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The BattleZone Round 1 Match 09: Sora Bulq vs. Darth Vader


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Welcome to the ninth match of The BattleZone! Our previous match saw Savage Opress overpower Quinlan Vos at the Temple of Eedit. Our next match features Jedi Master turned Dark Acolyte Sora Bulq and cybernetic Sith Lord Darth Vader in a fight to the death.


This match's analysis will see the addition of character backgrounds! (Irrelevant information excluded IE. Vader's time as a Jedi)


Battlefield: Jedi Temple lower levels


Character Background:


Sora Bulq:


Sora Bulq was born to a wealthy merchant family on Ruul before being taken in by the Jedi Order. He quickly rose through the Jedi ranks and became a Jedi Master. His supreme focus was on lightsaber combat, of which he was a master of. Bulq worked with Jedi Master Mace Windu to create Vaapad. It was Sora Bulq's task to refine the form's movements. During this time, he became fascinated with the Dark Side.


Upon the outbreak of the Clone Wars, Sora Bulq and Jedi Spymaster Tholme chased former Jedi Count Dooku to Bakura to capture. The mission was a miserable failure. Sora Bulq was captured and Tholme was left for dead. Dooku tended to Bulq's wounds and convinced him to join the Separatist cause.


Bulq returned to the Jedi to initiate a plot by Count Dooku to create a schism in the Jedi Order. The plot was sniffed out by Mace Windu, and Sora Bulq was defeated by the Jedi on Ruul.


Sora Bulq would continue to serve Count Dooku late into the war. He was tasked with create a clone army of Morgukai Warriors on Saleucami. The plot was discovered and stopped by the Republic, but not before Bulq had killed Jedi Master Oppo Rancisis.


Sora Bulq was eventually killed by Quinlan Vos.


Darth Vader:


Formerly Jedi Hero Anakin Skywalker, Darth Vader served as the chief enforcer of Emperor Palpatine. He was tasked with hunting down the remains of the Jedi Order. He defeated the Jedi during their Conclave on Kessel, facing eight Jedi alone. Rumors circulated that Vader had defeated well over fifty Jedi with ease.


His mission also led him to an engagement with An'ya Kuro, The Dark Woman, who Vader eventually defeated. Vader eventually attacked Kashyyyk in search of the Jedi Kento Marek. Marek was no match for Vader, and his son fell into the hands of the Empire.


Vader trained the boy to use the Dark Side, and, when the newly minted 'Starkiller' was ready, he sent him out to continue hunting Jedi. Darth Vader's master, Darth Sidious, eventually commanded him to task his apprentice with rooting out those who would rebel against the Empire.


The plan went as expected. Vader captured the rebels and brought them to the unfinished Death Star. He was followed by Starkiller, who had betrayed the Empire. Starkiller bested Lord Vader and sacrificed himself for the rebels to escape.


These rebels would eventually form the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Lord Vader led the hunt for the rebel leaders, eventually capturing Princess Leia and taking her to the finished Death Star. There he would face and defeat his former Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. He then allowed Kenobi's companions to escape with the Princess so that he could track them to their hidden base.


The ploy was a success, but the ensuing attack was not. The Death Star was destroyed, and Darth Vader went missing. He would eventually return to lead Death Squadron on a hunt for Luke Skywalker and the Rebel Alliance, eventually tracking them to the remote ice world of Hoth. His victory against the rebels would lead him to Bespin in search of Han Solo and Princess Leia.


Darth Vader and his forces would arrive shortly before them, bribing Chief Administrator Lando Calrissian and capturing Han and Leia. The Imperials would use them as bait to capture Luke Skywalker, whom Vader would then take to the Emperor.


Upon Luke's arrival to the gas giant, Vader would engage him in lightsaber combat, and eventually reveal to the Jedi in training that he was his father. Vader proposed an alliance between the two so that they could kill the Emperor, but Luke rejected the proposal and fled.


