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Carnage Rotation?

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Hello Marauder community,


I just hit 45 on my Marauder and i knew from the first time i used Massacre that i wanted to go Carnage. My first question is, at 46 what's the tenative rotation for Carnage? I know the Rage rotation by heart for +45. and Anni is pretty easy. but with all the Proc's that Carnage has that are on a % chance. What's the true rotation for Carnage? Or is it just Massacre till your eyes bleed to death?


Thanks in advance and Good Hunting,


Mantax Starbound

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its not really a rotation, more using all hard hitting attacks during gore and the spending the rest of the time getting back rage, execute proc. If you do it right and get decently lucky, gores tend to come in groups of two. For example, in the opening you would use gore massacrex3 and then fs/vs depending on which one proced. If slaughter procced, then use ravage fs/vs depending on which one you didnt use previously. The two most important things are to build up rage before gore comes off cd and to use gore as soon as its off cd, to avoid wasting a slaughter proc. The priority for moves in gore is fs/vs/ravage/mass/dst(only use if you are about to run out of rage). Other things are use rupture if you have rage and already have the execute proc and and use fs mostly on cd(you can wait a couple sec if gore is almost off cd) and use dst if you have an empty spot in your rotation when you dont need to gain or lose rage


fs-force scream

vs-vicious throw

dst-double saber throw

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The only proc you have to actually look for is Execute. And there's no real rotation. The goal is to do as much damage in the Gore window as possible. If you have Berserk up, you can do that with Massacre spam, with Ravage, if Execute is up, Gore window or not you can FS. Etc. It's all about building up a good chunk of rage, then burning it all down within your Gore window for maximum damage. I've heard some complaints that in 2.0 Carnage feels rage-starved. I can't relate, since I don't have those problems at all. For people who do, my advice would be to use your Dual-Saber Throw and your free Vicious Throws liberally after all your rage is spent during the Gore phase and before Battering Assault is off CD.


IMO Carnage is the best spec a Marauder has. It's the most fluid with the least downtime (Rage feels very clunky in this regard), the best at killing healers, best at sticking to targets, with the highest team utility.

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No, alacrity is bad, you won't get enough for another attack in gore and it does nothing to reduce cds, which are where most of your damage comes from


Alacrity is going to be useful starting in 2.1 (next week)

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