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How is Revan godlike?


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Taking what I said a bit far, don't you think? It just happened that all those named were from a time after Revan. I have ironclad justification for each one being equal to, or greater than, Revan.


I think you're just trying to rustle my jimmies. It's not working.


Ur are rigth in 1 thing... I'm a bit far from what u said because I dont wanted to protect revan here... it was preotecting every(future vs/character threads) from The Thrawn and from those "superior tacticians" who u mention because they were different and not smarter.... Thrawn,General Grevious,G0-T0,Obi-Wan,Revan,Malgus (as I said any1) not better then the other... they are just different and in some ways maybe more effective but NOT THE GREATEST! for example plapi was a better tactician for me than thrawn... for u thrawn was the best ( I think because it was better written then any other book in this kind of genre in SW. this is simply because nothing was written like this in the SW universe) and I respect ur opinion but DON'T force ur opinion to others... simply because u won't susceed... just like u didn't convince me that Thrawn is better then revan.


Btw when u compare revan to thrawn or be that obi-wan to hoth (from bane series) its like u compare napoleon to a certian german leader from the 2nd world war (i dont want to write his name i dont want to be censored,banned and such)

Edited by pbajnokl
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Ur are rigth in 1 thing... I'm a bit far from what u said because I dont wanted to protect revan here... it was preotecting every(future vs/character threads) from The Thrawn and from those "superior tacticians" who u mention because they were different and not smarter.... Thrawn,General Grevious,G0-T0,Obi-Wan,Revan,Malgus (as I said any1) not better then the other... they are just different and in some ways maybe more effective but NOT THE GREATEST! for example plapi was a better tactician for me than thrawn... for u thrawn was the best ( I think because it was better written then any other book in this kind of genre in SW. this is simply because nothing was written like this in the SW universe) and I respect ur opinion but DON'T force ur opinion to others... simply because u won't susceed... just like u didn't convince me that Thrawn is better then revan.


Btw when u compare revan to thrawn or be that obi-wan to hoth (from bane series) its like u compare napoleon to a certian german leader from the 2nd world war (i dont want to write his name i dont want to be censored,banned and such)


Do you want me to convince you that Thrawn is better? Because there is a wealth of evidence that points to this.


Also, Palpatine is not a better tactician than Thrawn. Thrawn completely humiliated Palpatine with his brilliance. Completely, utterly, and publicly humiliated.


And, Beni, I would like to move on from our little spat. I agree that Revan was a great tactician, something I never denied except in poor wording on my part.

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Do you want me to convince you that Thrawn is better? Because there is a wealth of evidence that points to this.


Also, Palpatine is not a better tactician than Thrawn. Thrawn completely humiliated Palpatine with his brilliance. Completely, utterly, and publicly humiliated.


And, Beni, I would like to move on from our little spat. I agree that Revan was a great tactician, something I never denied except in poor wording on my part.


In the book yes... but that plapatine is not what george lucas writed and because of that I can't accept that "other" plapi for me he is just a clone... in the colne wars he was smarter and more cunning.


Edit.: For me Darth Sidious (before he was resurected) was 1 of the greatest AND last sith lord who I can truly respect. Until he was betrayed from behind (just like his master or darth revan) he was the msot sucesful sith in the history. After his resurection he was... something less then before. He died for me as a character.


Edit Edit.: It was like when george lucas resurected darth maul just to kill him one more time... it completly ruined the character.

Edited by pbajnokl
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In the book yes... but that plapatine is not what george lucas writed and because of that I can't accept that "other" plapi for me he is just a clone... in the colne wars he was smarter and more cunning.


This was prior to Palpatine reborn, and Palpatine is Palpatine no matter what.

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Edit Edit.: It was like when george lucas resurected darth maul just to kill him one more time... it completly ruined the character.
The utter irony of this statement.


I think its time to put a lid on this discussion and wait for the next 'Revan' thread...

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The utter irony of this statement.


I think its time to put a lid on this discussion and wait for the next 'Revan' thread...


God, I hope this is the last one, despite him being one of my favorite characters.