After their duel on Bespin, more of Vader's time would be devoted to finding Luke, inevitably leading to their final battle on the Second Death Star. Vader was defeated by Luke in their final duel. After Luke refused to cut his father down, the Emperor tortured him with Force lightning. Vader, having been returned to the light by his son, turned against the Emperor and killed him, sacrificing himself in the process.



Lightsaber skill:


Sora Bulq:


Sora Bulq was renowned as one of the greatest lightsaber combat instructors in the history of the Jedi Order. Much of his focus went into lightsaber combat. As such, he was a master of every lightsaber form known to Jedi, as well as the experimental forms developed by the Order. He was a master of Jar'Kai dual-wielding, but was by no means at a loss without his off-hand shoto. His skill was equal in both dual-wielding and single blade combat.


Sora Bulq also refined the maneuvers of the Vaapad form that he and Mace Windu developed. However, after his full conversion to the Dark Side, much of combat had devolved to a fighting style far more similar to Juyo. In keeping with the primary focus of Juyo, Sora Bulq's defense was lacking, despite a mastery of the defensive lightsaber forms. Sora Bulq favored full unstoppable offense.


Darth Vader:


After his transformation, Vader was forced to adapt to his new suit and develop a hybrid fighting style incorporating elements of all seven lightsaber forms. His overall fighting style was centered around Djem So, with elements from all seven forms added in. His attacks were overpowering, with even a casual strike being capable of disarming opponents.


Darth Vader was often described as an unstoppable robot programmed with every possible move, and the tactics to counter them. His movements were crisp, unpredictable, and precise.


Darth Vader was also a very skilled hand-to-hand combatant, developing a fighting style that takes advantage of his cybernetics.


Edge: Based on sheer skill, the edge would go to Sora Bulq. But Bulq's lack of defense is something that Vader could easily take advantage of. However, Sora Bulq's abilities with Vaapad swing the edge in his favor.





Sora Bulq:


Sora Bulq was a Weequay of the Bulq family. As a Weequay, Bulq is naturally very tough. His tough hide is capable of withstanding blaster bolts and lightsaber burns, but vibroblades and lightsabers will cut through him like anyone else.


Darth Vader:


Darth Vader's suit provides him with significant advantages in physical ability. In addition to a constant dose of painkillers, his armor is capable of withstanding blaster fire, explosions and fire from flamethrowers. He has also had arms cut off, and has even stabbed himself with his own lightsaber.


Vader's suit has resisted high-grade explosives at point blank range while suffering only minor cosmetic damage. He was crushed under a citadel for days, and survived. He survived a Y-Wing bomber exploding right in front of him, and he was barely injured.


Darth Vader was plagued with a lack of mobility. His cybernetics and heavy armor weighed him down, but he has shown incredible bursts of speed and physical feats that Force users are known.


Darth Vader also possessed a weakness for Force lightning. Over time he created countermeasures against Force lightning. He augmented his suit with electrical insulation, providing him with limited protection against Force lightning.


His own physical strength was also immense. Due to his cybernetics, Vader was capable of lifting heavy objects, even grown men with an outstretched arm.


Edge: I feel that this one is pretty obvious. While Sora Bulq is tougher than the average human, Vader is simply more durable. He has been shot, torched by flamthrowers, stabbed, had limbs amputated, and so much more. Vader gets the edge.




Sora Bulq:


Sora Bulq's fall to the Dark Side twisted his mind. He displayed an overwhelming thirst for blood, and a desire to make people suffer. This translated into his duels. During his duel with Spymaster Tholme, Sora repeatedly wounded him and taunted him to prolong his suffering.


Sora Bulq was skilled in the use of misdirection, using others and the environment to sneak up on opponents and backstab them. During the Siege of Saleucami, Sora used Anzati assassins to distract Jedi Master Oppo Rancisis so that he could assassinate him, stating that the assassins were merely a cover for him.


However, Sora Bulq is generally single-minded. He maintains complete and utter focus on his foe.


