuck will make you stay dead for 20s in PVP

Hood toggle - too hard

Other races - Will take a very long time

Space project exists.

Cantina Tours


Edited by Solar_Breeze
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Not sure how 2.2 is about guilds when I see nothing guild-related there. Maybe I'm just missing stuff. No more rakghoul event is disappointing, but a new event is good. Other than a small update on the /stuck issue in wzs there really was nothing else of interest here. Why go to the bother of having a livestream if you're not going to say anything?


Well it wasn't discussed but the exciting news is that there is a reputation and xp boost the more members you have in a guild. Additionally once released Nightmare modes can be run by people who are in a guild together - And also those who aren't.

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Ok, I must say this was very informative for something billed as a 2.2 only discussion. I'm impressed that they answered as much as they did and here's why:


The information about a new race coming was:

1) had actual information about where they are in the process - i.e. 3 races being considered

2) acknowledged reality in that Cathar was pretty successful for them and thus we lived up to our end of the arrangement

3) didn't lie about the time frame we'd receive the next race

4) had nothing to do with 2.2 and was discussed anyway

5) actually was in the thread on the board for this livestream, along with several of the other questions. They didn't cherrypick nearly as much as some companies would.

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Well it wasn't discussed but the exciting news is that there is a reputation and xp boost the more members you have in a guild. Additionally once released Nightmare modes can be run by people who are in a guild together - And also those who aren't.

I don't roll my eyes often but :rolleyes: (not at you, to be clear, at BW). Honest to Pete, a minor boost to reputation and xp gains (which are already easy to get) and nim modes do not consitute a guild-focused update. I'd hope there was more to it than that, but 2.1 was a clear lesson in the way they twist words.

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I don't roll my eyes often but :rolleyes: (not at you, to be clear, at BW). Honest to Pete, a minor boost to reputation and xp gains (which are already easy to get) and nim modes do not consitute a guild-focused update. I'd hope there was more to it than that, but 2.1 was a clear lesson in the way they twist words.


Not to oversell it but also you can server transfer - eventually to join the guild of your dreams (once transferes are fixed maybe for 2.2.1 maybe)

You can also rename your guild since the last big patch so more people will want to join because you can call it a really good name.

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I don't roll my eyes often but :rolleyes: (not at you, to be clear, at BW). Honest to Pete, a minor boost to reputation and xp gains (which are already easy to get) and nim modes do not consitute a guild-focused update. I'd hope there was more to it than that, but 2.1 was a clear lesson in the way they twist words.


That minor boost to Xp is all I'm looking forward to in 2.2...so don't be so hard on it :(

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Not sure how 2.2 is about guilds when I see nothing guild-related there.


They may be considering the new NiM Operations to be 'Guild-related' for those that do endgame raiding. Not mentioned in Dulfy's write-up (but is mentioned other places) is the new bonus percentage XP gain perks for being a member of larger Guilds.


After that...I got nuthin'. :)

Edited by AlixMV
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