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The Eradicator's armor set


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I'm playing as Sith inquisitor (assassin), and my play style is only RP, so I've wonder if ''Eradicator's'' armor set actually is for inquisitor (SW lore), looking at the three official videos for TOR, it's more looks like a Sith warrior armor set then inquisitor, maybe anyone have any references or any information regarding this matter?.


Thank you,

Best regards!.

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I am actually wearing it on my assassin who is a zabrak. And I like it because it is the dark version of what I wear on my main. I like the armor under the robes sets. I think it can be whatever you want it to be. I like my assassin to wear it because it is his look and his choice to wear the light battle armor and not just robes like most other jedi and sith.
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I am actually wearing it on my assassin who is a zabrak. And I like it because it is the dark version of what I wear on my main. I like the armor under the robes sets. I think it can be whatever you want it to be. I like my assassin to wear it because it is his look and his choice to wear the light battle armor and not just robes like most other jedi and sith.




Light armor under robe is actually very good combination, especially for inquisitor, but lore wise is this armor set serving inquisitor correctly, I'm mean in SWTOR you get such a varsity of armors to choose from...

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I'd ask yourself what you think is appropriate. The numerous options and choices allow for messing around with looks to get the "perfect" one for your character. But if you're looking to stick with what is seen in game, just look at the masters you deal with on Korriban. Or even take that style (the obvious "cloth", robe-like look) and go from there.


But really I think it comes to personal taste and what you envision fits in with the lore and what you're trying to achieve with your character.

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well if u wanna be technical.... by game standards the is sith warrior gear lore-wise. none wearin it used lightning from wat I remember and all had single sabers. but that's not where my real point is. the real claim for it is the fact that its eradicator's ARMOR. inquisitor doesn't wear armor. robes, or vestments but not armor. strictly warriors (and bh's if u wanna be technical). plus it obviously looks heavy lol.
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