Darth Vader:


Darth Vader's defeat at the hands of Obi-Wan Kenobi taught him caution. He no longer rushes into battle, instead he is a calculating Sith Lord. He has taken after both of his masters, luring an opponent in and using the battle as a distraction, best countered with an even larger distraction. He combines this cautious approach with a mastery of the Sith Dun Moch tactic.


Darth Vader also possessed an unbreakable will. Even when brutally wounded, Vader would continue fighting until he killed his foe, or they killed him. He will even go so far as to mortally wound himself in order to kill his foe.


A tactical genius in combat, Vader uses every possible advantage to defeat his opponents. Whether he uses his own physical strength, his opponent's weakness, or the environment itself. Vader maintains a constant focus on his foe, but also has a broader focus, adapting from the tunnel vision that nearly killed him on Mustafar.


Darth Vader was also adept at preying on an opponent's fears. Invoking terror in his foes was a skill that came to him with practiced ease.


Edge: While Sora Bulq has displayed some tactical ingenuity, he has never truly been focused on the larger picture. During the Deception on Ruul, Sora Bulq altered Dooku's plans to sate his desire for murder. Vader on the other hand has a far greater grasp of tactics, and is a master of Dun Moch. However, I doubt Vader could intimidate or force Bulq to make a mistake through Dun Moch. But Vader's grasp of tactics, his ability to adapt, and his own unbreakable will, give Vader the edge here.



Force Abilities:


Sora Bulq:


Sora Bulq was considered a very powerful Jedi Master by his peers, and widely considered to be Mace Windu's equal. However, Sora bulq never really displayed a large knowledge of the Force. His application of the Force was mainly in brutish Force Pushes meant to overpower his enemy.


He did, however, use the Force to augment his physical capabilities and agility to the superhuman levels that the Jedi are famous for.


Darth Vader:


Darth Vader's transformation greatly reduced his Force potential, but he grew to become a fearsome and extraordinarily powerful Sith Lord. His abilities mainly revolved around telekinetic abilities, of which he was a master. His basic telekinetic skills were highly refined to the point that he could manipulate objects that were not in view. He was also capable of moving incredibly heavy objects, even mobile Starfighters.


Vader was unable to call forth Force lightning, but he was a master of another famous dark side power: Force choke. He used this ability often, even to choke people from across the galaxy. This ability evolved to the deadly Force Crush ability.


Vader was also a gifted telepath. He was capable of mentally assaulting his foes before killing them.


Edge: While both are certainly powerful and capable of chaining telekinetic attacks into their lightsaber sequences, Vader has displayed a far greater command of the Force than Sora Bulq. Darth Vader gets the edge.


(Note that when I give the edge, it is my opinion based on the provided evidence)




I find that Sora Bulq is often under rated. As stated in The Jedi Path, lightsaber combat instructors are veterans with hundreds of combat kills and the scars to prove it. Given this evidence, it is completely acceptable that Sora Bulq is ridulously skilled in combat, and his ability to fight evenly with Mace Windu only proves.


Vader is also under rated, but I hope that this thread puts an end to that. I assume that Wolf will pick up whatever I miss.



Who will win? Who is truly superior? The battle begins!

Edited by Aurbere
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Sora's mentality is gonna be his downfall here, something which Vader can exploit. Sora is prone to being angered, which Vader can accomplish with Dun Moch. As per powers, Vader also still retained his ability to use Force Barrier as shown here..




Among also his usual TK abilities and being able to attack mentally, alter environment, and with his superior saber skill plus his durability and will he seems the more favored. Sora just has Vapaad over Vader(which really it seemed Vapaad mastered him and not the other way around), and while nice..that isn't going to guarantee a win, especially given his mental state. Plus Sora's lacking in defense which isn't a good thing, its something that is needed in fights it is a key thing.