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Think Beni covered most of it better than I could have anyway, so nicely done and thank you! But I would liket to point out that:


It just occurred to me that I never put forth my own thoughts on Revan's abilities. I've mostly just tried to keep people from making Revan something he's not, which has led to me being branded as a hater. [snip for size]


Lightsaber skill: [snip for size]


Force Power. [snip for size]


This is the thing that confuses me. Nothing you have said here really seems to conflict with anything said prior to your 'return to the dark days' in this thread. If anything it reaches relatively similar conclusions many came to both before, and after you began dismissing various traits Revan displays. The main difference has, throughout this discussion, appeared to be precisely what descriptive praise is appropriate. E.g. the difference between "more than capable" and "excellent", the different between being "one of the best lightsaber duelists of that time" and being a "master duellist". This is probably due to the fact you are looking at everyone in the star wars universe for comparison, whereas those that would have dubbed Revan a tactical genius or master swordsman were his peers, and they can only go on people alive during that time for accurate comparison. Think of it this way, any national fencing champion could be referred to as a master duellist, regardless of whether or not they are the international champion or best fencer ever to have lived (which is something we could hardly title accurately). It would seem the bold part of the quote is why this misunderstanding has occurred. You've attempted to balance the view of Revan given in this thread by being equally 'against' as his proponents have been 'for', which has lead to an unnecessarily harsh interpretation.

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U wanted this :D I find out something soon just w8.


So i like my fan fic idea what u can read if u click the link under my post... but I think bioware isn't going to make something like this... because... it would be too awesome (and comlicated too). But my other idea for DARTH Revan's final act before his death (since jedi wouldn't do such a thing) that he genocide the whole pureblood sith, and we all know that there is no pureblood sith by the time of lord kaan's sith empire. The other theory is that there is some kind of virus whats attack only pooreblood sith... but this is kind of lame if u ask me. It's like Darth Sidious would have die from a flue.

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Revan was a very impressive force user and battle tactician. Even mandalore recognized revan's feats as impressive. He was considered the most powerful among the Jedi masters of his generation. Both Jedi and sith he possessed a unique understanding of the force which even Lord scourge recognized. He claimed revan and the sith emperor possessed a level of proficiency in the force which he could never fully comprehend. He was nearly killed by his apprentice and relearned the ways of the force. Ultimately fought his way through the star forge killing every sith in his path until confronting and defeating Malik who was feeding on the power of several Jedi in stasis. He also took down darth bandon. He easily defeated a member of the dark council who owned both zurik and scourge. He faced the sith emperor and broke through his mind control technique. He channeled both sith sides of the force and knocked the emperor on his *** then deflected back the emperors force lightning right back at him right before receiving the full power of the emperor via force storm. He prepared himself and began to absorb the emperors force lightning. His lightning was far powerful then darth nyrssis. Revan's continued to resist but his skin was melting onto the inside of mask. At that moment his droid crept up behind vitiate and set him on fire before being ripped apart like a tin can. Revan lay on the floor seemingly beaten. Vitiate took revan's saber and attempted to deliver the final blow them was suddenly disarmed by Surik. At this point revan immediately rose to his feet fully healed and ready to continue fighting. I'm sure everyone knows how it ends. What I find interesting is the fact vitiate decided to use the lightsaber to finish revan and the fact how quickly revan rises to his feet. It almost seems revan was baiting him. Appearing to be weak until he had the perfect chance to catch him off guard with the element of surprise. Surik and scourge were not struggling to help an injured broken revan back onto his feet. Revan got up pretty damn fast. Also back to the emperors decision to execute revan with a lightsaber can mean his force powers were in regeneration mode. Revan could've been close to fully absorbing the lightning storm before his droid intervened. Either way he was not badly injured and that is proven when Surik disarms the emperor. The fact is there are unkown variables, and we never get to see how the fight would've fully played out and that is a damn shame. IMHO revan might have been closer to the emperors power then most give credit for. Edited by DARTHOSIRUS
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He isn't.


He is one of the most overrated characters in the the Star Wars universe, mainly because people played as him in KoTOR. As a Jedi or Sith I really don't think he is all that special. As a force user he was good, but certainly not god-like. His main talents were as a general.

