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Please make Medpacks and Adrenals stack higher.


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Sorry, this just sounds like #LazyPeopleProblems...put the excess Adrenals/Packs in your bank...


That's fantastic. You've managed to call me lazy and also be too lazy to read posts on this thread. Thanks for brightening up my day a little extra.

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there is really no point. your just wasting comms at that point. you could play wz's using those medpacks every 1.5 minutes (assuming that the game would actually allow that) and have enough to sit through just under 5 and a half days straight with that many. just spread them out to your alts, store the rest, and stop buying them till you actually need them again.


Ok please explain how I am wasting comms by buying medpacs and adrenals. My toons were all min maxed, I was maxed out on comms. What should I have done just kept playing warzones and losing comms outright. You make no sense what so ever.

Serious the original poster asked for a little quality of life change. It wasn't game breaking. You all act like he asked for smash to have a 50% chance to proc a 2nd smash that does 150% the damage of original smash. If you aren't interested in his idea that is fine. But there is zero reason to bash him over it. If they changed it or not it wouldn't effect your gameplay at all.

Honestly they should have given us 1 or 2 of the 4 available bank slots as a legacy bank. It could have been just like mail and not allowed you to place any bound items in it. I mean I have 1 bank slot completely full of medpacs/adrenals then I have 2 full of scavenging materials, 2 full of biochem materials and 1 full of Underworld Trading/Diplomacy Items. The 3rd bank slot I haven't gotten around to buying on any of my 3 toons (yes I know its my fault) But seriously it wouldn't ruin your game experience if bioware made things in your bank stack to 500. 99 is fine when in your actual inventory.

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