Its not like Vader hasn't taken on weaponmasters/swordmasters before anyhow. Pre-suit yes, but the knowledge is still there for him.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Wolf, I have to disagree with Vader being more skilled than Bulq in lightsaber combat. Sora Bulq was a master duelist and often sparred evenly with Mace Windu. On Ruul, the two were evenly matched.


Sora Bulq's lack of defense is the only thing Vader has on him in lightsaber combat. But I think that could be avoided if Bulq attacks nonstop.


I'm also curious to see how Bulq's Jar'Kai mastery factors in. If we remember Vader's battle with the Maul clone, Vader was bested when Maul was forced to dual-wield.

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Wolf, I have to disagree with Vader being more skilled than Bulq in lightsaber combat. Sora Bulq was a master duelist and often sparred evenly with Mace Windu. On Ruul, the two were evenly matched.


Sora Bulq's lack of defense is the only thing Vader has on him in lightsaber combat. But I think that could be avoided if Bulq attacks nonstop.


I'm also curious to see how Bulq's Jar'Kai mastery factors in. If we remember Vader's battle with the Maul clone, Vader was bested when Maul was forced to dual-wield.


So were Dooku and Cin, look how they turned out. As per Vader and Maul duel, while true that doesn't necessarily mean that Vader isn't able to defend himself. His duel with Galen's clone proves that he did rather well infact disinterested against the former using two lightsabers.


Of course Sora has Vapaad on this bout(though to what extent). In fact you know what, looking back over the doubleganger Maul vs Vader fight. Maul only brought Vader down due to hitting him on the head.


I mean I guess you could say that was due to the Jar'Kai, but eh..I wouldn't say just because Sora has two sabers means that Vader won't be able to adequately defense himself.


Especially since were also including Force Powers here, not just a saber duel.

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So were Dooku and Cin, look how they turned out. As per Vader and Maul duel, while true that doesn't necessarily mean that Vader isn't able to defend himself. His duel with Galen's clone proves that he did rather well infact disinterested against the former using two lightsabers.


Of course Sora has Vapaad on this bout. In fact you know what, looking back over the doubleganger Maul vs Vader fight. Maul only brought Vader down due to hitting him on the head.


I mean I guess you could say that was due to the Jar'Kai, but eh..I wouldn't say just because Sora has two sabers means that Vader won't be able to adequately defense himself.


Especially since were also including Force Powers here, not just a saber duel.


During the Clone Wars, Mace Windu easily bested Count Dooku during the Battle of Boz Pity. During the Deception on Ruul, Sora Bulq and Mace Windu fought on equal terms. Jedi Master Dooku was Mace Windu's equal, but not after his fall to the Dark Side.


It should also be noted that Dooku bested Sora Bulq, but I am fuzzy on the details. I believe it was through the application of Force lightning.

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During the Clone Wars, Mace Windu easily bested Count Dooku during the Battle of Boz Pity. During the Deception on Ruul, Sora Bulq and Mace Windu fought on equal terms. Jedi Master Dooku was Mace Windu's equal, but not after his fall to the Dark Side.


It should also be noted that Dooku bested Sora Bulq, but I am fuzzy on the details. I believe it was through the application of Force lightning.


Well regardless Sora won't win just because he was able to duel evenly with Mace. Infact as I recall Sora was put in the dirt, by a Force Push from Mace and clearly by application Vader is leagues ahead of Mace in the TK/Force using department. But then that is kinda covered here, so I am believing that Vader will beable to pull a win due to his superiority in Force useage compared to Sora, infact perhaps Vader would be able to disarm him with his powerful blows.


Infact Vader could very well create a TK storm as shown here..


Before Shryne could begin to make sense of it, he heard a creaking sound from below, and something flew at him from one of the ramps. Only a last-instant turn of his sword kept the object from striking him in the head. It was a plank-ripped from a ramp they had taken to the bridge. Shryne gazed in awe at unreadable Vader, then began to race toward him, blade held high over his right shoulder. He didn't make half the distance when a storm of similar planks and lengths of handrail came whirling at him. Vader was using his dark side abilities to dismantle the ramps!


