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ETA on the "Mathy" post about how Bolster works?


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I know there is still a bit of confusion around the Bolster system, how it affects stats and Expertise and I am working on getting some more information on it. Sometime after 2.0.1 I am going to work with the combat team on getting a “mathy” post explaining a bit about Bolster and how it works which will hopefully work to clear up some confusion. As you can imagine, it is a pretty complex system.


this post was made April 17. when are we going to see this "mathy" post explaining how bolster works? at this point i think we'd settle for even a post without math.... :rolleyes:

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this post was made April 17. when are we going to see this "mathy" post explaining how bolster works? at this point i think we'd settle for even a post without math.... :rolleyes:


At this point I would settle for the following post:


Title: How bolster works...

Body: It doesn't. :D

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It's either a million dollars complex, or they did something wrong and shouldn't reveal it out of embarrassment.


I'll save Eric the trouble: "It's on our list of priorities but not at the top."


if bolster was only *that* complex wed already understand it by now :D lol

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Bolster is completely messed up. I think the real fault lies in the fact that Bioware is trying to Bolster Non -Moddable green, blue and purple gear.


If you take the non - Moddable gear and scrap them from the game (realistically who uses these anyway?) then all you need to do is implement a system where the game checks what gear your wearing and sets it to entry level PVP.




Chest peice containing


Might armoring 13

Deft Mod 19B

Adept Enhancement 17


Game Bolsters to say =>


Might armoring 25

Deft Mod 25B

Adept Enhancement 25


ALL pve gear would be handled in the same manor. That is, if your wearing raid gear, you actually get bolstered down to entry level PvP.


Expertise would not be necessary. Simply ensure that PvP gear is always better than entry.

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Bolster is completely messed up. I think the real fault lies in the fact that Bioware is trying to Bolster Non -Moddable green, blue and purple gear.


If you take the non - Moddable gear and scrap them from the game (realistically who uses these anyway?) then all you need to do is implement a system where the game checks what gear your wearing and sets it to entry level PVP.




Chest peice containing


Might armoring 13

Deft Mod 19B

Adept Enhancement 17


Game Bolsters to say =>


Might armoring 25

Deft Mod 25B

Adept Enhancement 25


ALL pve gear would be handled in the same manor. That is, if your wearing raid gear, you actually get bolstered down to entry level PvP.


Expertise would not be necessary. Simply ensure that PvP gear is always better than entry.


they started with having all gear be modable - why not go back to that

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