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Begereny Colony - Streams and Videos


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I was just coming here to post some of the same Tatooine battle. :p I only recorded the first 12 minutes or so but here's mine: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CeqCQo6prPQ. We've also got some other videos posted on our channel - mostly of The Banana Stand in lowbie PvP matches goofing around.


Yes! That's what I was soooo sad to miss! First getting to Thorazan and that sea of red waiting for us. XD


Loved it!

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Deyvon Vs Scha (New)




Deyvon Vs Skinnychalk





Retali Mario Bros.




Sad this thread was dead, But I plan on FINALLY uploading tons of vids I never had the time to before from OG BC PVP days lol


will try and put at least one up everyday.

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Deyvon Vs Scha (New)





Deyvon Vs Skinnychalk





Retali Mario Bros.




Sad this thread was dead, But I plan on FINALLY uploading tons of vids I never had the time to before from OG BC PVP days lol


will try and put at least one up everyday.


The one vs skinny is the Scha video. And you forgot our duels.

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Silly Vartouhi! Deyvon doesn't post videos of losses/close wins. Hurts his ego, and these vidoes are more about stroking his epeen than to show good duels and etc. :D


Really? cause its been up since this morning =] try looking at my Youtube page before making yourself look stupid again. Lmao

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Really? cause its been up since this morning =] try looking at my Youtube page before making yourself look stupid again. Lmao


Then why didn't you link it then?


Like I said, if this was about posting good duels, you'd link the ones here in the forums rather than just uploading them and only posting a response with the ones you win with. Kind of makes you look like a sore loser, even if you still uploaded them by making to where people have to look for them.


And lol, look stupid huh? Still haven't learned arguing with me like an arrogant little child never looks good bud?


Why are you here again? Didn't you switch to Bastion? xD

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Then why didn't you link it then?


Like I said, if this was about posting good duels, you'd link the ones here in the forums rather than just uploading them and only posting a response with the ones you win with. Kind of makes you look like a sore loser, even if you still uploaded them by making to where people have to look for them.


And lol, look stupid huh? Still haven't learned arguing with me like an arrogant little child never looks good bud?


Why are you here again? Didn't you switch to Bastion? xD


umm we tied our duels? How is it not good? lmao


and I went to sleep while it was uploading on Youtube this morning so that's why it hasn't been linked YET, im uploading more film right now anyways. So once again you look dumb.

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umm we tied our duels? How is it not good? lmao


and I went to sleep while it was uploading on Youtube this morning so that's why it hasn't been linked YET, im uploading more film right now anyways. So once again you look dumb.


Still waiting on the posts, son. Instead of you posting more excuses and QQ.


But that's ok, keep clinging to your belief that there is importance in self image. I'll be here, laughing at you until you decide to take your posting talents back to the Bastion ;)

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There you go Dey! A step in the right direction for a change! :D


Still, you're missing that 3% win over me video. Afraid all that trash talking about me being bad is going to go out the window when that video proves you aren't as superior to me as you think? ;)

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There you go Dey! A step in the right direction for a change! :D


Still, you're missing that 3% win over me video. Afraid all that trash talking about me being bad is going to go out the window when that video proves you aren't as superior to me as you think? ;)


Lol did you lose? YEP


Winnings winning. You're playing the best class for 1v1 and always lose against me, a jugg. That alone shows im definitely superior to you Considering you have class advantage and cant win.

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Lol did you lose? YEP


Winnings winning. You're playing the best class for 1v1 and always lose against me, a jugg. That alone shows im definitely superior to you Considering you have class advantage and cant win.


Lol, ok Dey. Just because it's a new thread doesn't mean you should get confident that I can't refute your claim.


1) There is no such thing as "best dueling class", due to the Rock, Paper, Scissors setup that is PvP. I'm still waiting on your argument against that lol

2) You fought against me in a Madness/Deception spec, which is considered to be a terrible spec for dueling. With the fact that you had more and better CDs that prove more effective in dueling (IE, the Fake Health), you actually have the class and spec advantage against me in every duel.


I know you didn't have the capability to go against those facts in the other thread, but perhaps you can try here? And I can stomp your fail logic here as well lmfao.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Silly Vartouhi! Deyvon doesn't post videos of losses/close wins. Hurts his ego, and these vidoes are more about stroking his epeen than to show good duels and etc. :D


I'm still relatively new to this server lol. /shrug. It was good duels, haven't had that sort of duels since Dalborra APAC server dueling tourney. Tried my best against those powertechs (before the nerf) :(

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Deyvon wheres the vid where I kicked your *** with 40% health left on a Pyro Powertech son.


You're so amazing you can post a duel of you beating me with like what? 3% health left struggle to beat a Pyro Powertech claim its "rape" but don't post the vid where you actualy got raped :\ pathetic.

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Like I said!


It's why Dey transferred his Imp side character off server in a heartbeat. He remembered that everyone outside of his fan club of SickTwistedIndividuals (humorously reflecting their mental health by thinking you're actually a good player btw lol) just flat out despises him, and that when he talks ****, he only pulls out very small wins, videos promoting himself, or even gets stomped by the people his ego can't stand losing to.


Lolz, trashy kid is trash :D

Edited by ZooMzy
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Deyvon wheres the vid where I kicked your *** with 40% health left on a Pyro Powertech son.


You're so amazing you can post a duel of you beating me with like what? 3% health left struggle to beat a Pyro Powertech claim its "rape" but don't post the vid where you actualy got raped :\ pathetic.


Lol you lost 2/3 duels to me.


I uploaded the only duel I had of us, otherwise I would've uploaded that duel AND the other one you lost to me. Lmao

And you claim to be the best dps on BC....pathetic. Ahahaha

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Like I said!


It's why Dey transferred his Imp side character off server in a heartbeat. He remembered that everyone outside of his fan club of SickTwistedIndividuals (humorously reflecting their mental health by thinking you're actually a good player btw lol) just flat out despises him, and that when he talks ****, he only pulls out very small wins, videos promoting himself, or even gets stomped by the people his ego can't stand losing to.


Lolz, trashy kid is trash :D


Zuhara. You're bad. Lost 6-0 in duels against me and have been humiliated in front of the whole server Yabish.

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Zuhara. You're bad. Lost 6-0 in duels against me and have been humiliated in front of the whole server Yabish.


Maybe in your own little world where Deyvon actually has skill and can expanded outwards beyond a rotation.


The fact that you have to resort to telling yourself a server was involved is even more hilarious. Because it sounds like you actually know the real reason why you won:


And that is because I still had a little bunch of kinks to work out in my methods, since I still had to work on how 2.o changed my class. I pass you in the skill department by a long shot, since all it takes to beat you is to break your rotation. Yet I still had to work on the little things, hence why every single time you dueled me, the wins got less and less impressive.


To the point where you are taking your winnings and quitting while you're ahead! Simply because in that last duel, you know I fixed the kinks and you know that the only advantage you have is gone.


Which is why you transfered your Jug off server and thank me on that joke of a Mara when I win WZs for you. Talk about being a kiss up, yabish ;)

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