Surrendering to the guidance of the Force, Shryne swung his lightsaber in a flurry of deflecting maneuvers-side-to-side, overhead, low down, behind his back-but the floorboards were coming in larger and larger pieces, from all directions, and faster than he could parry them. The butt end of a board struck him on the outer left thigh. The face of a wide plank slammed him across the shoulders. Wooden pegs flew at his face; other speared into his arms.


Then a short support post hit him squarely in the forehead, knocking the wind out of him and dropping him to his knees. Blood running into his eyes, he fought to remain conscious, extending the lightsaber in one shaking hand while clamping the other on the bridge's handrail. Five meters away Vader stood, his hands crossed in front of him, lightsaber hanging on his belt. Shryne tried to keep him in focus.


Another board, whirling end-over-end, came out of nowhere, hitting him in the kidneys.


Shryne's stomach convulsed, and he coughed blood. The fall hadn't only broken his bones, but ruptured a vital organ. He was dying. Backing farther out the opening, he gazed into the night sky, then at Vader.


Paraphrased but ya, similar to what he did against Luke in ESB only here he was actually going for a kill and you can see the results.




Also here, he froze a Jedi Master in place.


Among also his TP attacks he could use, Sora doesn't really seem that strong enough to resist such things. He is more for close weapons combat.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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I'll have to give the victory to Darth Vader. The central point here is that, different from Bulq, Vader improved as a fighter after his fall to the Dark Side.


Note that I'm not saying he became more powerful, which is canon fact he didn't. But instead of being driven mad by all the suffering he endured, he absrobed all that to turn into a cold and calculist duelist. As Sora Bulq, by the other hand, was driven solely by his lust for more power, thus becoming a empty-minded killer. Adding to that, Bulq lost his greatest advantage against Dark Side users: Vaapad.


So, if the Sora Bulq considered was before his fall to the Dark Side, I woukld give him the victory. Since it isn't, Vader gets the win.

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I fully agree that Vader is leagues above Bulq in Force abilities. However, it is possible that Sora Bulq could keep it to a lightsaber duel. That's really the only way I see him winning.


Ah ha, but remember...even in a saber duel the duelists still can use The Force against their opponents. All it takes is an opening, which Vader can make via Force Push or just ripping something out and throwing it towards Sora.


Note that I'm not saying he became more powerful


Vader did become more powerful after Mustafar.

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I'll have to give the victory to Darth Vader. The central point here is that, different from Bulq, Vader improved as a fighter after his fall to the Dark Side.


Note that I'm not saying he became more powerful, which is canon fact he didn't. But instead of being driven mad by all the suffering he endured, he absrobed all that to turn into a cold and calculist duelist. As Sora Bulq, by the other hand, was driven solely by his lust for more power, thus becoming a empty-minded killer. Adding to that, Bulq lost his greatest advantage against Dark Side users: Vaapad.


So, if the Sora Bulq considered was before his fall to the Dark Side, I woukld give him the victory. Since it isn't, Vader gets the win.


Two things: Vader did become more powerful after his transformation, and Sora Bulq can still use Vaapad, evidenced by the duel on Ruul.

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Ah ha, but remember...even in a saber duel the duelists still can use The Force against their opponents. All it takes is an opening, which Vader can make via Force Push or just ripping something out and throwing it towards Sora.


Yup. Oh, and just something real quick. While writing up the OP, I had decided to switch the battlefield to The Works, as seen in TOR, but I forgot to change it. So the battle takes place in TOR era Works.

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There is also the anger thing that is gonna work against Sora, into making a mistake much like when Vader did pre-suit more then likely especially if he is using Vapaad that is just gonna make it worse + Dun Moch Vader can not only exploit Sora's non-existent defense but his quick prone to anger.


As for The Works...well plenty of stuff for Vader to throw around for sure. Deadly TK storm of metal and sharp pointy things!