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Revan was a very impressive force user and battle tactician. Even mandalore recognized revan's feats as impressive. He was considered the most powerful among the Jedi masters of his generation. Both Jedi and sith he possessed a unique understanding of the force which even Lord scourge recognized. He claimed revan and the sith emperor possessed a level of proficiency in the force which he could never fully comprehend. He was nearly killed by his apprentice and relearned the ways of the force. Ultimately fought his way through the star forge killing every sith in his path until confronting and defeating Malik who was feeding on the power of several Jedi in stasis. He also took down darth bandon. He easily defeated a member of the dark council who owned both zurik and scourge. He faced the sith emperor and broke through his mind control technique. He channeled both sith sides of the force and knocked the emperor on his *** then deflected back the emperors force lightning right back at him right before receiving the full power of the emperor via force storm. He prepared himself and began to absorb the emperors force lightning. His lightning was far powerful then darth nyrssis. Revan's continued to resist but his skin was melting onto the inside of mask. At that moment his droid crept up behind vitiate and set him on fire before being ripped apart like a tin can. Revan lay on the floor seemingly beaten. Vitiate took revan's saber and attempted to deliver the final blow them was suddenly disarmed by Surik. At this point revan immediately rose to his feet fully healed and ready to continue fighting. I'm sure everyone knows how it ends. What I find interesting is the fact vitiate decided to use the lightsaber to finish revan and the fact how quickly revan rises to his feet. It almost seems revan was baiting him. Appearing to be weak until he had the perfect chance to catch him off guard with the element of surprise. Surik and scourge were not struggling to help an injured broken revan back onto his feet. Revan got up pretty damn fast. Also back to the emperors decision to execute revan with a lightsaber can mean his force powers were in regeneration mode. Revan could've been close to fully absorbing the lightning storm before his droid intervened. Either way he was not badly injured and that is proven when Surik disarms the emperor. The fact is there are unkown variables, and we never get to see how the fight would've fully played out and that is a damn shame. IMHO revan might have been closer to the emperors power then most give credit for.
The necro already hit me in the gut, then this wall of text KO'ed me.... :rolleyes:
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See what I'm saying, OP? :rolleyes:


Well i'm not a 'revanite', but he was after all the only one who could stop the mandalorians using his tact and millitary genius. Oh and the full mastery of the force using light and darkside, mention another jedi/dark jedi that has done such a thing.


Just because people can realise he WAS a great jedi, doesn't mean they are these 'revanites'!

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Well i'm not a 'revanite', but he was after all the only one who could stop the mandalorians using his tact and millitary genius. Oh and the full mastery of the force using light and darkside, mention another jedi/dark jedi that has done such a thing.


Just because people can realise he WAS a great jedi, doesn't mean they are these 'revanites'!

Except he didn't fully master both the light side and the dark side, he was able to draw on both, but he didn't fully master them. Few have managed to master one side, let alone both. This is the main misconception.
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Well i'm not a 'revanite', but he was after all the only one who could stop the mandalorians using his tact and millitary genius. Oh and the full mastery of the force using light and darkside, mention another jedi/dark jedi that has done such a thing.


Just because people can realise he WAS a great jedi, doesn't mean they are these 'revanites'!


He never used both, if you are referring to using both over-all, that is at separate times, he uses the Light Side of the Force primarily and then calls on the Dark Side in tight situations. his act against the Emperor is clearly his achieving oneness in the Force, others have done it, it's not exactly unique to him.

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Revan was no God , he is dead , Gods cannot Die .

He dies in the Foundry , it only makes sense , was a waste of a questline that ended with no meaning other than Revan in his Kyle Katam Voice repeating something said by Malak before he died .


Being Revan is voiced by Katam's voice actor ( Jeff Bennett ) only secures his POWER !

Edited by mefit
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Ha I never new that! The irony of Revan being voiced by the same voice actor as Chuck Norris of the Star Wars universe... lol.


Chuck Norris wishes he was Kyle Katarn.


Edit: Jeff Bennet is also the voice of Jonny Bravo.

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Probably because you can kill Malak with a blaster in KOTOR. :D


Anyway, nobody's saying he's godlike. After all, anyone who's played KOTOR knows he never saw Malak's attack on his flagship coming, and would have died there if not for Bastila.


That doesn't change that you don't survive two wars and beat legions of Mandalorians and Dark Jedi by being stupid or unable to handle a fight.

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When TOR was a single player game, Revan was YOU. So BW sought to make him some kind of overtuned martyr in the sequel.


Bitter irony because you then have players killing him in a 4man encounter. Hardly epic enough; even Neltharion required a McGuffin from the ends of time to kill him while the 25 of you merely distracted him.


Revy? Even a team of ugnaught bounty hunters could kill him.

Edited by MeisterBabylon
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