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What will be the most populated server when transfers hit?

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I dont care about PvP or PvE as far as the server type goes.


I just want to be on a server that I can Q up for either WZ or FP and I wont have to wait an eternity to join a team. This goes for endgame HM FP, where unless you are a healer or tank you will wait forever.



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For pve it won't really matter, but you do need a good size server populations or you wait an eternity. As for pvp, the same applies. Based on my experience in wow, you want to be on the most populated server regardless if it's pve or pvp due to overall lower queues due to more people queuing, you eventually guarantee to get into a group where on low pop servers may never pop or take hours. I would go to harbinger, it's the most populated server on the west I believe. Unlike wow it appears the pvp servers are the least populated in swtor.
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Warzone queues don't require specific role checks, and therefore increased population can help. But with Flashpoints, no matter how big the population is, it won't give you a faster queue if the ratio of dps to tanks and healers is too high. Edited by chuixupu
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Well, since nobody ever really tried to guess.... I can say that The Harbinger and Begeren Colony are *currently* the most populated. Sounds like a lot of PVP'ers are moving over to the Bastion. I think all the APAC people primarily chose the West Coast servers to move to.

Edited by chuixupu
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Thing is, noone will be playing this game anymore when server transfers hit 2015.


Haha, yeah, exactly, by the time the bozos who still (mis)manage this game finally have the competence to implement this basic MMO feature, there will only be crickets and tumbleweeds occupying the fleet on the remaining servers. But in all seriousness, I think in Europe Red Eclipse will be fairly populated and good for PvE, whereas the other one (yes, we have all TWO English servers in this super duper triple A MMO) Tomb of Freedon Nadd will be a F2P ghost town populated by F2P tourists and occasional rated WZ teams (implying the PvP zealots will last until 2.4 ... you know, kind of hard considering pre-season has been going on for over a year).

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I love Harbinger! Having said that, it seems the technology they use to keep it running was found in someone's storage container that hasn't been accessed since the '80s.


I don't know, I play on both the Harbinger and Jedi Covenant, they seem about the same in stability/functionality.

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