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There is also the anger thing that is gonna work against Sora, into making a mistake much like when Vader did pre-suit more then likely especially if he is using Vapaad that is just gonna make it worse + Dun Moch Vader can not only exploit Sora's non-existent defense but his quick prone to anger.


I never really found Bulq to be quick to anger. I always thought of him as just blookthirsty. Maybe I'm just remembering things wrongly. If that's the case then my mental analysis for Bulq was wrong.

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As for The Works...well plenty of stuff for Vader to throw around for sure. Deadly TK storm of metal and sharp pointy things!


It also works for Bulq regarding his ability for misdirection. Well, if he had some Anzati on hand.

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I never really found Bulq to be quick to anger. I always thought of him as just blookthirsty. Maybe I'm just remembering things wrongly. If that's the case then my mental analysis for Bulq was wrong.


Well at first he wasn't, but then he was and he was also overconfident in his abilities. Also another thing to note here, Sora only claims himself that he mastered Vapaad..unless there is a source stating such there isn't a real reason to believe he actually mastered it to its full extent. Used it? Yes, master? No, it seemed to have mastered him as according to Mace.

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Two things: Vader did become more powerful after his transformation, and Sora Bulq can still use Vaapad, evidenced by the duel on Ruul.


He became a better fighter, as I said, but not more powerful in terms of raw power. Of course that after 20 year under Palpatine's tutelage, he learned a number of thing he didn't as a recente-graduated Jedi Knight.


And Bulq could use Vaapad's mechanics, but as stated, Vaapad is not just a fightng style. After falling to the Dark Side, Bulq lost the greatest advantage of Vaapad, wich was using both light and dark side strengths.


Something Wolf brought wich I forgot to consider: Jar'Kai. ASurbere, should we consider Bulq have his Shoto? If yes, this is something to consider.

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Well at first he wasn't, but then he was and he was also overconfident in his abilities. Also another thing to note here, Sora only claims himself that he mastered Vapaad..unless there is a source stating such there isn't a real reason to believe he actually mastered it to its full extent. Used it? Yes, master? No, it seemed to have mastered him as according to Mace.


He was Vos' contrast. He was a master of the refined technical aspects of Vaapad, but he couldn't mentally master it.


There was actually some argument between Sora and Mace regarding what it took to fully master Vaapad. Count Dooku, I believe, convinced Bulq that the dark side was the key. Mace denied that notion. It would appear that Mace was correct.

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He became a better fighter, as I said, but not more powerful in terms of raw power. Of course that after 20 year under Palpatine's tutelage, he learned a number of thing he didn't as a recente-graduated Jedi Knight.


And Bulq could use Vaapad's mechanics, but as stated, Vaapad is not just a fightng style. After falling to the Dark Side, Bulq lost the greatest advantage of Vaapad, wich was using both light and dark side strengths.


Something Wolf brought wich I forgot to consider: Jar'Kai. ASurbere, should we consider Bulq have his Shoto? If yes, this is something to consider.


As noted in the analysis, the things Vader pulled off are immense. He was vastly more powerful than Anakin Skywalker.


Also, Bulq can still use Vaapad's loop, in my opinion. His ability to stalemate Windu points to this.


And Bulq has his shoto.

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As noted in the analysis, the things Vader pulled off are immense. He was vastly more powerful than Anakin Skywalker.


Also, Bulq can still use Vaapad's loop, in my opinion. His ability to stalemate Windu points to this.


And Bulq has his shoto.


I wouldn't say Bulq could actually beat Windu though, they only stalemated because Windu instead of continuing the fight just Force Pushed Sora away to go help some other Jedi with Ventress.


However, Ventress attacked the other three Jedi, goading the headstrong young Tarn to the dark side, causing him to attack Jeisel. Jeisel was forced to kill him. When Bulq and Windu sensed this in the Force, Bulq taunted Windu that, with their deaths, he could not possibly win. Windu agreed, blasting Bulq into a pile of rubble and rendering him unconscious, then rushing to the other Jedi, where he forced Ventress to flee.


