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Contraband Resale Vendor: Any updates coming in 2.2?


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The two contraband resale vendors on the Fleets are currently offering a selection of items from the first couple of packs and a few unique items that cannot be found anywhere else (like the Resplendent Crown of Avarice and the Aratech Eclipse) for 2-10 CM Certificates and a few hundred credits.


Seeing as how on June 11th, "all Shipment One Cartel Packs and Hypercrates will be removed temporarily from the Cartel market", these items (with the exception of the aforementioned unique items that were never in a pack) will only be available through those vendors for CM Certs.


However, the items currently offered are very few and outdated. Most of them are not even worth spending that many Cartel Certificates on, considering you can buy them pretty cheap on the GTN and anyone interested in them has already bought them. That made sense up until now, since you could buy everything else off the GTN or find them by opening packs, the removal of Shipment One Cartel Packs will consequently remove those items from the game if you don't somehow offer them through other means.


I'd like to suggest an update to those vendors when 2.2 hits


Like the original items offered, you could add the ones you know have been more successful and were more sought after while at the same time the players who have found/bought and kept those items with the intention of selling them when they become extremely rare will still be able to make a healthy profit, since Certificates are a very rare drop already.


PS: I'm not suggesting that the items already offered should be removed, just that more should be added.


Thank you.

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