If the fighting continued, am sure Mace would have won. The stalemate was just due to certain circumstances.


Also image: http://media.desura.com/cache/images/members/1/322/321317/thumb_940x3000/Mace_Windu_vs_Sora_Bulq_part_6.JPG

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As noted in the analysis, the things Vader pulled off are immense. He was vastly more powerful than Anakin Skywalker.


Also, Bulq can still use Vaapad's loop, in my opinion. His ability to stalemate Windu points to this.


And Bulq has his shoto.


Yeah, and he could have done a lot more if he didn't have all his injuries.


As for Jar'Kai, I don't know if we can take his fight with Maul's into account. The shoto is used for support, as a second lightsaber, in Maul's case, is used for a stronger offensive. And I don't know if the doppleganger's power is equal to Maul's true power, but supposing it is, he is physically superior to Bulq, especially regarding speed and agility, which were Vader's greatest weaknesses.

Edited by marcelo_sdk
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Yeah, and he could have done a lot more if he didn't have all his injuries.


As for Jar'Kai, I don't know if we can take his fight with Maul's into account. The shoto is used for support, as a second lightsaber, in Maul's case, is used for a stronger offensive. And I don't know if the doppleganger's power is equal to Maul's true power, but supposing it is, he is physically superior to Bulq, especially regarding speed and agility, which were Vader's greatest weaknesses.


An interesting point about the Shoto...it is indeed smaller and used as more for support, rather then adding to overall power output.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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I wouldn't say Bulq could actually beat Windu though, they only stalemated because Windu instead of continuing the fight just Force Pushed Sora away to go help some other Jedi with Ventress.




If the fighting continued, am sure Mace would have won. The stalemate was just due to certain circumstances.


Also image: http://media.desura.com/cache/images/members/1/322/321317/thumb_940x3000/Mace_Windu_vs_Sora_Bulq_part_6.JPG


Good job finding that image. I will say that they were pretty even throughout the fight, but Windu ended it with a Force push. He probably would have won eventually, but that's just a guess on my part. All we really can say is that they fought fairly evenly in pure lightsaber combat.


Sora Bulq is also agile in his own right, increasing his speed and strength to superhuman levels. So that's something...


To be honest, I don't think Vader would win in a straight up lightsaber duel. And if he could, it would be very difficult for him to get the upper hand. Vader's biggest advantage here is his sheer Force power, which is much more impressive than anything Bulq has done.

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Good job finding that image. I will say that they were pretty even throughout the fight, but Windu ended it with a Force push. He probably would have won eventually, but that's just a guess on my part. All we really can say is that they fought fairly evenly in pure lightsaber combat.


Sora Bulq is also agile in his own right, increasing his speed and strength to superhuman levels. So that's something...


To be honest, I don't think Vader would win in a straight up lightsaber duel. And if he could, it would be very difficult for him to get the upper hand. Vader's biggest advantage here is his sheer Force power, which is much more impressive than anything Bulq has done.


What he wouldn't be able to win if just a straight up duel, he could just encompass Force abilities with it. Plus lets also not forget Vader's armor here, which it has been noted to withstand lightsaber strikes so if Sora does get passed Vader's guard the armor is still there, also noting of course Force Barrier and such.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Also here, he froze a Jedi Master in place.

XD That Jedi's face... priceless.


But concerning the debate. Vader wins, he's the superior duelist and his telekinetic ability will exploit Bulq's lack of defense against Force based attacks. As will Bulq be incapable of defending against Vader's power attacks.

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XD That Jedi's face... priceless.


But concerning the debate. Vader wins, he's the superior duelist and his telekinetic ability will exploit Bulq's lack of defense against Force based attacks. As will Bulq be incapable of defending against Vader's power attacks.


I know, I lol'd at that face!

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